Weia! Was für ein Idioty von SEO-Spammer diese BLR Akademie (mit Deppen Leer Zeichen in der Firmierung) aus dem schönen München doch ist… | #Blah #Spam #SEO #Kommentarspam
https://mastodon.social/@maxleibman/112055200503517307 maxleibman@mastodon.social - "If we don't write content tailored to the algorithm, no one will see our work.”
If you are specifically writing content for the algorithm, nobody needs to see your work.
#enshittification #SEO #ContentFarming
The enshittification process proceeds apace.
#Scams #SEO #AI
wired - How a Small Iowa Newspaper’s Website Became an AI-Generated Clickbait Factory
A Tech #News Site Has Been Using #AI To #Write Articles, So We Did The Same Thing Here
Source: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/katienotopoulos/cnet-articles-written-by-ai-chatgpt-article
The use of AI in #journalism raises questions about the #transparency and #ethics of such a practice as well as the potential impact on the authenticity and accuracy of news. Additionally, it also raises concerns on the implications this might have on #SEO and #Google searches. The lack of response from #CNET regarding their use of AI in writing articles has only added to the concerns and sparked a wider conversation about the future of journalism and the role of AI in it.
Now we only need AI to give likes and write comments. Then we need AI for outrage and start shitstorms and AI that appeases and is diplomatic. Then we can play the #internet completely automatically. We ourselves can then sit back and no longer have to go through all the #madness. What a wonderful world this could be... 😉
#chatgpt #technology #press #future #humanity #question #problem