

I found the mobile phone I always wanted

I hate advertisement, specially how it is used nowadays. Companies try to sell you stuff by appealing to drives and sentiments that are unrelated to the product they sell. You want to buy a bike, they appeal to how great you'll look. You want to buy a chocolate, they'll appeal to sex, etc...

So the last thing I want to do is act as an advertiser. What I want to share with you all is simply what I consider an amazing find: The Ulefone Power armor 13. This monster of a phone is as big as some small tablets! And it is advertised as a phone for handymen. It comes with a port to connect cable cameras (the ones used for endoscopy) plus all sorts of other gadgets that are useful for people working in construction.

I am lucky if I successfully manage to screw a light bulb, so I didn't buy it because of these features. What got me was the fact this absolute unit of a phone is barely indestructible. It resists falls, can go underwater and, the best part of all, has a humongous battery that lasts up to a week! I can't tell you how amazing it is to not have to worry about your phone's battery dying out. They advertise it as a phone for handymen, but I think they missed an opportunity to advertise it as a phone for dads! I just throw it in the bag next to my daughter's diapers and I know the thing won't break, won't run out of battery, etc.

Lots of people might be put of by its size, but I think it's a good thing. I can use it to watch stuff I would normally watch on my computer or tablet, and the fact it's so big makes me use it only when it's necessary, so it has reduces the habit of having the phone always with me. I know use the phone like I'd use a computer, which is healthier I think.

So if anyone out there is looking to buy a new phone, considers battery life important, and doesn't mind (or favors) big sizes, I'd strongly recommend the Power Armor 13 from Ulefone. It's also a relatively cheap phone if you compare it with what's out there in the market nowadays.

#phone #mobile #advice #story #Ulefone #PowerArmor13


The Proto Indo-European #Creation #Myth - The #story of #Manu, Yemo, Trito

There are many religions that began across Eurasia, however what you may not know is that many are linked by an ancient myth, the Indo European Creation Myth, a myth spoken by the Proto Indo Europeans. This video will tell the myth, explain it, and then compare it with other religions to see if they are descended from it.


#RobinHeath | #Bluestone #Magic | #Stonehenge & the #Story of #WaunMawn | #Megalithomania #2021

Watch exclusive #interview with Robin Heath here: https://youtu.be/YLZSiM5fZt8. To understand a #megalithic landscape, one must focus on the liminal space between sky and landscape, where ‘the above’ meets ‘the below’, at locations where Neolithic folk chose to locate their major temples and other significant monuments. Unfortunately, the techniques required are not those preferred by present day archaeologists. In a richly illustrated presentation Robin Heath shares his latest research, which sheds new light on the function and purposes of the Waun Mawn site, in the #Preseli region of West #Wales, conferring a greater significance onto this monument than previously recognised.

Robin Heath is a seasoned researcher, author and presenter on prehistoric and ancient science, a subject that has become a lost legacy to the modern world but remains built into the design and construction of many megalithic monuments. Robin has written and published nine books, and co-authored a further two. An engineering graduate, his background has enabled Robin to discover astonishingly elegant qualities in many Neolithic monuments, and reveal an unexpected knowledge of astronomy, geometry and metrology. Robin’s goal is to see this subject incorporated in the history books of the future, a recovered legacy made plain for future generations, and recognised as the vital first chapter in any revised history of science. Robin lives in the Preseli National Park of coastal West Wales, with his wife Tricia. http://www.robinheath.info/

Just amazing research ,the ancients put us to shame .


Spinout from a #One #Line #SciFi #Story

"well" the professor took the attention of the audience with just one word

"You're only allowed to skip this temporal mechanics class, when you arrive in your very own time machine from 10 years later!"


"So" he said, "if you're sure about yourself, go on. i will start a count down of about one minute".

"Everyone who thinks he can skip this, go ahead and join me in about 59 seconds."




"Here we go my students, 10 seconds!" (After some ppl left the room really early, now there are already some other people streaming into the room)






"Heck, i'm astounded... we have 15 students for ''this years class'', and already 5 come back at me as full seasoned time travelers it seems."

A slight chuckle makes the round in the room, before Professor Timely says:

"I'm especially astounded on you, Student? Müller. You didn't just go for getting time travel done on your own, but actually brought back 2 children with you? You didn't waste your decade at all!"

"Congratulations, this will be a immediate A+ for this lesson nonetheless.. Let's see on the others."

He starts to examine some of their presented tech.

Obviously, time travel tech nowadays just is as big as the palm of your hand... Of course, the batteries to power it where a totally different matter - and not critical to this inspection at least..............


Full Circle Magazine #186


This month: * Command & Conquer * How-To : Python, Blender and Latex * Graphics : Inkscape * Everyday Ubuntu : Morrowind * Micro This Micro That * Review : Ubuntu Budgie 22.04 * Review : NixOS * Book Review : Dead Simple Python * Tabletop Ubuntu [NEW!] : Eight Minute Empire plus: News, My Story, The

#magazine #2204 #blender #book #budgie #empire #inkscape #latex #micro #morrowind #nixos #python #review #story #fullcirclemagazine #ubuntu #linux


(Another random text I wrote - not sure how to tag them... at least this one has an image to go with it)

The Hypnonaut

The cockpit reeked of spilled beer and sweat. He laboriously climbed into the seat and put on his helmet. It was dark outside... and cold. His hands shook, black dust falling from them like the stars from the green sky. He had the fumes of his body and the dirty machine hanging in his nose, a stabbing pain in his gut, an emptiness, cold and painful in his breast. It was not a picnic this job, not a fruit cake, not a biscuit of rose mead, not a sweet frog. He turned on the broiler and the stew. Checked the altitude and carborundum. The instrument boards were old and covered in porridge. He hated his job.

The lights were changing. Soon the machine would lift its skirts and rise into the reverse abyss. He felt his senses change, the taste of blood in his mouth became perfumed in a sort of bitter way. He felt the bodies of the other place press against his pelvis, For a second he hoped that it would become erotic, that the machine would navigate in the atypical way it sometimes did. But a short look at the sky told him otherwise. The patterns were there. they stood out in a darker, colder green - terrifying the shit out of him.

He could not remember if he had applied for this job or if he had been drafted. He pulled the lever and slowly turned the steering wheel while the machine roared. Down under the knickers he could hear that one of the hold ups had a strange, rattling sound, the whole hosiery was falling apart. He opened the little refrigerator and took out a cold Carlsberg Elephant beer. She would hold. He stroked the warm skin of the seat affectionately. "My love," he mumbled while she shook in orgasms slowly rising from the ground. "My love."

She was a Hogwhore 3000 hypnowessel and she had brought him safely back each and every time. Old - yes, but he was still here. Still able to crawl out from the cockpit every morning. The emptiness in his breast began to ache. Patterns in the sky churned and collided. This mission was going to be a nightmare.

#story #fiction #Shortfiction #text #freewrite #hypnonaut #dream #Eros #Death #nightmare #patterns #Katharsisdrill


ref/universes/jenkinsverse/essential_reading_order - HFY

Btw .. i'm still alive .... i'm just tightly bonded to the #Deathworlders i just discovered.......

I love a good #scifi #story ..... and fuck the what, it's a entire fucking huge universe to discover out there.... whaaaa ;)

if you wanna read it right - as it is a #modern #distributet #piece of #novel #art - look here: https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/wiki/ref/universes/jenkinsverse/essential_reading_order/

Otherwise it's home is found here: https://deathworlders.com/

Again .. it's fscking insane .. and so cool. ;)

#RandomShit for sure!! ;)


The Western media is depicting unrest in Iran as "the people" demanding social justice and women's rights. In reality, it is part of a years-long effort by Washington to foment upheaval and regime change in #Iran.

Policy papers from 2009 detailed step-by-step how the US could overthrow the Iranian government and install an obedient client regime in its place. Since then, each step has been implemented verbatim with varying degress of success, and the process, as we can now see, continues today.


#another #story to promote a wanted #regimechange*strong text*


The #Fairlight #CMI - the #story of the first commercially available #digital #sampler and #sequencer - The Age & Sydney Morning Herald

The #history of the Fairlight CMI, the world's first commercially available digital sampler and sequencer #synthesizer, as told by the people who created and worked on it.

With the introduction in 1979 of The Fairlight Computer Music Instrument (CMI), Peter Vogel and Km Ryrie brought digital sampling and sequencing to the music world, turning the recording industry on its head. Early adopters Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush pioneered the Fairlight's use in the early 80s and by the middle of the decade it had become one of the most coveted tools in music production.

The story of the Fairlight CMI's creation, its cultural impact and ultimate demise is told via exclusive interviews with both Fairlight co-founders Kim Ryrie and Peter Vogel as well as Fairlight engineer Peter Wielk and Professor Samantha Bennett of the ANU School of Music.

This video was produced by Tom Compagnoni for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

#musique #histoire #échantillonneur #synthétiseur


"God Joins a Writing Workshop and the Old Testament Critique Doesn’t Go Well"

by RL Maizes

Issue No. 238

Jason (workshop leader): God, do you want to start by reading a few pages? Maybe get to Wednesday or Thursday of creation and stop there.

God clears Their throat, reads.

Jason: Thanks, God. By the way, do you prefer God or Yaweh? Of course, during the discussion we’ll just call you The Author.

God: My friends call me Ya.

Jason: Ya it is. Okay, folks, so what did we think of the Old Testament?

Levi, flipping through pages: The beginning was a quite a slog. Does anyone honestly care about the firmament? (Workshop participants shake their heads no.) Maybe just start with the apple incident and give us information about the rest of creation when we need it.

Selena, looking up from her laptop: Is the book supposed to be nonfiction? Because I don’t get how a couple like Adam and Eve who are just starting out can afford to live in Eden when I can’t even make the rent on my Jackson Heights studio.

God: Can I just—

Jason: Sorry, Ya. The Author doesn’t get to talk during the discussion. You’ll have a chance later.

God: I could smite you.

Jason: You could, but then you’d never get to hear what I think of your work.

God tugs Their beard, appears frustrated.

Alexa, cradling her kombucha: Why does Eve get blamed for everything? She didn’t force Adam to eat the apple for God’s sake—nothing personal, Ya. Where’s Adam’s agency? And I think the term “helpmeet” is offensive. I’m guessing The Author is a Philip Roth fan.

Jason: Moving on, what did people think of the flood?

Selena, sighing deeply: I found Noah pretty unlikeable. I mean, the whole planet’s getting wiped out and the guy just sails into the sunset with his pets. Also, the market for eco-fiction is saturated.

Amar, opening a bag of chips: I wasn’t sure if the dove carrying an olive branch worked. What if you had the bird return with something else, like a waterlogged mouse or a rusted sled from Noah’s childhood or—

God: If I could just—

Jason: Please, Ya. You’ll have your chance. Levi, did you have something you wanted to say? You have the pained look of a writer who isn’t the center of attention.

Levi, flipping pages: I’m not sure what point The Author is trying to make with the Tower of Babel. Do They have something against construction workers? It’s really classist.

Rina: And the way it’s described as “a tower whose top may reach unto heaven.” Freudian much?

Jason: Anybody notice any similarities between the building of the Ark and the building of the Tower? No one? Okay, then. Let’s move on to Egypt.

Selena: The parting of the red sea was great. Very cinematic. Nice work, Ya.

God blushes. Pretends to take notes.

Jason: How did people feel about the plagues?

Amar, eating a chip: Having ten is redundant. Do you really need more than one insect? Have locusts or flies, but not both.

Alexa, shaking her head: Making blood a plague is anti-woman. We all know who bleeds. Sips her kombucha. I’m guessing The Author is a Norman Mailer fan.

Levi, flipping to the front of the manuscript: Can we talk about the title? I’m assuming Old Testament is just a working title. How about something more exciting, like Secrets of the Israelites Revealed?

Amar: Or Camel Ride to Destiny. And what if The Author told the story from the point of view of the camel or, even better, one of the humps?

Jason: Oooooh, I like that. Leaving the title for a minute, what did folks think about the begats?

Alexa, Rina, Selena, Amar, Levi groan.

Jason: That’s what I thought, too. Kind of slow. Can anyone think of a reason why The Author might have included them?

God: Could I please just say one thing?

Jason extracts pencil from his man bun, taps it on his pad.

Jason: Absolutely not.

Rina: Maybe They included the begats because They were hoping to get paid by the word.

Selena and Rina snicker.

God rummages in a backpack, pulls out a lightning bolt.

Jason, smirking: Any other parts of the book that you liked?

Rina: I like where Cain murders Abel, but I think Cain’s character should have been developed a little more. I mean, what do we really know about him other than that he was a husbandmen? And what the hell is a “husbandmen,” anyway?

Jason: It’s a farmer.

Rina: Why not just say that then?

Alexa: I thought the whole book was gratuitously violent, like The Author was hoping HBO would pick it up.

Jason: That’ll do it. Great discussion. Ya, I hope it was helpful. Do you have questions? Thoughts? Comments?

A bolt of lightning takes out the workshop.

God, on Their throne, talking to angels: Maybe I should try poetry.

#story #literature #flash


Lost science?.. Thomas H. Moray's(1892–1974) son John should continue his fathers #energy patent, and pass on his notes, but..

His son John kept his fathers notes secret. Hoping he could pass those notes to a proper researcher.
This is one of John's last requests i could find. dated 2015

You can read the whole story of who broke the "Radiant Energy ( R.E.) device" etc and how to restore it here.

A patent by Thomas: https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/19/81/34/1a05c66cb4c369/US2460707.pdf
Allegedly Moray valve is part of that patent

In his notebook, dated November 1, 1913, Henry included a memo that he had obtained material from a railroad car at Abisco, Sweden the previous summer, and material from the side of a hill. He made electric tests of these materials, taking them home to try each as a detector for his energy machine. Tests indicated that this soft, white stone-like substance might make a good "valve-like detector"*.
[ * This "valve-like detector" is what led Henry to do research in semi-conductive materials, and from this soft white stone he developed his first Moray valve and the Moray valve that was used in some of the early Radiant Energy devices]
[p. 22] "Silver wire used on stone makes a rectifier." (source: http://www.rexresearch.com/moray2/morayrer.htm )

But John never did find a successor.
John diseases in 2021. So Who is now in posession of Thomas notes?
His memorial 2021 show names of their relatives

Seems there's another foundation on one of his relative's name.
But that foundations' website is still not active.

The foundation contact is Kevin R Moray ..

i only found this https://checkpeople.com/name/Kevin-Moray/in-UT/Salt-Lake-City/1294e1b494e744b5b35d629fcd79aedf

Where to go from here?

#education #science #opensource #closedsource #lost #funding #crowdfunding #story #history #research #flos #technology #tesla #utah #saltlakecity #secrecy #help


When Ignorance Screams Intelligence Moves On

The donkey told the tiger, “The grass is blue.”

The tiger replied, “No, the grass is green .”

The discussion became heated, and the two decided to submit the issue to arbitration, so they approached the lion.

As they approached the lion on his throne, the donkey started screaming: ′′Your Highness, isn’t it true that the grass is blue?”

The lion replied: “If you believe it is true, the grass is blue.”

The donkey rushed forward and continued: ′′The tiger disagrees with me, contradicts me and annoys me. Please punish him.”

The king then declared: ′′The tiger will be punished with 3 days of silence.”

The donkey jumped with joy and went on his way, content and repeating ′′The grass is blue, the grass is blue…”

The tiger asked the lion, “Your Majesty, why have you punished me, after all, the grass is green?”

The lion replied, ′′You’ve known and seen the grass is green.”

The tiger asked, ′′So why do you punish me?”

The lion replied, “That has nothing to do with the question of whether the grass is blue or green. The punishment is because it is degrading for a brave, intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with an ass, and on top of that, you came and bothered me with that question just to validate something you already knew was true!”

#story #ignorance #stupidity #donkey #tiger #lion #humor
