

It suits #Supranational #Elite #Scion #puppeteers to have intellectually indolent, credulous & #foolish people in positions of #power because they are easy to #control.

This is why they fund #political campaigns of low-calibre people & leverage their ownership of mass #media to thwart political campaigns of high-calibre people.

It isn't much to do with the left/right #dichotomy, but more to do with an Elite/The People dichotomy. Elite #Scions fund & #manipulate "both" "sides" of #politics to suit their interests, regardless of how that impacts the rest of us.

The #problem with the #USA is that it has #mutated from a #Republic into an Imperial #Plutocracy.

#corruption #uk #globalism #massmedia #uspolitics #judeoangloamericanempire



The political tool of "racism" is a form of #Marxism. #Political "racism" is a #psychosocial-#linguistic #tool developed in the late 19th century & deployed in the early 20th century as part of the plagiarised #ideological #weapon of Marxism. #Race Marxism has since been incorporated into #social engineering #strategies as a way to form, perpetuate & #control #multiracial societies.

The #Marxist notion of "#racism" attempts to cast a real or #perceived racial or #ethnic majority-group as an "#oppressor" #class & a real or perceived #racial or #ethnic minority-group as an "#oppressed" #class. This classification is then leveraged, like all Marxism, to break down a #society & reconstitute it to the benefit of a tiny group of #Supranational #Nietzschean #Elite #Scions.


The #globalists have realised their #plan to bring the entire #planet under one #government right away is too #ambitious, so they have now fallen back to their secondary position of #global #regionalisation.

Ostensibly, the idea is to create #supranational regional #governance structures in #Asia, the #Americas, #Europe, the Middle-East, #Oceania and #Africa.

Each region will move progressively towards #regional #regulatory #alignment of the #nations within it, culminating in regional, supranational #governments.

After this is achieved, these regional governments will then be gradually brought into alignment under a global #supraregional government.

#middleeast #USA #uk #america #eu #globalism #globalagenda #theelite #globalelites #newworldorder #elites #nwo #un


#Socrates understood the limitations of #knowledge 2,440 years ago. Why is it that today's #West is plagued by #credulity, #intellectual indolence, willful #ignorance and group-think?

An examination of the #ethnographic composition of the #Western #power structure suggests one reason #why.

A tiny #elite of #supranational, #elitist, #Nietzschean, #nepotistic, #supremacist, #sophistic, #hubristic, #manipulative, self-serving, #lying, #avaricious, #sociopathic, #arrogant, #plutocratic, #megalomaniacal, self-congratulatory, #dishonest, #cruel, #domineering, #selfish #plagiarists possess massively #disproportionate power in Western #civilization.

Why? Because Elite Scions would rather their global goals are achieved than protect & defend Indo-European, Western peoples.


Les « Cinq Yeux » deviendraient les « Neuf Yeux »

La Commission des Forces armées de la Chambre des #Représentants propose, afin de pouvoir intercepter toutes les #communications en #Russie et en #Chine, d’élever le statut de l’ #Allemagne, de la #Corée du Sud, de l’ #Inde et du #Japon. Les « Cinq #Yeux » deviendraient alors les « Neuf yeux ».

L’architecture de ce système n’est connue que depuis les révélations de Edward #Snowden (aujourd’hui réfugié politique en Russie). Ce dernier a également montré qu’il était utilisé pour #espionner non seulement les puissances étrangères, mais ses propres #citoyens. Il a en outre révélé l’existence de cinq programmes :

#Prism (interception des communications Internet avec la complicité des principaux fournisseurs d’accès) ;
#Tempora (extraction des communications par #câbles sous-marins) ;
#Muscular ( #surveillance des transferts internationaux de bases de données) ;
#Stateroom (surveillance des communications locales à partir des #ambassades et #consulats en violation de la Convention de Vienne) ;
#XKeyscore (traitement des #données globales).

Les « Cinq yeux » sont un système non pas national, mais #supranational. Ils échappent aux #lois et #constitutions des cinq #États membres. Ils constituent de facto un #Pouvoir plus important que celui des chefs d’État et de #gouvernement des États-membres. Contrairement à une idée reçue, les citoyens des « #Cinqyeux » sont aujourd’hui les #populations les plus surveillées au monde, bien plus que les populations russes ou chinoises.

"Five Eyes" about to become "Nine Eyes"
#empire #États-Unis #impérialisme #usa #five-eyes #services de #renseignements #nine-eyes