

Abhöraffäre - "Teil der Zersetzungsstrategie Russlands"

Bundeswehr-Abhöraffäre - SPD-Politiker: "Russland versucht Unruhe zu stiften"

Über den Abhörskandal sollte eine kritische Debatte geführt werden, aber man sollte jetzt Russland "nicht auf den Leim gehen", so SPD-Politiker Frank Schwabe.#BUNDESWEHR #Taurus #Abhörskandal #Offiziere #RUSSLAND
Abhöraffäre - "Teil der Zersetzungsstrategie Russlands"


Verteidigungsministerium bestätigt: Luftwaffengespräch abgehört

TAURUS-Waffensystem - Gespräch von Bundeswehr-Offizieren wurde abgehört

Russische Kanäle hatten ein Gespräch deutscher Luftwaffen-Offiziere über Taurus veröffentlicht. Den Abhörvorfall hat das Verteidigungsministerium nun bestätigt.#KrieginderUkraine #Taurus #deutscheHilfe #WaffenlieferungenandieUkraine
Verteidigungsministerium bestätigt: Luftwaffengespräch abgehört


Nach Frage zu Taurus: Kanzler-Sprecher hinterfragt Status der NachDenkSeiten als deutsches Medium

Befragt man ehemalige und aktive Angehörige der Bundeswehr, dann erklären die ziemlich einhellig, dass der #Marschflugkörper #Taurus, insbesondere sein Gelände-Referenz-Navigationssystem, nicht ohne direkte #Beteiligung von #Bundeswehrsoldaten betrieben werden kann. Wenn dies zutrifft, wäre #Deutschland beim Einsatz dieses Systems im #Ukraine-Krieg folglich definitiv #Kriegspartei. Vor diesem Hintergrund fragten die #NachDenkSeiten auf der #BPK nach und baten um Klärung dieses Sachverhalts. Während das #Verteidigungsministerium eine Antwort verweigerte, erklärte Regierungssprecher #Hebestreit, die NDS wären kein Medium, welches sich „an die #Bürger dieses Landes wende“. Ein Diffamierungsversuch, der wohl eher auf ihn selbst zurückfallen wird.



Ampel-Debatten: Streit um Taurus, Einigkeit bei Bodentruppen

Debatten in der Ampel - Streit um Taurus, Einigkeit bei Bodentruppen

Die Entscheidung von Kanzler Olaf Scholz gegen Tauruslieferungen wird vor allem von den Grünen scharf kritisiert. Die Ablehnung von Bodentruppen findet Konsens.#Ampel #Taurus #Bodentruppen
Ampel-Debatten: Streit um Taurus, Einigkeit bei Bodentruppen


Militärexperte: Bodentruppendebatte ist ein strategischer Fehler

Militärexperte - Carlo Masala: Debatte um Bodentruppen ist ein strategischer Fehler

Militärexperte Carlo Masala hält es für strategisch sinnvoll, Russland über einen Bodentruppeneinsatz im Unklaren zu lassen. Macrons Idee sei aber gescheitert.#CarloMasala #Bodentruppen #Taurus
Militärexperte: Bodentruppendebatte ist ein strategischer Fehler


Analyse: Zwei Jahre Krieg gegen die Ukraine

Analyse und Ausblick - Zwei Jahre Krieg in der Ukraine und die Folgen

Russlands Präsident Putin hält an seinen Kriegszielen in der Ukraine fest. Europa dagegen zaudert weiter - und gefährdet damit auch die eigene Sicherheit.#Ukraine #Russland #Angriffskrieg #Krieg #Frieden #Taurus #Marschflugkörper
Analyse: Zwei Jahre Krieg gegen die Ukraine


Strack-Zimmermann: Deutschland muss mehr Waffen liefern.

FDP-Europaparteitag: Interview mit Spitzenkandidatin Strack-Zimmermann

Die FDP-Spitzenkandidatin für die Europawahl, Strack-Zimmerman, fordert mehr Waffenlieferungen für die Ukraine. Die Blockade aus dem Kanzleramt sei falsch.#Marie-AgnesStrack-Zimmermann #FDP #Europawahl #UkraineKriegFluchtBerlinHauptbahnhof #Waffenlieferung #Taurus
Strack-Zimmermann: Deutschland muss mehr Waffen liefern.


German opposition to bring Taurus missiles to Ukraine up for vote in Bundestag

Germany's primary opposition parties will call for a #Bundestag vote on the transfer of Taurus missiles to Ukraine on Jan. 17, the German news outlet NTV reported.

Ukraine has lobbied for the German-made weapons, which have a range of up to 500 kilometers, since May 2023. Chancellor Olaf Scholz has refused to transfer the missiles, fearing escalation with Russia.

Friedrich Merz, the CDU's parliamentary leader, announced that his party would introduce a motion on Jan. 17 for a resolution in the Bundestag putting the matter of Taurus deliveries to a vote.

"We consider the situation in Ukraine to be increasingly critical," Merz said.


#RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianWarCrimes #Germany #Taurus #missiles #MilitaryAid #OlafScholz #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine


#astrology #lunareclipse #taurus #scorpio
Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

..."During a lunar eclipse, Gaia casts her shadow upon Luna, the ultimate intermediary presence within astrology. What has been slumbering in shadow awakens with startling force. We become released by what has previously been binding with fixed attachment. The Taurus Lunar Eclipse on 28 October possesses a particularly potent cathartic force that will incite bold movement. The changes that emanate can ultimately be empowering but will feel stressful while dealing with associated challenges.
Mars in Scorpio is the ultimate warrior willing to fight unconditionally for core values. Though Mars is connected with violence and discordant strife, in our personal lives it is also an essential aspect of applying willpower to create the life we wish to live. During the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, Mars will be united with Mercury in Scorpio while forming a volatile opposition with Jupiter retrograde in Taurus. In many situations we will need to be mindful of the potential for harsh verbal conflict to erupt where tension has been building, whereas in other circumstances we will realize the need to take a stand and endure whatever conflict follows. We will need to face our own shadows when feeling wronged, recognizing the kindling of vengeful fires being lit from within.
Taurus as the fixed sign of earth can be the most resistant to change, corresponding with the greater ease that comes from having stable and sufficient resources and the attachments we form with patterns and activities that sustain them. The volatility of a lunar eclipse in Taurus increases the potential for overturning old attachments and breaking fixed patterns in radical ways. The disorientation may feel stressful, but a profound reorientation can take place full of dynamic creativity."...



The Taurus Lunar Eclipse On October 28th
#Astrology By Lauren

"#October 28th at 4:14 pm Eastern Time (1:14 pm Pacific; 9:14 pm Greenwich Time) we have a partial Full Moon #Lunar #Eclipse at 5º #Taurus 03’"

..."Know also that there are also remedies at our disposal. And the Lunar Eclipse is trying to reveal what is now needed in order to restore some of the balance. Taurus is a sign of Love. Taurus is a sign of the good provider, making sure that everyone’s needs are being taken into consideration. Taurus can hold everyone, all at the same time, without depriving one for the sake of the other. The signs of Taurus (where the Moon is at this eclipse) and Scorpio (where the Sun, Mercury and Mars are) are signs of reciprocity, giving and receiving. And so we ask ourselves at this time: Do I have enough? Do you have enough? What more do we need together?

The Lunar Eclipse on Saturday is widely conjunct expansive Jupiter. Jupiter is a planet that encourages us to connect with our highest aspirations and loftiest ideals. And in order to make those aspirations a closer reality, the Eclipse is also sextile pragmatic and realistic Saturn. This is very much about sustainability. Jupiter and Saturn are both currently retrograde. This can make us feel like we are at an impasse. Yet both Jupiter and Saturn will be direct again within the next few months. But in the mean time, the Eclipse is trying to show us what is, or is not sustainable any more. What needs to change in order to make it so. What we should or should not be investing in in order to make our goals, our dreams, our lives more sustainable.

The Lunar Eclipse occurs just before the opposition of Jupiter on November 2-3rd, when the Sun opposes Jupiter in the middle of its retrograde phase. This is also when Jupiter is perigee or at its closest point to the earth, and so will appear in the sky as a bright and luminescent star. On November 1st-2nd it will be the 4th brightest object in the sky, after the Sun, Moon and Venus. When Jupiter is in its retrograde phase, it challenges us to see things from another perspective. Not only does Jupiter encourage us to expand our horizons and expectations in the outer world, it also encourages us to expand our outlooks on moral and ethical grounds. This too is unfolding out of the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, as we find ourselves standing at a pivotal point, both historically, and in our own lives.

When Jupiter stations on December 30th/31st, ending its retrograde phase, it will be at the same degree of Taurus as the current Lunar Eclipse. At that point it will be showing us the benefits of applying what we learn within the light of this illuminating eclipse. And if we have done our work well, we will then be in a position to reap the rewards. Jupiter aims to bring relief. And Jupiter in Taurus is large enough and generous enough to carry us all.

Eclipses are turning points. They can also be incredibly illuminating. They can bring closure, finality, and the conclusion of a situation that had been simmering on the back burner. Moral and ethical dilemmas can be brought to a head with this eclipse. And remedies for what ails us can be revealed. It can even bring opportunities to tie up loose ends, pack up the remnants of what once was, so that we can then gather our lives, and make our way to the opposite shore.

What is revealed within this Eclipse period can change the paradigm and tip the scales in one direction or the other. Note that a Lunar Eclipse such as this, has probably been building up for some time. And the ramifications and consequences of what is being revealed now, will be felt for months and perhaps even years to come. The fates are weaving their tapestries, and so we may find ourselves also caught up in their threads. This will be especially so for those who have personal points at 2-8º of the fixed signs: "...


The New York Times: "The delivery of #ATACMS to #Ukraine was covert because Ukrainian forces wanted to surprise the Russians."

Two Western officials told the paper that the #US had supplied #Kiev with about 20 rockets in cluster munition versions, each carrying 950 small bombs.

Now, with the advent of ATACMS, #Germany is expected to be forced to hand over its #Taurus - Scholz refused to send the German long-range missiles ahead of the Americans.

#UkraineWar #ClusterBombs #Russia


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#Mrigasira #Nakshatra is a significant nakshatra in #Vedic #astronomy. The nakshatra is defined by piranha shakti, which implies the force to create satisfaction or happiness. The nakshatra is represented by a #deer’s #head or an #arched #bow; these symbols portray courage and vitality.

#Soma or #Chandra are the deities that rule this nakshatra. The Soma deity here represents pious #nectar that grants immortality and eternal boons to people. The Chandra or #moon deity represents hopes and endless positivity in life. The main zodiac signs linked with this nakshatra are #Taurus and #Gemini. The padas of the Mrigasira Nakshatra are Leo, Libra, Virgo, and Scorpio. The ruling planet of this nakshatra is #mars. Prithvi is the element linked with Mrigasira Nakshatra, and Gana associated with it is Deva.

Boons of Mrigasira Nakshatra
The people with the effect of Mrigasira Nakshatra are very creative and have outstanding thinking calibre.
This nakshatra is very favourable in terms of travel and adventures.
The people with Mrigasira Nakshatra are blessed with excellent spiritual capabilities.
This nakshatra is quite beneficial for people as it imparts them with a confident and outspoken nature.

Banes of Mrigasira Nakshatra
People born under Mrigasira Nakshatra’s effect have issues getting married and face problems setting good compatibility with their partner.
This nakshatra also bestows harmful properties to people, such as arrogant nature and short-tempered attitude.
People born under this nakshatra’s influence fall under the trap of brewing and multiple children.

If you are born with the influence of this nakshatra, then make sure that you are aware of all its characteristics. While performing Mrigasira Nakshatra Homam, we will execute worship of soma or Lord Chandra so that best of the boons reach you. Contact us and get this Homam done for you and attain miraculous benefits.
