

The new #technocrats claim to embrace Enlightenment values, but in fact they are leading an antidemocratic, illiberal movement.

To worship at the altar of mega-scale and to convince yourself that you should be the one making world-historic decisions on behalf of a global citizenry that did not elect you and may not share your values or lack thereof, you have to dispense with numerous inconveniences — humility and nuance among them. Many titans of Silicon Valley have made these trade-offs repeatedly. YouTube (owned by Google), Instagram (owned by Meta), and Twitter (which Elon Musk insists on calling X) have been as damaging to individual rights, civil society, and global democracy as Facebook was and is. Considering the way that generative AI is now being developed throughout Silicon Valley, we should brace for that damage to be multiplied many times over in the years ahead.

The behavior of these companies and the people who run them is often hypocritical, greedy, and status-obsessed. But underlying these venalities is something more #dangerous, a clear and coherent #ideology that is seldom called out for what it is: #authoritarian #technocracy. As the most powerful companies in Silicon Valley have matured, this ideology has only grown stronger, more self-righteous, more delusional, and — in the face of rising criticism — more aggrieved.

continue: https://www.sott.net/article/488501


The #West has disastrously low #birthrates that are particularly bad among the Indo-European (White) people-group.

Meanwhile, according to 2015 #UN #data, we are sterilizing ~30% of our reproductive #population & around another 40% is using #contraception.

I could understand this situation if our birthrates were excessive, or if there was legitimate #overpopulation, but our birthrates are disastrously low & we are importing mass #immigration, so clearly we are not overpopulated.

This is a #depopulation agenda without a #democratic mandate from the people.

#thewest #indoeuropean #uk #usa #sterilisation #sterilization #fertility #depopulationagenda #theelite #eu #europe #technocracy #technocrats #overpopulation #antihuman #elites #puppetpoliticians #antinatalism


The #BBC use lies by omission, framing, tone, music, colour cast & linguistic manipulation as part of a strategy of social engineering #propaganda.

The BBC work with #MI5 & #Tavistock to manipulate the #British population using applied #psychology informed by mass domestic #surveillance collected by #GCHQ on behalf of technocratic societal managers masquerading as #politicians & puppeteered by elite #scions.

#socialengineering #massmedia #uk #appliedpsychology #theelite #elites #neoliberalglobalism #neoliberalism #elitism #technocracy #technocrats #bbcnews #usa #un #globalistelite #disenfranchisement #manipulation #socialengineeringpropaganda #eu #behaviouralnudges #narratives #freespeech #freeinquiry #truth #classicalliberalism #criticaltheory #hegeliandialectics


Will Blair's words unkill the 100,000 Iraqi civilians? No. The Judeo-Anglo-American elites wanted the inevitable #terrorism, so it could be brought to the West & function as a tool for the erosion of Westerner's #rights & the implementation of the #surveillance state. Westerner's didn't even get cheap energy from Iraq, it was a massive transfer of wealth from taxpayers to plutocratic elites & their political puppets. Mass murderer #Blair is a multimillionaire with multiple homes; he's warm in #winter.

#tonyblair #iraq #iraqwar #weaponsofmassdestruction #technocrats #collateraldamage #massmurder #georgebushjr #criminals #puppetpoliticians #uk #usa
