

The #West has disastrously low #birthrates that are particularly bad among the Indo-European (White) people-group.

Meanwhile, according to 2015 #UN #data, we are sterilizing ~30% of our reproductive #population & around another 40% is using #contraception.

I could understand this situation if our birthrates were excessive, or if there was legitimate #overpopulation, but our birthrates are disastrously low & we are importing mass #immigration, so clearly we are not overpopulated.

This is a #depopulation agenda without a #democratic mandate from the people.

#thewest #indoeuropean #uk #usa #sterilisation #sterilization #fertility #depopulationagenda #theelite #eu #europe #technocracy #technocrats #overpopulation #antihuman #elites #puppetpoliticians #antinatalism


They all depend on the 14^th^ Amendment

If Roe is vulnerable, so are all these others.

Roe v. Wade -- right to an abortion


Brown v. Board of Education -- racial segregation of schools


Loving v. Virginia -- inter-racial marriage


Mapp v. Ohio -- exclude evidence obtained illegally


Gideon v. Wainwright -- right to counsel


Griswold v. Connecticut -- right to use contraception


Obergefell v. Hodges -- same-sex marriage


Lawrence v. Texas -- homosexual sex



Thomas wrote in his concurring opinion

For that reason, in future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell.

It's interesting that Thomas didn't mention Loving v. Virginia in that same sentence. He's a black man who lives with his white wife in Virginia, the same state where Mildred and Richard Loving were arrested for being married to each other.

#constitution #14th-amendment #fourteenth-amendment #rights #civil-rights #human-rights #abortion #education #same-sex-marriage #homosexual-sex #contraception #right-to-counsel #right-to-privacy


L’extrême droite française refuse toujours de condamner « toutes les formes de violences à l’égard des femmes »

Condamner les violences faites aux femmes, renforcer la démocratie ou proclamer l’égalité des droits : ces sujets ne font pas consensus au Parlement européen. L’extrême droite s’y oppose systématiquement, la droite hésite. Basta! a analysé les votes des députés français au Parlement européen. https://basta.media/extreme-droite-parlement-europeen-violences-faites-aux-femmes-lutte-contre-le-racisme-droit-contraception-liberte-de-la-presse

Pour être sûr de ne pas passer à côté de nos décryptages dans le cadre de la #Presidentielle2022, recevez-les directement sur votre boîte mail 👉 https://basta.media/inscription-newsletter

#ViolencesFaitesAuxFemmes #Democratie #LibertésPubliques #LibertéDeLaPresse #PoursuitesBaillons #EgalitéDesDroits #Egalité #LGBTQI #UnionEuropeenne #ParlementEuropeen #Feminisme #DroitsDesFemmes #Genre #Contraception #Avortement #Santé #DroitsSexuelsEtReproductifs #Racisme #Haine #MariageHomosexuel


Father Who Sued To Keep His Adult Daughters From Getting Birth Control Wins Key Court Fight

…it would be a truly extraordinary expansion of #American #religiousLiberty #law. A law intended to give religious objectors personal exemptions to #laws they oppose would instead permit those objectors to impose their #beliefs on thousands — potentially even millions — of #individuals who do not share those beliefs.

#health #medicine #insurance #humanRights #womensRights #reproductiveRights #religion #contraception