

All you need to know about wget to download large files

How to download files on Linux without a web browser:

wget -c https://releases.ubuntu.com/22.04.3/ubuntu-22.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso

If you're downloading via a file (as we did above) and it gets interrupted, you could continue it like so:

wget -c -i downloads


#tool #utility #commandline #software #download #internet #ISO #linux #terminal #knowledge #wget
How to download files on Linux without a web browser (and why you should)


Mass #human interaction with #AI is #training AI. Image #generation from #text is training AI to "understand" visual #stimuli. Conversational #interaction is training AI to "understand" human #communication.

Elites #funding AI are using mass human interaction with AI as #free training to #build human replacements. AI is to serve #elites, not to serve the general human populus.

Elite's servants will claim #corruption necessitates AI take over #leadership & #security roles. Corruption is deliberate as part of a faux #Hegelian #dialectic.

AI is a #tool performing #tasks in accordance with the #goals of its #controllers. Elites never permit potentially #transformative #technology to enter the public domain without ensuring their #control over it.


#Linkwarden is a self-hosted, #OpenSource collaborative #bookmark manager

source: https://github.com/linkwarden/linkwarden


📸 Auto capture a screenshot, #PDF, and readable view of each webpage.
🏛️ Send your webpage to #Wayback Machine (archive.org) for a snapshot. (Optional)
📂 Organize links by collection, name, description and multiple tags.
👥 Collaborate on gathering links in a collection.
🔐 Customize the permissions of each member.
🌐 Share your collected links with the world.
📌 Pin your favorite links to dashboard.
🔍 Full text search, filter and sort for easy retrieval.
📱 Responsive design and supports most modern browsers.
🌓 Dark/Light mode support.
🧩 Browser extension, managed by the community. Star it here!
⬇️ Import your bookmarks from other browsers.
⚡️ Powerful #API.

enter image description here

#software #internet #web #tool #utility #browser #archive


Carbon dioxide tolerance is the body’s ability to handle a temporary imbalance of CO2 and oxygen. The higher your tolerance is, the longer you’ll be able to hold your breath.

6 Benefits of CO2 Tolerance:
1) Helps reduce anxiety

2) Helps you run faster for longer
CO2 tolerance and running are a winning combination, since the former has been proven to be beneficial for endurance athletes. This is because the more CO2 they can tolerate, the slower their heart rates will remain. Running with a low tolerance causes the heart to beat quickly, which will lead to feeling winded faster. Being able to tolerate more carbon dioxide means that your heart will continue to beat slowly, allowing you to increase your pace for a longer period of time.

3) Helps you stay underwater when freediving
4) Helps manage symptoms of depression

5) Helps reduce inflammation
CO2 is also great at reducing inflammation throughout the body. Building a higher tolerance allows you to hold onto carbon dioxide for longer. This means that there’s more of it available to travel throughout your body and help relieve the inflammation.

6) Helps increase energy
Being able to tolerate CO2 can also help you produce more physical and mental energy. As you retain more CO2, it helps the mitochondria in your cells to multiply, which increases the amount of energy you have to burn off. This is great for anyone with an active lifestyle or who regularly needs to focus intensely on their work.

The article display many different breathwork practices one can choose from to improve CO2 intolerance.
I find this youtube channel to be a superb tool to achieve this:
There you will find guided practices ranging from beginner level to elite level, covering these different methods: box breathing, slow breathing, breath hold training, trapezoid breathing and triangle breathing.
Most practices take around 10-15min.

#Breathwork #Breathing #CO2Tolerance #CO2 #Breath #Tool
CO2 Tolerance: Why It's Important + 9 Ways to Increase Yours


#Share your #desktop via #browser

In the past I’ve had some problems sharing my screen with coworkers using corporate chatting solutions like #Microsoft #Teams. I wanted to show them some of my code, but either the stream lagged several seconds behind or the quality was so poor that my colleagues couldn’t read the code. Or both.

That’s why I created screego. It allows you to share your screen with good quality and low latency. #Screego is an addition to existing #software and only helps to share your #screen.

enter image description here

#internet #sharing #browser #opensource #linux #tool #utility


Finding #Nicknames With #Sherlock

Identifying and tracing a person’s footprints across the #internet usually involves researching nicknames across a wide variety of different platforms. On the one hand you can use the tool to find a nickname that is still available on all platforms and on the other hand to identify the probably same user across platforms. So if you value your privacy, remember how easy it is to find anything on the Internet with the right tools.

github: https://github.com/sherlock-project/sherlock

enter image description here

#tool #utility #search #find #nickname #python #terminal #opensource #privacy