

В #WhatsApp появится возможность скрыть номер телефона

Показать/скрыть свой номер можно будет только в группах, частях сообществ. В самом сообществе номер будет скрыт. Будет ли доступна эта функция только в сообществ, или же нет - мы не знаем.

Также нет инфлрмации о том, смогут ли скрыть свой номер абсолютно все пользователи.

Напомню: номер телефона привязан к паспортным данным.

Да и эта функция меняет не особо много: номер все-равно хранится на их серверах. Так что рекомендую присмотреться к свободным альтернативам. Например #xmpp (#jabber) или #matrix.

Источник: 3dnews



Mit Blick auf der aktuelle diskutierte Schnüffelgesetz der #EU zur überwachung verschlüsselter Chatnachrichten würde ich mal sagen wir brauchen erstens endlich einen guten P2P Messenger und zweites mehr selber gehostete Messenger wie #XMPP oder #Matrix, gerne auch irgendwas .onion basiertes mit Server und Client in einem auf jedem Smartphone.


#PravApp project is a plan to get a lot of people to invest small amounts to run an interoperable messaging service that is easier to join and discover contacts.

It will be based on #quicksy which gives a similar experience to #WhatsApp without locking users to its service by interoperability with any #xmpp service provider.

We want to offer this service under a multi state cooperative society in India. We need 50 people each from two states to register. Would you join the cooperative?

Learn more at https://prav.app


Это очень важно!

Все все, у кого есть видео на русском языке про любые федеративные социальные сети коммуникации и мессенджеры (введения, обзоры, уроки...), пишите мне!
Оставляйте интересные ссылки. Возможно, у кого-то есть текстовые туториалы, тоже пишите.
Также приветствуются и на других языках видео, но где всё хорошо наглядно показано.

#вопрос #question #мессенджер
#вопрос-ответ #ответ #вопросОтвет #помощь #help #diaspora #social #рус #ru #Ru-lang #seach #новичок #newuser #new-user #faq #Peertube #decentralization #friendica #Mastodon #freeSoft #Free-Soft #Briar #Hubzilla #Pixelfed #Misskey #Pleroma
#децентрализованный #соцсеть #XMPP #messenger #децентрализованнясоцсеть #децентрализован #соц #децентр #децентрализованные #Федеративные #СвободныеСоцсети #Свободные #ярусский #Fediverse #p2p #movim #ActivityPub #разработка #видео #внимание #важно


Dicas de salas #XMPP:

Assuntos Gerais: xmpp:socializando-saberes@salas.suchat.org?join

Software Livre: xmpp:usuarios-gnu@salas.suchat.org?join

Cultivo de plantas em casa: xmpp:natureza-em-casa@conference.arg.eti.br?join


Analog zu unserer Anleitung für freie, föderale Social Media-Netzwerke unter https://hu.berlin/NachhaltigePR hat #gnuHU nun auch eine Anleitung zur Evaluation freier, föderaler Instant #Messenger am Beispiel von #Matrix veröffentlicht (aber auch #XMPP, #Briar und die gute alte #Mail nicht unerwähnt gelassen): https://hu.berlin/FreieMessenger (rh)


If any of you have been on the fence about getting a Jabber account, now is literally the best time in Jabbers history to do it. The servers are better than ever, the clients and features are better than ever, OMEMO encryption has made shit so much more easy and secure. Android and iOS clients exist and are great. Jabber is in the best place it's ever been in right now.

There are even more servers than ever out there. I'll just list a few off the top of my head here:


You can find more servers and see which have the best crypto here:


You can look for conference rooms here:


Here are some clients:


Go nuts. Now's the time.

#jabber #xmpp #chat #im #fdroid #linux #gajim #dino #conversations #omemo


Matrix vs. XMPP

I've been wanting to know more about matrix - and found this text interesting and useful.

Do you happen to have information that is different or discordant from what the author of the text presents?

Thank you.

Matrix vs. XMPP – Luke Smith

XMPP and Matrix are two decentralized and federated free sofware projects for chat, including true end-to-end encrypted chat. Users can either install the software on their own server if they want, but they can also easily register on any public server—both allow any XMPP or Matrix user to talk to users on their server or on any other one.

#xmpp #matrix


Salas públicas de XMPP en castellano

Compas, aquí les dejamos una lista de salas públicas hispanohablantes donde pueden participar desde cualquier aplicación y servidor de la red XMPP (o Jabber). Como verán, las hay de temas muy diversos. Si echan en falta salas temáticas, ¡creémoslas!


Algunas aplicaciones de XMPP, como Blabber, también permiten explorar salas públicas. Habría que pulsar en el signo "+" para iniciar una nueva conversación y, luego, en "Descubrir canales".

#XMPP #Jabber #castellano #español #Blabber #Conversations #Gajim #Dino #chat


Does anyone of you work at "La Quadrature du Net" (LQDN)?

It's a French #NGO fighting for a free Internet. They have a #Jabber / #XMPP server running with a wrong configuration at: https://jabber.lqdn.fr - The #onion address of the server must be changed to a V3 address since the latest update of #TOR. Then the new onion address must be entered here: https://jabber.lqdn.fr/access-our-chat-server-using-tor-and-onion-address - Such an onion address is important for the anonymity of whistleblowers, because they don't want their IP logged.

#lqdn #France #problem #information #configuration #followerpower #attention #danger


How to send a #password securely over an unsecured #connection

A relatively common task for me as a hacktivist is to set up secure #communication channels for technologically innocent newbies. I could of course explain to them how #GPG works, but this often fails due to the lack of will to understand and download and install the programs. Very often I use #XMPP server inside the #onion network (TOR) for #communication. The target must install the Tor #browser for this and can then use an XMPP web client. I can set all that up. The only problem is how do I send the authentication data for the XMPP access securely over an unencrypted connection?

I use #PrivateBin for this #problem: https://privatebin.info

PrivateBin is a #PastBin with encryption and burn after reading features. I post a message on PrivateBin with all the information and burn after reading. The message is encrypted and can only be decrypted with a parameter send together with the URI. The URI can look like this:


If the user can log in, then the authentication data has reached him without being compromised. After that, everything else can be discussed over an encrypted connection. If the user cannot log in, the data may have been intercepted. If you operate the PrivateBin server yourself, you can see which IP has accessed it. You should change the XMPP server and create new authentication in this case.

It can happen that with a weak internet connection the page cannot be loaded completely and when you press reload, of course it doesn't work because the page only works once due to the "burn after reading". Then you have to send the whole thing again with a newly generated URI. But if this does not work several times you should be very careful. Secret service agents like to play the fool in order to tempt you to use unsecured communication channels that are easier for them to wiretap.

#wisdom #knowledge #internet #instruction #security #privacy #surveillance #encryption