

Первая игра в сезоне Ритчи после операции #prospects


Первая игра в сезоне Ритчи после операции #prospects

Центральный нападающий и проспект «Колорадо» Калум Ритчи (драфт-2023, 1 раунд, №27) сыграл вчера только первую игру в этом сезоне в юниорской лиге Онтарио и отметился двумя очками (1+1), полезность «+1» и 4 броска в створ ворот

Напомним, что форвард восстанавливался после межсезонной операции на плече. После летнего драфта, он принимал участие в лагере новичков (но в турнире Rookie Faceoff не сыграл) и тренинг-кэмпе «лавин» перед стартом сезона.

Лучший бомбардир Кубка Глинки/Гретцки-2022, который выделяется на льду за счёт внушительных габаритов, потрясающего хоккейного чутья и филигранной техники. Не отличается высокой стабильностью и может надолго пропадать с радаров, особенно в вязкой игре, где требуется постоянно выгрызать себе шайбу. На протяжении всего прошлого сезона выступал с травмой плеча, которая помешала ему достичь отметки в 60 набранных очков в регулярном чемпионате лиги Онтарио и показать себя на преддрафтовых тестах (они проходили всего через пару недель после того, как ему была сделана операция).

#CalumRitchie #Canada #ColoradoAvalanche #NHL #OshawaGenerals #OHL #Hockey 0:54 Colorado Avalanche Top 25 Under 25: #3 Calum Ritchie www.milehighhockey.com

#prospects #calumritchie #canada #coloradoavalanche #nhl #oshawagenerals #ohl #hockey #lang_ru #хоккей #нхл #колорадоэвеланш #vk_colorado_avalanche


[ #PDM #3] – Les #HORREURS du #CHOCOLAT #industriel. - #TroubleFait


Le chocolat fait partie de ces produits nobles qu’on aime offrir. Les boites respirent le luxe, la #tradition, la #gourmandise… la #déforestation, le #travail des #enfants, l’ #excès de #sucre et de #matières #grasses bas de gamme !
Aujourd’hui nous allons faire un tour d’horizon excessivement complet du #marché du chocolat en #Europe, tenu aujourd’hui par une poignée de #multinationales, qui vous vendent un prix et un #emballage et bien peu de #cacao.
Bien sûr le #goût est #subjectif, mais le #rapport #qualité #prix l’est beaucoup moins, surtout si on intègre des paramètres #écologiques et #sociales.

Après cette #vidéo, vous serez bien mieux équipé pour faire votre choix, en évitant les #pièges, les #arnaques et les #produits de #merde !
Bon appétit, bon courage et bonne chance !

---Découvre les chocolats de Camayos sur Zone-Artisanale !
--- https://www.zone-artisanale.com/epicerie/confiserie-et-chocolats/

Boutique d’artisanat : https://www.zone-artisanale.com
Tipeee : https://urlz.fr/6AbO
Discord : https://discordapp.com/invite/FcbJ8vU
Facebook : https://urlz.fr/cpWv
Twitter : https://urlz.fr/cpWt
Instagram : https://urlz.fr/e34l
Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/trouble_fait

00:00 Intro.
01:15 L’h #istoire du chocolat.
07:00 [Partie #économie] - La #production des fèves de cacao.
21:26 Le cacao « #durable ».
30:36 [Partie #agricole] - La production des fèves de cacao.
38:10 Les #dingueries de la #fabrication du chocolat
51:36 Les #chocolatiers
01:06:46 Point #boutique

[Plus d’infos]

#Bibliographie :
François Ruf – #Boom et #crise du cacao
Amaryllis Ghislain – #Analyse économique du marché du chocolat
Samuel Igbatayo – La domination des sociétés multinationales dans la chaine de valeur du cacao
Denis Pompidou Folefack – Commercialisation du cacao en zone forestière du sud Cameroun
Léo Battino – Les méfaits du libéralisme sur les marchés agricoles
Jean-Baptiste Pany – Le cacao profite-t-il encore à la Côte d’Ivoire ?


We now have the definitive answer to the question asked in the song: "What are You Doing New Years' Eve" 🤣🤣🤣

Baby #1, born Sept. 3, 2020
Baby #2, born Sept. 3, 2021
Baby #3, born Sept. 3, 2023


03.09.2023 Keine KI ohne Klickarbeiter

"KI-Entwicklung" auf dem Rücken von ca. 10 Millionen Menschen

Alle starren bewundernd auf die "künstliche Intelligenz" (KI) und niemand sieht die Millionen von Klickarbeitern, ohne die bei der KI überhaupt nichts funktionieren würde. Tagesschau.de erklärt die furchtbaren Bedingungen unter denen sie arbeiten müssen:

Klickarbeiter sind die Trainer der Künstlichen Intelligenz. Sie sitzen in Kenia oder Kolumbien und bringen Maschinen das Wissen über die Welt bei. Doch die Arbeit ist prekär. Beschäftigte berichten von Ausbeutung, Perspektivlosigkeit und digitaler Überwachung.

Nach zwei Stunden Arbeit lag der Verdienst bei elf Cent

Das war das Ergebnis eines Selbsttest über den wir vor über einem Jahr berichtet hatten (Crowdworking für die großen Konzerne der Welt). Aber selbst für geübte Klickarbeiter bleibt der Verdienst in der Regel unter einem Dollar die Stunde. Die Höhe kann variieren, je nachdem ob man nur stur in Listen klicken muss oder ob man, wie der 27-Jährige Klickarbeiter aus Kasarani, einem belebten Stadtteil von Nairobi in Kenia, auf seinem Bildschirm Bilder aus der Vogelperspektive betrachten muss und dann Gegenstände wie Rasenfläche, Swimmingpool, ein graues Blechdach anklickt und mit dem richtigen Begriff benennt.

Er soll Drohnenaufnahmen für ein Logistikunternehmen aus den USA auswerten, damit die von Handelsgiganten wie Walmart genutzten Drohnen lernen, wo sie ihre Pakete ablegen dürfen - nicht auf dem Dach oder im Swimmingpool.

"KI-Systeme sind dümmer, als man glaubt"

Bilder unserer Umwelt können wir als Menschen viel schneller und sicherer erkennen als Programme es können. Auch eine Unterscheidung zwischen Katze und Hund gelingt uns meist auf Anhieb. Maschinen brauchen dafür eine möglichst umfassende Bilddatenbank auf der die Objekte richtig benannt sind. Dies machen die Klickarbeiter unter den schwierigsten Arbeitsbedingungen jeden Tag im Akkord. Bezahlt wird nicht nach der Anwesenheitszeit sondern nach Klicks. Danach richtet sich auch der knappe Lohn.

1984 lässt grüßen

Obwohl die von tagesschau.de befragten Klickarbeiter studiert haben, müssen sie für einen Lohn arbeiten, der auch in Kenia kaum zum Leben reicht. "Es hat etwas von Sklavenarbeit. Denn die Menschen hier haben keine andere Wahl. Es gibt kaum Jobs" ist die Antwort auf die Frage, warum sie diese Arbeit machen. Dabei sind sie sich bewußt, dass "der Boss" oder "das System" nicht nur ihre Klicks zählt, sondern sie, die priviligiert von zu Hause aus arbeiten dürfen, mit digitalen Hilfsmitteln überwacht. Sie müssen einen speziellen Browser verwenden, der nicht nur Screenshots von den privaten PCs der Arbeiter erstellen, sondern auch auf deren Webcams zugreifen kann.

Hinter oder besser über den direkten Ausbeutern befinden sich dann die Nutznießer solcher Praktiken, zum einen die uns bestens bekannten Big5, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft (GAFAM) aber eben z.B. auch bekannte Pharmaunternehmen, die sich tausende mikroskopische Aufnahmen von Zellen annotieren lassen, durch die Hände der Klickarbeiter. In jedem Fall ist die Arbeit öde und nicht gesund, aber in vielen Fällen auch noch traumatisierend, wenn es z.B. um das Labeln von Hass oder Gewalt geht.

Mehr dazu bei https://www.tagesschau.de/wissen/technologie/ki-klickarbeiter-trainingsdaten-100.html
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3w2
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8512-20230903-keine-ki-ohne-klickarbeiter.htm
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8512-20230903-keine-ki-ohne-klickarbeiter.html
Tags: #Klickarbeiter #Überwachung #Videoüberwachung #Lauschangriff #Ausbeutung #Crowdworking #Mindestlohn #Big5 #Amazon #Tesla #Soziales #Gleichberechtigung #Diskriminierung #Ungleichbehandlung #HartzIV #Gewerkschaft #3.Welt


- Объявлено расписание тренировочного лагеря «Эвеланш» перед стартом сезона 2023-24 https:


📋 - Объявлено расписание тренировочного лагеря «Эвеланш» перед стартом сезона 2023-24 https://www.nhl.com/avalanche/news/2023-24-avalanche-..

Ниже приведено расписание тренировочного сбора «Колорадо Эвеланш» перед началом сезона 2023/24, которое включает турнир новичков в Лас-Вегасе. Все тренировки в семейном спортивном центре South Suburban в Сентенниал (шт. Колорадо) открыты для публики в порядке живой очереди, даты и время могут быть изменены.

Списки участников турнира новичков и тренировочного лагеря будут объявлены позднее.

• Thursday, Sept. 14

Rookies practice - 10:30 a.m.

Family Sports - Centennial, Colorado

• Friday, Sept. 15

Rookies vs. Arizona Coyotes - 3:30 p.m. PDT (4:30 p.m. MDT)

City National Arena (GHOST Energy Rink) - Las Vegas

• Saturday, Sept. 16

Rookies practice - 9 a.m. PDT (10 a.m. MDT)

City National Arena (Summerlin Hospital Rink) - Las Vegas

• Sunday, Sept. 17

Rookies vs. Anaheim Ducks - 1 p.m. PDT (2 p.m. MDT)

City National Arena (Summerlin Hospital Rink) - Las Vegas

• Monday, Sept. 18

Rookies vs. Vegas Golden Knights - 3 p.m. PDT (4 p.m. MDT)

City National Arena (Summerlin Hospital Rink) - Las Vegas

• Thursday, Sept. 21

Training Camp at Family Sports

Group 1 on ice: 8:15 - 10:15 a.m.

Group 2 on ice: 10:35 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.

• Friday, Sept. 22

Training Camp at Family Sports

Group 2 on ice: 8:15 - 10:15 a.m.

Group 1 on ice: 10:35 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.

• Saturday, Sept. 23

Training Camp at Family Sports

Group 1 on ice: 8:15 - 10:15 a.m.

Group 2 on ice: 10:45 a.m. - 1 p.m.

• Sunday, Sept. 24

Preseason Game #1 - vs. Minnesota Wild; 1 p.m.

"Ball Arena", Denver, Colorado

• Sunday, Sept. 25

Preseason Game #2 - vs. Vegas Golden Knights; 7 p.m.

"Ball Arena", Denver, Colorado

• Sunday, Sept. 28

Preseason Game #3 - vs. Minnesota Wild; 6 p.m.

"Xcel Energy Center", Saint Paul, Minnesota

• Sunday, Oct. 01

Preseason Game #4 - vs. Dallas Stars; 5 p.m.

"Ball Arena", Denver, Colorado

• Sunday, Oct. 03

Preseason Game #5 - vs. Dallas Stars; 6 p.m.

"American Airlines Center", Dallas, Texas

• Sunday, Oct. 05

Preseason Game #6 - vs. Vegas Golden Knights; 8 p.m.

"T-Mobile Arena", Las Vegas, Nevada

#Hockey #NHL #ColoradoAvalanche #КолорадоЭвеланш #Colorado #Avalanche #Denver #USA #GoAvsGo 2023-24 Avalanche Training Camp Schedule Announced www.nhl.com

#hockey #nhl #coloradoavalanche #колорадоэвеланш #colorado #avalanche #denver #usa #goavsgo #lang_ru #хоккей #нхл #vk_colorado_avalanche


From America's Front Line Doctors

Lie #1: The Virus was Not Engineered
Early in the “pandemic,” scientists were aware—as almost any molecular biologist would know—that this virus could not have “jumped” naturally from bats to humans. However, the government and media ignored the published science in favor of the narrative that a “spontaneous mutation” made a virus leap from bats to humans in one fell swoop.
Lie #2: Masks are Safe and Effective
The government pushed masking and claimed it prevented viral transmission. Viruses are too small to be stopped by masks. If anything, mask-wearing increases the viral load in people because the mask causes people to constantly rebreathe the virus once they are exposed to it. Thus, mask-wearing in public would be expected to make things worse, not better.
Lie #3: The “Vaccine” Prevents Transmission
The pharmaceutical companies and government public health officials knew from the very beginning that COVID-19 “vaccines” were never designed to prevent transmission of this virus. In fact, the vaccinated were found to have a higher viral load in their nose and throat than the unvaccinated. This is, of course, criminal because they mandated these pharma products for people to retain their jobs.
Lie #4: The Covid-19 Injection is Safe and Effective
These “vaccines” are not effective. They are dangerous. The increasing rates of stroke, embolism and heart attacks from vaccine-induced clots are alarming. In fact, the number of adverse events, including death, has been higher for COVID-19 “vaccines” than for all other vaccines combined over the totality of their collective history.
Lie #5: Children Need to be Vaccinated Against Covid-19
It was always a complete lie that kids needed to be “vaccinated.” Even though the COVID death rate in children is essentially zero, some places are mandating it for school. It appears the goal was to get children on the CDC’s Childhood Vaccination Schedule so Big Pharma could maintain immunity from liability.


Military Times: Let’s debunk the 3 biggest myths of D-Day

By Claire Barrett

Jun 5, 06:02 PM

Editor’s note: This story was first published on HistoryNet.com.

On June 6, 1944, a little more than 78 years ago, over 160,000 Allied troops were sent to cross the English Channel onto the beaches of Normandy, France. The ensuing operation, Operation Overlord — launched by Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower known in the U.S. as “D-Day” — was the first of many in the fight to liberate Western Europe from Adolf Hitler’s grasp. After almost 79 years, the largest amphibious operation in history has become saturated with numerous tales of valor and lore, but not all of them are true. Today we are breaking down fact from fiction, myth from verity.

Myth #1: D-Day was a predominantly American effort.

A lot of Americans think of the Normandy invasion as a largely American endeavor. An American, Eisenhower, was appointed the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force, and a lot of the heavy casualties were suffered by the U.S. troops.

But while 73,000 Americans were involved in Operation Overlord, some 83,115 British and Canadian troops also took part — 61,715 of them were British.

According to historian James Holland, of the 1,213 warships involved, just 200 were American and 892 were British; and of the 4,126 landing craft involved, 805 were American and 3,261 were British. Indeed, 31% of all US supplies used during D-Day came directly from Britain, while two-thirds of the 12,000 aircraft involved were also British.

But, most of the bucks ($) came from the US, before (lend-lease), during and after WWII.

So, while it looms large in the American mind that D-Day was an American battle, in fact, we were just part of it.

Myth #2: The Germans were better trained than Allied soldiers.

Were the Germans a better-trained force than American troops? At the start of the war? Sure. But by 1944? Not so much.

According to Holland, there were a few exceptions — such as the Panzer Lehr, for example, but for the most part, German units were nothing like as well trained as Allies.

By June 6, 1944, there were some Allied units that had been training for four years to fight in the European theater up until this point, whereas many German troops had had little more than a few weeks’ of prep before heading to the front.

The Kampfgruppen — or battle groups — which are the ad hoc units traditionally seen to showcase their tactical flexibility, were actually borne of extreme shortages and desperation towards the end of the war — and let’s not forget the less than motivated Eastern European conscripts that were forced to defend the Atlantic Wall.

Myth #3: The Allied coalition was in sync.

As the U.S. commitment to Overlord grew, so too did the British’s inferiority complex. After World War II ended, British Lieutenant General Frederick Morgan wrote to famed British historian Liddell Hart that the in-fighting between the allies was becoming “frightening.”

According to American historian Edward Gordon and British author David Ramsay, the clash of personalities between key military commanders hindered the optimum gains from the Normandy Invasion and needlessly lengthened the war.

But as British prime minister Winston Churchill once said, “There is only one thing worse than fighting with allies, and that is fighting without them.”

Several post WWII US generals, military Secretaries have repeated this line, since.

So, while the invasion was a triumph on some level of a massive logistical and military operation — was it the perfectly coordinated machine that we all think of? The truth is a little trickier than that.

Not a myth, but still fun: Operation Overlord was almost called … Operation Mothball.

The famed British leader is quoted as saying:

“Do you mean to tell me that those bloody fools want our grandchildren 50 years from now to be calling the operation that liberated Europe Operation Mothball? If they can’t come up with a better code name for our landing than that, I damn well will pick the code name myself,” Churchill remarked.

According to British Lt. Gen. Frederick Morgan, Churchill thought for a moment and then shouted, “Overlord. We shall call it Overlord.”

Also, as WWII was starting, Germany and Russia were allies. Hitler made the tragic mistake of turning on Stalin. Stalin joined the allies. The "Eastern front" consumed an enormous amount of German resources, and military personnel. Russia, more than the US and Britain combined was responsible for VE (Victory in Europe).

About Claire Barrett

Claire Barrett is a digital media editor at HistoryNet and a World War II researcher with an unparalleled affinity for Sir Winston Churchill and Michigan football.



While awaiting my prediction #3 of 3 to fully blossom (talk of Trump pleading not guilty by reason of mental terrific-ness)...

I just hit upon a complete guess but envision (IMM) a probable situation behind today's legal shocker in D.C. (as NY hit "pause")

Context: Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran has now been ordered to "pierce" normal client-attorney privacy protections, under the "crime/fraud" exception, as a judge reviewed evidence, 'in camera' (non-publicly) and came out giving Corcoran until midnight today with a reaction to the request to pierce the privilege, given what must be a compelling appearance of serious criminality.

The appeal judge gave Jack Smith / DOJ, until 6AM today to rebut/review the order and evidence.
The judge has now decided the attorney MUST testify. [CNN Story]

What was so powerful, shocking, compelling, etc that Jack Smith had to do an all-nighter and have a statement by 6AM. (He did.)

I'm getting a strong 'feeling' based on the human reaction to content we'll likely never see - but it seems likely, #TrumpVirus being so consistent, that Trump went on a tirade or two to his lawyer, like

"I don't give a F--- how you do it, but you tell them there aren't any more documents here, F them.... They're MY f'n gifts and souvenirs. And you know, I'm not making anything from schlepping this s-tt to Mar-a-lago. I'll bet I could sell some of this for a fortune... And I told Vladimir I'd give him a copy of that deal we worked on.... Oh, and Kim, we had a real love affair. So I kept a few things. I'm the F'n President, how the F are they going to pursue me? F'n witch hunt! Nobody's ever been treated so unfairly."

The preceding is a fantasy based on actual facts. What strikes me is if he ranted about the docs and foreign actors, that's #treason.

So I still think we're close to seeing mental condition as the last way out, and I believe that judge has heard some ghastly damning and scary stuff, to the point of giving urgent orders to get to some #truth iness.

Shared public, and to #Muskville too, where I made my first Trump predictions. I do believe, 'here comes the judge'[ment]

#accountability #justice #TrumpVirus #sedition #Jan6