

#Frage and #question
Kann die folgende Meinung als allumfassende geschichtliche Tatsache angenommen werden?

Der völkerrechtswidrige #Angriffskrieg auf die #Ukraine begann, als #Russland im Frühjahr 2014 die Krim annektierte! Eigentlich schon früher, als die sogenannten Volksrepubliken auf ukrainischen Gebiet an der Grenze zu Russland von Russland unterstützt wurden.

Can the following opinion be accepted as an all-encompassing historical fact?

The #war of #aggression against #Ukraine in violation of international law began when #Russia annexed Crimea in the spring of 2014! Actually earlier, when the so-called People's Republics on Ukrainian territory on the border with Russia were supported by Russia.


Robert Sapolsky comments further on the war and human aggression. Topics include: The neurological similarity between human and primate neurons, yet no chimp has ever killed another chimp over ideology, over religion, or over arguments about economic systems. War propaganda and deciding another group is so different from us they don't even count as human. How different ecosystems produce different aggressive behavior: pastoralists vs farmers vs hunter-gatherers. The amygdala, the part of the brain most linked to aggression and it's also the part of the brain that's most linked to fear. Aggression and social hierarchy -- being subordinate and aggression towards subordinates. PTSD in combat veterans, inability to sleep, tendency to see threat everywhere. No single gene for aggression. The frontal cortex regulation of socially appropriate behavior. Death Row inmates commonly have concussive damage to the frontal cortex. Individualistic versus collective culture. Increase in domestic violence after wars. Famous psychology experiments, Stanford's Prison Experiment and the Milgram order-following experiment, and how the behavior of the experimenters (Phil Zimbardo and Stanley Milgram) altered the outcomes of the experiments. Violence in movies, TV shows, and video games. Humans vs neanderthals, and cannibalism, or lack thereof. The Cold War and having somebody else fight your wars (disagreement with Steven Pinker). Cooperation vs aggression: survival of the fittest survived or the friendliest? (Thinking about Darwin).

I don't know who the interviewer is other than that she's a Russian in Israel.

Prof. Robert Sapolsky. Primate and human wars. What's behind our aggression? - A talk?

#primatology #aggression #war #ukraineconflict


#politik #asien #multipolare-weltordnung #china #indien #russland #etc #mehrheitsbevölkerung #diplomatie #handel #taiwan #aggression #usa

Die USA versuchen, nicht aus Solidarität mit Taiwan, sondern in provokativer Absicht, Xi Jinping auf die militärische Lösung abzudrängen. Aus dem damit unweigerlich einhergehenden Reputationsdesaster (s. Modell Ukraine-Putin) ließe sich gewiss Kapital schlagen und einer Feindschaft mit China innenpolitisch Legitimation verschaffen (dabei waren es die USA, die mit ihrer seit den frühen 1970er Jahren betriebenen Ein-China-Politik Taiwan international degradiert haben) [...] China setzt sich als multilateraler Mediator in Szene, entwickelt durch Diplomatie viel Softpower und beginnt in Mittelasien vom Machtvakuum zu profitieren, das der Afghanistan-Ausstieg der USA vor einem Jahr hinterlassen hat. All das auf seine Brauchbarkeit hin zu testen, dazu lud der Gipfel von Samarkand wahrlich ein.


Ukrainian Pacifists: War is a crime against humanity

On April 17, 2022, Ukrainian pacifists adopted a statement reposted here...

Ukrainian Pacifist Movement is gravely concerned about the active burning of bridges for a #peaceful #resolution of #conflict between #Russia and #Ukraine on both sides and signals of intentions to continue the #bloodshed indefinitely to achieve some sovereign ambitions.

We condemn the #Russian decision to invade Ukraine on 24 February 2022, which led to a fatal escalation and thousands of deaths, reiterating our #condemnation of the reciprocal #violations of the #ceasefire envisaged in Minsk agreements by Russian and #Ukrainian combatants in #Donbas prior to the escalation of Russian #aggression.

We condemn the mutual labeling of parties to the conflict as Nazi-alike enemies and #war criminals, stuffed into legislation, reinforced by the official #propaganda of extreme and irreconcilable #hostility. We believe that the law should build #peace, not incite war; and #history should give us examples how people can return to peaceful life, not excuses for continuing the war. We insist that accountability for crimes must be established by an independent and competent judicial body in due process of law, in result of unbiased and impartial investigation, especially in the most serious crimes, such as #genocide. We emphasize that the tragic consequences of military brutality must not be used to incite #hatred and justify new #atrocities, on the contrary, such #tragedies should cool the fighting spirit and encourage a persistent search for the most bloodless ways to end the war.

We condemn military actions on both sides, the hostilities which harm civilians. We insist that all shooting should be stopped, all sides should honor the memory of killed people and, after due grief, calmly and honestly commit to peace talks.

We condemn statements on the Russian side about the intention to achieve certain goals by military means if they cannot be achieved through #negotiations.

We condemn statements on the Ukrainian side that continuation of peace talks depends on winning the best negotiating positions at the battlefield.

We condemn the unwillingness of both sides to cease fire during the peace talks.

We condemn the practice of forcing #civilians to conduct military service, to perform military tasks and to support the army against the will of peaceful people in Russia and Ukraine. We insist that such practices, especially during hostilities, grossly violate the principle of distinction between militaries and civilians in international #humanitarian law. Any forms of contempt for the human right to conscientious objection to military service are unacceptable.

We condemn all military support provided by Russia and NATO countries for militant radicals in Ukraine provoking further escalation of the military #conflict.

We call on all peace-loving people in Ukraine and around the world to remain peace-loving people in all circumstances and to help others to be peace-loving people, to collect and disseminate knowledge about peaceful and #nonviolent way of life, to tell the #truth that unites peace-loving people, to #resist evil and #injustice without #violence, and debunk myths about necessary, beneficial, inevitable, and just war. We don’t call for any particular action now to ensure that peace plans will not be targeted by hatred and attacks of #militarists, but we are confident that #pacifists of the world have a good imagination and experience of practical realization of their best dreams. Our actions should be guided by hope for a peaceful and happy future, and not by fears. Let our peace work bring closer the future from dreams.

War is a crime against humanity. Therefore, we are determined not to support any kind of war and to strive for the removal of all causes of war.”

#CODay #peace #antiwar #pacifist #pacifism #ConscientiousObjectors #ConscientiousObjection


Statement of the Movement of Conscientious Objectors (Russia) for the International Conscientious Objection Day

Author(s) Movement of Conscientious Objectors (Russia)
Dear conscientious objectors to military service, today we mark our #CO day while #war is being waged.

As the war with #Ukraine began, the notion of refusing #military service in #Russia has become especially topical. Before the war, most #conscripts and their relatives did not associate military service as conscripts with actual #warfare. #Conscription appeared to be something akin to a sports camp with elements of military training.

Regardless of their political views, the healthy feeling of fear of participating in warfare in the territory of a foreign country forces people to file appeals for alternative civilian service and to protect their right not to serve in the #army by other means.

For some of the #objectors to military service, the chance to specify in their application that they object to Russia's war in Ukraine is important. This is a legal form of expressing one's disagreement directly to the representatives of state authorities—a matter of #moral significance.

In the course of the months of warfare, we have witnessed a totally new phenomenon: cases in which professional #soldiers refuse to participate in the special operation[*] and demand to terminate their contracts. We wish to express our special #gratitude to those soldiers and police officers who had the courage to #refuse to kill and die in a foreign land, who refused to participate in the special operation.

Today, when many people apprehend the introduction of partial of full [military] mobilisation in Russia, it is precisely the right to conscientious objection to military service that offers them support.

The Movement of Conscientious Objectors in Russia expresses its #solidarity with all those who oppose war, with everyone who stands against the act of #aggression. We wish and pray, with all our might, for Ukraine to survive the assault and retain its independence.

[* "The special operation" is Russia's ongoing attack on Ukraine; formally, it is not a war, but a "special operation", and is being referred to as such in official contexts in Russia]

Заявление Движения сознательных отказчиков к Международному дню отказчиков от военной службы — 15 мая 2022
Дорогие сознательные отказчики от военной службы! Сегодня мы встречаем наш день во время ведения военных действий.

С началом войны с Украиной идея отказа от военной службы в России стала особенно актуальной. До войны большинство призывников и их родных не связывали военную службу по призыву и военные действия. Призыв представлялся им чем-то вроде спортивного лагеря с элементами военной подготовки.

Независимо от политических взглядов, здоровое чувство страха перед участием в военных действиях на территории чужого государства заставляет людей подавать заявления на альтернативную гражданскую службу и защищать свое право не служить в армии другими способами.

Для части отказчиков от военной службы важным является возможность в своем заявлении указать, что они являются противниками войны Россия в Украине. Это легальная форма выражения своего несогласия непосредственно представителям власти, что имеет моральное значение.

За месяцы военных действий мы увидели совершенно новое явление: случаи, когда военнослужащие по контракту отказываются участвовать в спецоперации, требуют расторжения контракта. Мы выражаем особую благодарность тем военнослужащим и сотрудникам полиции, которые имели мужество отказаться убивать и умирать в чужой стране, отказались от участия в спецоперации.

Сегодня, когда многие люди опасаются возможного введения частичной или полной мобилизации в России, именно право на отказ от военной службы по убеждениям совести становится для них поддержкой.

Движение сознательных отказчиков от военной службы России выражает солидарность со всеми противниками войны, со всеми, кто противостоит агрессии. Мы из всех сил желаем и молимся, чтобы Украина выстояла и сохранила свою независимость.

Р24 февраля 2022 ДСО опубликовало Заявление в связи с началом спецоперации

#CODay #peace #antiwar #pacifist #pacifism #ConscientiousObjectors #ConscientiousObjection


Krieg und Mobilmachung: Wie der Donbass seine Soldaten rekrutiert | DW | 27.04.2022

Unmittelbar vor der russischen Invasion in der Ukraine wurde in den separatistischen "Republiken" im Donbass vor zwei Monaten eine allgemeine Mobilmachung ausgerufen. Bewohner der Region berichten von den Folgen.#Ukraine #Russland #Donbass #Donezk #Luhansk #Invasion #Aggression #Mobilmachung #Rekrutierung
Krieg und Mobilmachung: Wie der Donbass seine Soldaten rekrutiert | DW | 27.04.2022


The War Will End

“The war will end,

and leaders will shake hands.

That old woman will keep waiting for her martyred son.

And those children will keep waiting for their hero father.

I don’t know who sold our homeland,

but I saw who paid the price.”

Sunflower Grow


  • Poem by Mahmoud Darwish, 1965

  • Artwork by Wenqing Yan (YuumeiArt), Feb. 2022, inspired by the brave Ukrainian woman who told the invading Russian soldier, “Put sunflower seeds in your pocket, so that sunflowers grow when you die here.”

  • Combination copied from The Artidote community on Facebook


#Ukraine #Invasion #War #Aggression #Peace / #fz_links #fz_thinkingOutLoud


Further, as noted by Gabrielle Cornish and many others on the Internet,

Russia has mandatory conscription for men ages 18-27. Many of these soldiers aren't bloodthirsty ideologues; they're boys (mostly, and some girls -ed.) who didn't have enough money to weasel their way out of service. I fully support Ukraine and its defenders, but I won't be celebrating Russian casualties.


Peace Pledge Union statement on Ukraine and Russia

UK Tanks

The #PeacePledgeUnion (PPU) has today issued the following statement with regards to the prospect of #war over #Ukraine. The #PPU is #Britain's leading #pacifist organisation and the #British section of War Resisters' International.

The Peace Pledge Union shares the concern felt around the world about the possibility of war between #Russia and Ukraine. Sending more #troops and more #weapons to the area is only making the situation worse.

We oppose the actions of #politicians and #military leaders on both the #Russian side and the #NATO/Ukrainian side who are stirring up military #tension and using each other’s #aggression to justify their own. We stand with people in all countries who are resisting the drive to war.

We utterly reject any suggestion that to oppose NATO’s #militarism means supporting #VladimirPutin and Russian #forces. We oppose militarism on all sides.

We condemn the action of the Russian #government in building up troops on the #Ukrainian border. We do not accept their claim that this is not aggressive because the troops are in Russian territory. We similarly condemn the aggressive actions of NATO members, including the #US and #UK governments, in building up troops on Russia’s other borders. This follows NATO’s expansion eastwards since the 1990s, which has broken promises made at the end of the #ColdWar.

Each side uses the other’s aggression to justify their own. Each side claims that their actions are purely defensive. This situation has occurred countless times before in many parts of the world. It illustrates the futility of seeking to solve #conflict through #violence. Militarism anywhere fuels militarism everywhere.

As the British section of War Resisters’ International, the Peace Pledge Union stands in #solidarity with #pacifists and other #anti-militarists around the world. We are confident that the people of #Ukraine, Russia, the US, the UK and all the other countries involved have more in common with each other than with the #militaristic politicians, generals and arms companies who would wage war in their name.

As an organisation based in the UK, we note that UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss repeatedly states that UK troops and their NATO allies are promoting “freedom”. Yet the lack of #democracy and civil #liberties in Russia is mirrored in countries that the UK government counts among its military allies. NATO members include the #authoritarian regime of #Turkey. While Truss claims that UK troops in #Estonia are defending #freedom, other UK troops are training the #Saudi forces bombing #civilians in #Yemen. The Ukrainian government has recently imprisoned members of our sibling organisation, the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement, for campaigning against militarism; these actions mirror the Putin regime’s repression of peaceful #activists in Russia.

There is no military solution to the #crisis over Ukraine. We urge both sides to withdraw troops from each other’s borders and to stop pouring further troops and weapons into an already highly volatile situation. We encourage them to focus on tackling the real dangers that threaten us all, including Covid, poverty and the climate emergency. We support people in all countries who challenge militaristic polices and we welcome the actions of individuals in the armed forces in any country who refuse to obey orders to fight or to prepare for war.

#peace #propeace #antiwar #ConscientiousObjection #HumanRights