

Cupertino High School March

Gunhild Carling, Nanna, Linnea and Petronella Carling (2024)

Cupertino high school March Gunhild Carling cornet , Nanna Carling soprano sax, Linnea Carling banjo, Petronella Carling trombone, Håkan Persson bass\
Inspired by the School’s marching band that Idun and Viggo plays/played in. (Michelle Kotlyar, Manav and Pritish Budhrani and Easwar Dasineni also studied at CHS.)\
Music by Gunhild Carling Download Score https://jazzartcom.wordpress.com/2024/06/08/cupertino-high-school-march-3p-score-for-jazz-band/


Idun (18) (former Swedish TV actress and now an undergrad at UC Irvine) and Viggo (16) are Gunhild’s children. Michelle, the Budhrani brothers and Easwar Dasineni are neighbors of Gunhild in Cupertino. The Carling sisters are Gunhild’s nieces.

Because the Carling sisters and Håkan Persson are in this video, I suspect this video was recorded in Sweden. According to her calendar (https://www.gunhildcarling.net/c1/calendar) Gunhild’s been in Sweden recently.

#music #video #jazz #hot-jazz #cupertino-high-school-march #gunhild-carling #carling-sisters #nanna-carling #petronella-carling #linnea-carling #2024 #cupertino #cupertino-high-school #håkan-persson #california #usa #sweden


US Southwest expected to roast with pre-summer #HeatWave

source: https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/seasons-first-heat-wave-scorch-parts-western-southern-us-2024-06-04/

The heat wave as a whole, with temperatures 20-30 degrees above normal, was expected to peak over #California's Central Valley on Wednesday, before expanding into the #Desert Southwest later in the week, the NWS said.

#USA #weather #temperature #heat #climate #environment #health #news


Not-Vaxx Never Mandatory

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that #California’s attempt to #mandate the #Covid-19 shots was #illegal and that Jacobson v. Massachusetts did not apply because the #not-vaxx is not a #vaccine and the state could not claim a legitimate state interest in #forcing #medical #treatments that do not provide immunity.

#HealthFreedomDefenseFund et. al have won a significant #victory in the #NinthCircuit, which reversed dismissal of their lawsuit challenging the Los Angeles Unified School District’s (“LAUSD”) #mandatory #vaccination policy for all employees.

Reversing the decision of the Central District of California in #LosAngeles, the Ninth Circuit majority held that, first, the case was not mooted by #LAUSD’s rescission of the mandate after oral argument last September, 2023. The majority called out LAUSD’s gamesmanship for what it was – a bald-faced attempt at avoiding an adverse ruling by trying to create an issue of mootness. On the merits, the majority ruled that the district court had misapplied the #SupremeCourt’s 1905 decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts when it dismissed LAUSD’s lawsuit on grounds that the mandate was rationally related to a legitimate state interest. In Jacobson, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of a smallpox vaccination mandate because it related to “preventing the spread” of smallpox.

The majority, however, noted that #HFDF had alleged in the lawsuit that the #COVID #jabs are not “traditional” vaccines because they do not prevent the spread of COVID-19 but only purport to mitigate COVID symptoms in the recipient. This, HFDF had alleged in its complaint, makes the COVID jab a medical treatment, not a vaccine.

The court recognized that mitigating symptoms rather than preventing the spread of disease “distinguishes Jacobson, thus presenting a different government interest.” Based on this reasoning, the majority disapproved the trial court’s contention that, even if the jabs do not prevent the spread, “Jacobson still dictates that the vaccine mandate is subject to, and survives, the rational basis test.”

The court held that “[t]his misapplies Jacobson,” which “did not involve a claim in which the compelled vaccine was ‘designed to reduce symptoms in the infected vaccine recipient rather than to prevent transmission and infection.”’ Jacobson does not, the majority concluded, extend to “forced medical treatment” for the benefit of the recipient.

The court declined to give any deference to pronouncements by the #CDC that the “COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective.” As the court asked rhetorically, “safe and effective” for what? The majority pointed to HFDF’s allegation that CDC had changed the definition of “vaccine” in September 2021, striking the word “immunity” from that definition. The court also noted HFDF’s citations to CDC statements that the vaccines do not prevent transmission, and that natural immunity is superior to the vaccines.

In a separate concurrence, Judge Collins wrote that the district court “further erred by failing to realize that [HFDF’s] allegations directly implicate a distinct and more recent line of Supreme Court authority” for the proposition that “a competent person has a constitutionally protected liberty interest in refusing unwanted medical treatment[.]” Citing the Supreme Court’s decision in Washington v. Glucksberg, Judge Collins noted that the right to refuse unwanted medical treatment is “entirely consistent with this Nation’s history and constitutional traditions,” and that HFDF’s allegations in this case “are sufficient to invoke that fundamental right.”

It’s important to note, since this will not be the last attempt to at #global #depopulation, that most of the pragmatic appeals to getting #vaxxed have turned out to have been based on #false assumptions and #illegal actions by #corporations and various levels of #government.


#Facts about #slavery never mentioned in #school | #ThomasSowell


Thomas Sowell is an #American #economist and #political #commentator. He taught economics at #Cornell #University, the University of #California, #LosAngeles, and since 1980 at the Hoover Institution at #Stanford University, where he is currently a Senior Fellow.
This channel helps to promote his teachings and principles of #economics and #philosophy.

#histoire #esclavage


Don't ever trust the police, ever!!!

Newly released video paints a clearer picture of the shootout between a murder suspect and San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department deputies that killed him and his 15-year-old abducted daughter in Sept. 2022.

The video, obtained by Southern California News Group, shows that 15-year-old Savannah Graziano, who was abducted by her father Anthony on Sept. 26, 2022, after he allegedly murdered his estranged wife in Fontana, may have been surrendering at the time she appeared to have been shot by deputies. ...

#Video and rest of #article: https://ktla.com/news/california/new-video-shows-abducted-california-teen-may-have-been-surrendering-when-killed-in-shootout-with-deputies/
#california #cops #ACAB


Discover the lenght of Israel propaganda
Facts For Peace: The Billionaire-Backed Campaign Attacking the Palestinian Cause

A week after Hamas launched its surprise attack on #Israel, the social media page Facts For Peace was created with the message, “Get the facts on Hamas, Israel, and peace in the region.”

A few days later, the page began advertising its content. “Here is Hamas’ Founding Charter in Their Own Words,” one sponsored post reads alongside video clips of Hamas leaders speaking and snapshots of the document. The page has spent more than $945,000 on #Facebook ads since the war began nearly four months ago, and according to POLITICO, was the single largest pro-Israel advertiser between November 2 and December 1, spending over $450,000 on #Meta ads. The ads have mainly reached male-identifying Facebook users under the age of 35 in #California, #Texas, #NewYork, and #Florida.

Labeled as a media/news company on Facebook, now Meta, the page’s posts and its supporters appear less concerned with accurate reporting and more involved in shaping public opinion.

In November, news website #Semafor reported real-estate billionaire Barry #Sternlicht launched Facts For Peace and sought $1 million in donations each from some of the world’s wealthiest individuals. “This is just one of several behind-the-scenes efforts by business tycoons — many, though not all of them Jewish — to support Israel since the attack by Hamas,” Samafor reported.

Public opinion will surely shift as scenes, real or fabricated by Hamas, of civilian Palestinian suffering will surely erode [Israel’s] current empathy in the world community,” Sternlicht wrote in an email, seen by Semafor, soliciting contributions from Wall Street, Hollywood, and tech moguls. “We must get ahead of the #narrative.”

Full article ===> https://www.mintpressnews.com/facts-for-peace-billionaire-backed-campaign-attacking-palestinian-cause/286745/

#FactsForPeace #Propaganda #Apartheid #US #Israel #genocide #Gaza #WestBank #Palestine