

Other Options

My time on #Diaspora has been short, but very educational for me. I discovered #libre-software and #Linux because of @grin ✅ and others who encouraged me. I have learned some #history here and gotten some good friendly advice about #college and what to expect the #future to be like for kids my age.

It hasn't been all good, though. One religious #bigot treats everyone who doesn't share his copy-and-pasted opinions and beliefs pissed me off enough for me to block him. I also have to block a lot of #porn here (not tagged as #NSFW) which surprised me, and a gazillion posts every day about #politics. There's a LOT of #bias, most people have already made up their minds about things and are not willing to answer questions from some dumb kid who wandered in here. There are some great exceptions, of course, like @Muse and @Ji Fu and others, but most of the time I get the "go away, kid, you bother me" vibe. I haven't found any others my age here either, which is another surprise. But maybe it shouldn't be, I guess.

While I'm on break from school maybe I'll look at some of the other #fediverse platforms to see if they're different. And maybe if kids are welcome and actually do stuff besides the usual "Hey look at me" stuff they do on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and every other platform that doesn't respect our privacy.


College or Trade School?

I have three and a half years to decide, so no hurry, but just looking around at opportunities that #high-school graduates are taking here in the US, It sure doesn't look as if #college is worth all the money and time, unless you just want to be a "professional student" and take multiple degrees and never actually #work at all. And it costs a bazillion dollars a year, all in loans, so when you graduate you're trapped in debt. Maybe the only #jobs you need college for don't pay very well anyway, except doctors and lawyers I guess. Or politicians, who somehow make millions even though their salaries aren't enough to do that.

I'm inclined to go to #trade-school and just go to work without all that debt, with a skill that people need and will pay for, like computer stuff or someone to fix their flying car (we were supposed to have those by the year 2020, right?). Plumbers, electricians, technicians, X-ray techs and dental hygienists will always be needed. Barbers, train engineers, pilots, nurses, plant operators, all kinds of high-paying skilled jobs that don't require a bazillion dollars to learn and don't leave you steeped in debt sure sounds more appealing, even though college sounds like it could be fun. Who is to say I couldn't go to college part-time after working in a trade during the day? But paying my own way, like my parents did.

How do I decide?

I mean besides the "follow your passions" advice that everyone offers like a standard response to a greeting. I have passions about lots of things I guess, and some things I do for fun could also become my line of work! So I totally get the "follow your passion" advice, I just don't know how to choose. So I'll ask this question of my new #adult friends in the Fediverse:

Did it work for you? Are your dreams coming true for career and life?

Thanks for hopefully a lot of answers,


Israel going full faacist : Over the past hour, it was reported on Israeli and #Palestinian social medias that major clashes started at the #Netanya #College between #Israeli #Jews and Israeli #Arabs

Under chants of "Death to Arabs", commonly used by 🇮🇱 Far-Right #Kahanist groups in Israel, a handful number of Israeli extremists surronded and have entered into student dormitories where Israeli arab students are living in.

As expected, clashes erupted between the groups until the local police force arrived.

#Racism #Politics


#education #ecole #college #EN #vert #bio #ecologisme #constructivisme #bourrageDeCraneBio #Ecomanipulation

Une certification écolo à la fin du collège
Elisabeth Borne va également annoncer, ce mercredi, la mise en place d’une évaluation «savoir vert» pour tous les élèves de 3e, «pour s’assurer qu’il y ait un socle commun qui soit maîtrisé sur différents items : bien s’alimenter, trier ses déchets, comprendre le changement climatique…» liste Matignon. Un référentiel de compétences à acquérir au cours de la scolarité «est en cours de construction au ministère de l’Education nationale».

L'embrigadement idéologique des jeunes via l'école fait toujours partie de la petite panoplie de l'autoritarisme.

Ça promet ....



Hey everyone, I’m #newhere. I’ follow #bible, #church, #college, #conservative, #education, #fire-rescue, #history, #libertarian, #linux, #maga, #reformed-theology, #startrek, and #starwars.

My previous experience in the Fediverse (Diaspora) was very bad. My avatar and persona at first was Robin, Batman’s sidekick. There aren’t that many males named Robin where I’m from, and I enjoyed being the boy wonder and writing from his perspective just for fun. A second Diaspora account was a fictional character from the Star Trek universe named Artim - this guy - with whom I share a great fear of technology mixed with childlike curiosity and fondness for play. But in serious discussions about social, political, and spiritual issues, I couldn’t be that character, of course.

Unfounded accusations of pedophilia followed, and whenever any underage person created an account on Diaspora thereafter, regardless of gender or sexual orientation or anything else, then my old adversaries would link that poor kid with me some way or another, and more stupid allegations would spread. I did actually invite one kid to Diaspora, from a Sunday school class I used to teach. They jumped all over that poor kid too and drove him off as well. I would be surprised to find anyone in the Fediverse except maybe Mastodon under the age of 20.

It’s too bad. I think the Fediverse would be awesome for kids, and we adults need to hear from the next generation, to listen to them, and to offer a little help to them in these unbelievably confusing times. But as long as there are those who would associate any kid with me and try to drive them off, I couldn’t stick around and be the reason for it, so I left. For what, two years I guess. Now I’m back but on Friendica on Diaspora for now, and hoping the storms are over. If not, I’ll disappear again, probably never to return.

The Friendica instance I chose has very few #Christian #conservatives in it's directory, and has blocked a number of Fediverse instances where some might be found. Also, I found the interface on diaspora much easier to navigate and manage. I think I prefer it in spite of it's lack of some great features that Friendica offers. Those extra features don't mean as much to me as the short learning curve and intuitive interface that Diaspora offers, so I chose a pod that doesn't appear to censor users and block many instances.

Following a 30-year career in #fire-rescue, I took some college and seminary courses (Presbyterian / Reformed) and took a job running freight around the lower 48 for a bit, just to travel and learn. Now approaching my 65th year, I work locally and continue taking courses in college and seminary. Not working for a degree, just learning for the sheer pleasure of growing more and being equipped to teach at church when needed.

My interests are #bible #theology #history #writing #living-history #reenacting #church-history #sacred-music, #prepping #MAGA #America-first (that does not necessarily mean #Republican by any means! More like #libertarian)

Hopefully it's safe for me now, and hopefully my first experience of this Fediverse will be a positive one in which I can contribute, learn, and share.


« Ça m’a fait apprendre des trucs sur l’écologie » : des collégiens de banlieue découvrent la France à vélo

Il y a 9 ans, le collège Jean Jaurès de Pantin a lancé un projet ambitieux : Jaurès à vélo. Chaque année, une vingtaine de collégiens découvrent la France en pédalant. Basta! s'est joint à eux pour suivre leur entrainement le temps d'une journée. Reportage en photos. https://basta.media/education-populaire-des-collegiens-de-banlieue-sur-la-route-du-mont-saint-michel

#JauresAVelo #Initiative #Alternative #Velo #Education #Sport #EducationPhysiqueEtSportive #College #Pantin #JeanJaures #Ecologie #DeveloppementDurable #Theatre #Entrainement #MontSaintMichel #Normandie #Reportage #Photoreportage


Education pour le bien des enfants : Collectif des professionnels de l’éducation

Qui sommes-nous ?

Nous sommes un collectif rassemblant des professionnels de l’éducation (Enseignants de la maternelle au supérieur, ATSEM, AESH, Animateurs périscolaires, Animateurs d’ALSH, Éducateurs, CPE, Surveillants scolaires, Agents communaux…).

Nous ne nous reconnaissons ni dans les mesures sanitaires actuelles, ni dans ce que devient l’éducation. Selon nous, il est temps qu’une autre voix se fasse enfin entendre.

Nous avons rédigé collectivement un Manifeste pour réaffirmer nos missions au service de l’enfance et de la jeunesse.

Nous vous invitons à nous rejoindre et à exprimer vous aussi votre positionnement en le signant massivement en ligne et en le partageant largement.

Que nous soyons professionnels de l’éducation, parents, étudiants majeurs, élus ou citoyens, NOUS, adultes d’aujourd’hui, sommes responsables de la protection et de l’avenir des enfants et de la jeunesse.


#coronavirus #covid-19 #covid #covid19 #DictatureSanitaire #Libertes #droits #actions #masques #masque #EnfanceEtLibertes #EducationPourLeBienDesEnfants #GestesBarrieres #Depression #Suicide #Enfance #Enfants #Education #Enseignant #Enseignants #Ecole #College #Lycee #MesuresSanitaires #Maternelle #Elementaire #Secondaire