

Forget the Autism

There is substantial statistical evidence suggesting – suggesting, mind you, not proving – that sufficient vaccines can make you trans and gay:

Here are the odds ratio between the fully #vaccinated/fully #unvaccinated. Odds ratios >2 are traditionally associated with #causality:

Sexual orientation: 4.78

Gender identity: 4.81

Gender dysphoria: 5.54

These effects are huge and consistent.

Also, the odds ratios for partially vaccinated are in line with the fully vaccinated: in general, the greater the number of #vaccines someone has, the more likely they are to have a trait that differs from traditional norms. So the vaccines themselves are the elephant in the room here and the #driver of the response, not #environment, #upbringing, #social #pressure, etc.

Now, I already lean pretty heavily #anti-vax, which is why refusing the #Covid #not-vaxx didn’t even rise to the level of having to think about it for one second. But these results should make even the most mindless pro-vax #parent think twice about signing up little Bobby or Jenny for the endless series of foreign substances presently being pushed on the #parents of young #children. Especially in the aftermath of the #global #vaxx #debacle.

At the very least, more genuine scientific research is required, and no amount of fake ethical special pleading about how it is immoral to have an unvaccinated control group will suffice to avoid it.


#Amazon's bestselling "bitter lemon" energy #drink was bottled #delivery #driver #piss

Source: https://pluralistic.net/2023/10/20/release-energy/

The company enacted a strict zero tolerance policy for drivers returning to the depot with bottles of piss in their vans.

That's where Butler comes in: the roads leading to Amazon delivery depots are lined with bottles of piss thrown out of delivery vans by drivers who don't want to lose their jobs, which made harvesting the raw material for "Release Energy" a straightforward matter.

#humanRights #economy #policy #satire #algorithm #trade #internet #news


#node.js used by #Adobe, #Logitech, #Nvidia and others can be used to #exploite #Windows 😱

Source: https://nitter.eu/Laughing_Mantis/status/1512081814994575377

So what can you do with these and how can they be abused:

You can modify the JSON and JS files mentioned in order to:
- arbitrary download binaries
- ignore download checksums
- execute commands as SYSTEM
- C2 on the behalf of applications
- perform file I/O as SYSTEM


A good generic tool should scan the local appdata and program file folders for instances of NODE.JS or JSON files (Maybe not Microsoft Store instances) and then have templates for trojanizing each vendor's custom #NodeJS and #JSON.

#Microsoft #warning #danger #0day #software #news #Trojan #problem #hack #hacker #driver #install #fail #security


Driver doesn't load, shows error code 52 in device manager on Windows 10 x64
If you're automating software and drivers, sometimes it happens that Windows 10 doesn't load a driver. Since MS raised the bar for driver signing and everything security in general to unbelievable heights, there are far less problems with rootkits, but way more with drivers.

Even hardware manufacturers as Nvidia and Intel can't keep up with the current update rate and hey who needs QA when you're at one of these firms anyway and thus, from time to time, un- or wrongly signed non-production beta drivers are being published for end consumers.

You're downloading driver packages, extract them, shove them upon your test share, import them into your endpoint management server system without a problem, automate them and deploy them. Dism grabs them and imports them into the local driver store. After OSD is done, system is being patched and software is being installed, all is good. Machine ships to the end customer, user logs in. OS activates each and every security subsystem that EFI, secureboot, Driverguard etc pp. provides and loads up the drivers in the store.

Inf is readable, cab file signature is A-OK, loading driver but oh my what's that, one of the 50 driver libraries or SYS files is not signed properly, a cert in the chain is too old or there is no CA certificate because someone at Intel signed the libraries with a cert published by 'Microsoft Media' certificate used in Windows Vista (an OS published in 2007 A.D.) to sign the driver libraries. In the year 2021. Congrats, you now have n machines out there in the home offices without WLAN & without a graphics driver. Best wishes from Intel (one more reason why I prefer AMD).

There are two solutions to avoid this: either you check each and every file of each and every driver you want to use before importing & deploying them. This means that you'll check millions of files. Or you just trust the manufacturer / distributor who provides the drivers, import them and fix if any errors occur. This is what 99% of the sysadmins do and what MS recommends.

If however you want to check the driver files before importing them, here is a powershell one-liner to recursively check all binaries in the current path for non-valid signatures. It outputs any binaries in the search path which are not signed properly.

Get-ChildItem -Recurse | where {$_.extension -in ".dll", ".exe", ".sys" } | Where { ! $_.PSIsContainer } | Get-AuthenticodeSignature | Where-Object {$_.status -ne "Valid"} | Select-Object status, path

Have fun, stay healthy.

#windows #drivers #driver #admin #hardware #cert #signature
