

La parade de Krampus en Autriche

La tradition des parades de Krampus remonte à plusieurs siècles et est aujourd’hui encore bien vivante, particulièrement au Tyrol. La fabrication des lourds costumes demande patience et minutie. Les masques sont sculptés à la main.
Les terribles Krampus sortent dès la mi-novembre. Les origines sont complexes. Les Krampus sont d’abord les compagnons sombres de Saint Nicolas. Ils faisaient partie intégrante de la tradition alpine du "Nikolausspiel" des Jésuites lors de la contre-Réforme. Leur fonction était éducative : ils punissent les enfants qui se sont mal conduits, contrairement à Saint-Nicolas qui récompense les enfants sages avec des cadeaux. Le nom "Krampus" viendrait du moyen-haut-allemand et désignerait « quelque chose sans vie, flétri et desséché », à moins qu’il ne provienne du mot « Krallen » qui signifie griffes.
GGgrrRRRR !... ^^

#Autriche #tradition #folklore #fêtes #créatures-mythiques


https://spore.social/@minouette/113589161837785806 minouette@spore.social - Bonus #ArtAdventCalendar: The first in my series of somewhat darker holiday folklore: my linocut Yule Cat, Jólakötturinn of Iceland, a gigantic monster cat looming over a tiny cabin, with a wreath on the door, in a snowy, nighttime woodland scene.

The first written accounts of Jólakötturinn, enforcer of good behaviour leading up to Christmas, date to the 19th century but the stories of the monster cat likely date 🧵

#linocut #printmaking #Yule #YuleCat #Iceland #folklore #legend #cat #MastoArt


There were three friends. They all loved a beautiful girl from a rich family. The young men were also from rich families.
The girl said: "You are all equal in my eyes and I cannot refuse one and marry another. Go and do such a deed that one of you distinguishes himself, then I will marry him"
The three friends agreed to meet at a certain place and set out to travel the world. Finally, they came together. One showed a mirror in which a man could see everything about everyone. He looked into the mirror and saw that the girl was sick and lying dying. The other took out a rug. It was such a carpet that if you sat on it, it would take you wherever you wanted to go in an instant. The third took out a red apple from his pocket: if the sick man ate it, he would be cured at once.
When the friends heard that the girl was sick, they immediately sat down on the carpet to bring her the magic apple.
Soon they reached the place, the girl ate the apple and recovered.
The friends argued: to whom should the girl belong? One said: if it were not for his mirror, how could they have known that the girl was sick?
The other says: if it wasn't for his carpet, how could they have gotten to the place quickly?
The third says: if it wasn't for his apple, could the girl have gotten well?

Question: Who got the girl?

Жили были три друга. Все они любили красивую девушку из богатой семьи. Молодые люди тоже были из богатых семей.
Девушка сказала: "Вы все в моих глазах равны и я не могу отказать одному и выйти замуж за другого. Идите и совершите такое дело, чтоб один из вас отличился, тогда я выйду за него замуж"
Три друга договорились встретиться в определенном месте и отправились путешествовать по миру. Наконец, они сошлись вместе. Один показал зеркало, в котором человек мог увидить все про всех. Вглянул он в зеркало и увидел, что девушка больна и лежит при смерти. Другой достал ковер. Это был такой ковер, что если сесть на него, он в одно мгновение доставит куда захочешь. Третьий достал из кармана красное яблоко: стоило его съесть больному, как тот должен был сразу выздороветь.
Друзья, узнав что девушка больна, тут же сели на ковер, чтобы быстрее принести ей волшебное яблоко.
Вскоре они добрались до места, девушка съела яблоко и выздоровела.
Друзья заспорили: кому должна принадлежать девушка? Один говорит: если бы не его зеркало, как бы они могли узнать, что девушка больна?
Второй говорит: если бы не его ковёр, как они могли быстро добраться до места?
Третьий говорит: если бы не его яблоко, разве девушка могла бы выздороветь?

Вопрос: Кому же досталась девушка?

#fairytale #question #folklore #riddle


The Devil in Shropshire https://nearlyknowledgeablehistory.blogspot.com/2021/05/the-devil-in-shropshire.html?m=1

We are told that the storm which hit Shrewsbury in January 1553 was biblical. The rain lashed down and thunder ripped through the sky. The frostiness of the night felt oppressive, filling the hearts and minds of the town’s inhabitants with a sense of foreboding. Fear whipped its way through the winding streets, and on this night, if we are to believe the chapbook of St Alkmund’s church, the Devil Came to Shropshire.

#history #Folklore


https://kolektiva.social/@RustyBertrand/113358578038471439 RustyBertrand@kolektiva.social - In 1421 AD, a flood swept through the Netherlands, submerging 72 villages and drowning between 2,000 & 10,000 people.

Survivors saw a piece of wood floating on the water, and a cat was jumping back and forth on it.

People wanted to save it, but they were surprised to find a child sleeping peacefully. The cat was alternately jumping on the edges of the bed to maintain its balance so that the child would not drown.

This story was very famous in the Netherlands, and 4 centuries later the event was immortalized in the painting “The Inundation of The Biesbosch in 1421” by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema.

This story is the origin of the wording “the cat’s in the craddle”.

The baby was named Beatrijs / Beatrix when she was found, which means “the bringer of good luck / joy” but also “the lucky one”

Although nowadays it’s not a commonly known story in majority of The Netherlands anymore, it is known to those who grew up in the Biesbosch area.

Via Nicole Hartwood, #Folklore



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#BLUE #Trolleite #Stone Mineral Rhombus Halsjober

Trolleite is a captivating #crystal with a delicate and alluring hue. Its beautiful color spans from soothing pale blue to fascinating turquoise, making it a treasure that captivates and calms.

The aluminum, phosphate, and copper that makes up Trolleite is an interesting chemical combination. Due to its unique chemical constitution, crystal collectors and #astrologers #prize it for its #beauty and #energy.

Trolleite has fascinated crystal and #metaphysical enthusiasts since its discovery. This stone was first discovered in #Sweden, with a rich #history dating back to the early 1900s. It is named after the renowned Swedish chemist and mineralogist Hans Gabriel Trolle-Wachtmeister.

Crystal enthusiasts and collectors admire Trolleite’s capacity to inspire #inner #tranquility, #intuition, and #spiritual progress. This gem has a deep link to the #heavenly #realm and can help with self-discovery and introspection.

Did you know that, in #ancient #folklore, Trolleite was often associated with #mystical #beings and tales of #hidden #wisdom? This exquisite crystal was believed to have the #power to #reveal #secrets and unlock the doors to higher #knowledge. Today, it continues to be regarded as a #gem of insight and #revelation, #empowering those who seek its transformative energy.

About Trolleite
Trolleite activates all energy centers and channels, making it an excellent tool for spiritual growth and development. Its blue color is linked to the #Third-Eye #chakra, representing wisdom, truth, and clarity. This stone enhances spiritual powers by opening a divine connection, allowing for a deeper understanding of oneself and the #universe. Trolleite is an intuition stone that helps manifest desires for the highest good and facilitates the release of fear, anger, and pain that can block manifestation. Its energy is #calming and #soothing, making it an excellent stone for #meditation and spiritual practices.


https://mastodon.social/@EssAeEm/113180867974530884 EssAeEm@mastodon.social - In Shetland folklore, trows are mischievous creatures that live inside hills but also sneak into homes to either warm up by the hearth or steal its fire for themselves. A trail of sparks leading from the fireplace to the door is a sign trows had been there. #FolkloreSunday

📷: Stéphane Juban

#Folklore #Trows #Fairies #Hearth #Shetland #Scotland #ScottishFolklore



The #folklore and folk #magic associated with the #Whitethorn.

Part of a series of videos on the sacred trees of Britain and Ireland, their associations in the #Ogham ' #Celtic' #Tree #Alphabet and their symbolism, folklore, #mythology and practical and magical applications in #history and today.

The #May-Tree, or #Hawthorne or Whitethorn is sometimes thought of as the sister tree to the Blackthorn.

It is an ambivalent tree with both positive and negative associations in the Old Ways. A lot of this is to do with the #fairy folk, the good people or the Sídhe.

In the Ogham, it represents the letter #H ( #Huath) and denotes fear and horror.

Other associations include #healing, #fertility, sexuality, #protection, boundaries and #death.


Tillmann Bendikowskis Buch über Magie, Geisterglaube und verwandte Phänomene ist spannend und faszinierend. Noch etwas mehr Struktur hätte ihm gutgetan. Eine Rezension

In Zeiten der Angst und einer überfordernden Wirklichkeit hat der Aberglaube Konjunktur: Das zeigt dieser historische Abriss eindrücklich. Eine Rezension (Rezension zu Himmel hilf! von Tillmann Bendikowski)#Aberglaube #Magie #Folklore #Mythen #Legenden #Glaube #Spiritualismus #Spiritismus #Alchemie #Hermetik #Hexe #Zauberei #Satanismus #Dämonologie #magischesdenken #Mystizismus #Geisterglaube #Alraune #Animismus #Mesmerismus #Talisman #übernatürlich #Volksglaube #Spiritualität #Esoterik #Orakel #Kultur #ErdeUmwelt #PsychologieHirnforschung
»Himmel hilf!«: Die Geister, die wir riefen


Religious Belief Systems by Continent Region, 2023.

Due to there being no data for just over 900 million people, each figure given for each belief system should be considered as being around 89% accurate. This could, for example, swap the most prevalent religion position between Christianity & Islam, or could further extend Christianity's lead.

#religion #metaphysics #philosophy #belief #faith #ideology #dogma #beliefsystems #religiousideology #data #statistics #stats #information #demography #anthropology #culture #god #gods #spiritualism #spirit #ontology #abrahamism #judaism #usa #christianity #uk #islam #hinduism #un #buddhism #folklore #folkreligion #eu #irreligion #athiesm #agnosticism #hindu #christian #muslim #jew #buddist