So….It’s Official
By #AnnaVonReitz
A minimum of 270,000 “ #excess” #deaths occurred in #America in 2021 and the figures are edging steadily upward for final tabulation of “excess” deaths in 2022, but will probably exceed the 2021 figures by at least double, and then quadruple the following year and continue to geometrically increase each year thereafter.
That is, if DARPA’s own estimates are correct and if they are to meet their goal of killing two thirds of this country’s population without firing a shot —- at least, not that kind of shot —- within seven (7) years.
(It’s being done this way so the real estate won’t be damaged too much.)
That, of course, does not count all the dead babies miscarried when their mother’s received the shot. And all the babies that will never be born because 75% of the women who received the shot are now sterile and the rest functioning at only about 30% of their natural fertility.
The population will shrink drastically on both ends of the lifecycle spectrum.
What is now apparent is that this is a project of the Municipal Government—- the foreign city-state government lodged in Washington, DC, which is responsible for all the alphabet soup departments and agencies and associations and contract affiliates like NIH and NHS and CDC and FDA and DOD and DOJ and FBI and DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE and DARPA and IRS and BATF —- all the Federal Civil Service Goons.
And someone is paying them to do this.
What is also apparent is that Pfizer developed and unleashed this horror for profit motives and has self-admittedly (and with no conscience at all) been ginning up new mutant variants — or at least Big Stories about mutant variants of SARS Co-2 —-to increase fear and sales of more “vaccines”— which will just kill off the slower learners faster.
Ask yourself #why #WHO and it’s affiliates had to change the #definition of “ #vaccine” if this was in fact a vaccine to begin with?
No, they changed the definition of “vaccine” so they could misrepresent what they were doing as a familiar, accepted vaccination program.
And we must note that although one Congress promised the vaccine manufacturers immunity from criminal prosecution no matter what they put in vaccines or what terrible effects these products might have, that Congress is long gone and they never had state immunity to begin with.
(They think they do, but they don’t; they lost State immunity when they decided to incorporate.)
They can’t give what they don’t have.
The members of the Territorial Government and all corporations organized as British Crown Corporations are still subject to 18 USC 175 and the Nuremberg Code.
Please also note that the members of Congress exempted themselves and their families and their Staff members and their families and a whole bunch of Chinese Exchange students and illegal immigrants, too.
And they still had the brass cajones to “mandate” shots and masks for you and your families, apparently knowing in advance that something wasn’t right.
Something wasn’t “safe and effective” at all.
It was “safe” for them and “effective” for #eradicating #innocent #people that they owed money to.
What all this tells me is that somewhere around 30-40 million Americans are awake and boiling mad.
It won’t be long before the Agency Lap Dogs are looking over their shoulders thinking, “Is that a target painted on my $&@/?”
The next investigation we need to undertake is to determine who is paying DARPA and spreading around all the other kickback money.
See this article and over 3900 others on Anna's website here: