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Envoy: 'Russian leadership' decides to delist Taliban as terrorist group

by Ayaz Gul


Russia reported Friday that a "principal decision" had already been
made to remove Afghanistan's ruling Taliban from Moscow's list of
terrorist organizations.

Zamir Kabulov, the Russian presidential envoy for the South Asian
nation, was quoted by state-run TASS news agency as saying that the
foreign ministry and national security agencies "are putting finishing
legal touches" on the Taliban's delisting in line with federal laws.

"A principal decision on this has already been made by the Russian
leadership," said Kabulov. "Hopefully, the final decision will be
announced soon."

The remarks were reported on the same day that Moscow hosted a
conference of regional countries to discuss Afghanistan, with Russian
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov presiding over the proceedings.

Lavrov later held bilateral talks with Taliban Foreign Minister Amir
Khan Muttaqi, who led his delegation at Friday's multilateral event in
the Russian capital, organized under the Moscow Format platform.

"We firmly believe in the importance of maintaining a pragmatic
dialogue with the current Afghan government," Lavrov said in his
inaugural speech to delegates from countries such as China, India,
Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan.

"Moscow will continue to develop political, trade, and economic ties
with Kabul," Lavrov pledged.

Russia launched the Moscow Format in 2017 and it has since become a
regular platform for discussing challenges facing impoverished,
war-torn Afghanistan.

Muttaqi, in his broadcast address to Friday's gathering, welcomed
Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan's recent announcements that they will remove
the Taliban from their lists of outlawed groups.

"We also appreciate the positive remarks [made] by the high-ranking
officials of the Russian Federation in this regard and hope to see more
effective steps soon," said the Taliban chief diplomat.

Russia's involvement in Afghanistan has been tumultuous. The Soviet
army entered the country in 1979 to help a pro-Moscow government in
Kabul but pulled out a decade later due to heavy losses inflicted by
U.S.-backed Afghan insurgents, or mujahideen.

Moscow has developed close informal ties with the Taliban since they
regained power in Afghanistan three years ago after the United States
and NATO forces withdrew ending 20 years of war.

President Vladimir Putin stated in July that Russia considered the
Taliban an ally in the fight against terrorism. The former Afghan
insurgent group has been on the Russian list of terrorist organizations
since 2003.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov praised the Taliban for combating
narcotics in Afghanistan and fighting a regional Islamic State
affiliate known as IS-Khorasan (IS-K).

"We support the Afghan authorities' resolve to combat the terrorist
threat," he told the conference Friday.

Muttaqi called on all regional countries "to cooperate in preventing
the recruitment of their citizens by ISIS and then send them to
Afghanistan and other countries to carry out subversive operations." He
used an acronym for IS-K, which the United Nations describes as the
most significant terrorist regional threat emanating from Afghan soil.

The Taliban foreign minister did not name any country, but Kabul
formally alleged last week that the terrorist group is orchestrating
attacks from bases in Pakistan, charges officials in Islamabad have
refuted as unfounded.

No country has officially recognized the de facto Taliban government,
although China and the United Arab Emirates have formally accepted
Taliban-appointed ambassadors.

Washington remains opposed to any step toward easing sanctions or
moving toward recognition of the Taliban as Afghanistan's rightful
government, saying Kabul must improve its human rights record to win
international legitimacy and support.

"We will look for interest in any outcomes and deliverables from the
upcoming Moscow Format meeting, but we do not participate," Karen
Decker, the head of the Doha-based U.S. diplomatic mission for
Afghanistan, told reporters Thursday.

The U.S. has never attended a Moscow Format meeting because it is seen
as a regional conversation, said Decker, who has also been tasked with
overseeing Afghan diplomacy.

#russia #afghanistan #taliban #terrorists #terrorism #terrorist #putin #moscow-format #lavrov #is-k


Sergueï #Lavrov, a mis en garde l' #Occident contre toute tentative d'infliger une «défaite stratégique» à la #Russie, la qualifiant d’«aventure suicidaire». S'adressant le 28 septembre à l'Assemblée générale de l’ #ONU, le chef de la diplomatie russe a exhorté les soutiens occidentaux de l' #Ukraine à réfléchir aux «lourdes conséquences» d'une éventuelle utilisation par la Russie de sa dissuasion #nucléaire.
S’adressant aux «stratèges anglo-saxons», Sergueï Lavrov a souligné que leurs projets n’échappaient à personne : «vaincre la Russie avec les mains du régime néonazi illégitime de Kiev». Il a jugé insensé de vouloir préparer l’Europe à se lancer dans une aventure suicidaire, à savoir «tenter de vaincre» une puissance nucléaire comme la Russie.




[How would you comment Ukraine’s demands as set forth in The Guardian? They seek the green light to use the #StormShadow missiles to target #Moscow and St Petersburg as a way to force Moscow to negotiate.]

"This is #blackmail, an attempt to pretend that the West seeks to avoid any excessive escalation.
In reality, they are full of mischief.

Avoiding escalation is not what the West is after.

To put it into plain language, they are simply picking a fight.

I think that this has become obvious to everyone.

I have recently cited John Kirby, who is the White House National Security Communications Advisor.
A couple of months ago, he said that escalation would be dangerous, since it would be extremely ill-advised to let the situation slide into a world war and that Europe would be the one to suffer in the process.

Recently, John Kirby said this again.

For Americans, any talk about the third world war comes down to something that would affect Europe alone, and God forbid if it ever happened.

This is quite telling, since this idea reflects the mindset of the American planners and geostrategy experts who believe that they can simply sit the whole thing out.

I think that it is important to understand in this situation that we have our own doctrine, including the one governing the use of nuclear weapons.

An effort to update it is underway.

Moreover, these Americans are well aware of the provisions it sets forth.

This fact transpires from the Freudian slips they make when they say that having a third world war would be a bad thing because they do not want Europe to suffer.

This is what this American mindset comes down to.

They have a mindset of a master sitting somewhere out there overseas and believing to be totally safe and secure, thinking that not only Ukrainians, but also, as it turns out, Europeans would be willing to do the dirty work and die for them.

We have long been hearing speculation about authorizing #Ukraine to use not only the Storm Shadow missiles, but also #US -made long-range missiles.

There was an anonymous source in Washington who said that they were working on it.

This source purported that their overall view of Ukraine’s request is quite positive. I will stop at that. President Vladimir #Putin said all about it quite a while ago.

Now, all we can do is confirm once again that playing with fire is a dangerous thing for the men and women in charge of #nuclear-weapons across the Western world, but they are playing with matches as if they never grew up."

#Russie #Russia



[What do you think about the West’s rhetoric and stance on the situation in our border regions? They are denying that they knew about it.]
"The Defence Ministry leadership assesses the military situation and reports to President Vladimir #Putin several times a day.
As for the political side, it’s clear that the cap fits, and they should long be wearing it.
The evolution from 'we have nothing to do with it' and 'no one asked us' to 'they did ask, but we said no,' and 'Zaluzhny disobeyed' is just ridiculous.
Everyone is perfectly aware that Vladimir #Zelensky would never have dared to do this – the decision was certainly his.
Now he boasts that he is creating a buffer zone and damaging the Russian state.
He would not have dared to do this unless he had orders from the #US.
There is also no doubt that Washington is behind the #NordStream explosions, which cut Europe off from Russian fuel and consequently, a stable foundation for economic growth.
For us, the picture is crystal clear.
For all their dodging, the truth is obvious, and known to all objective and unbiased observers."


Le ministre des Affaires étrangères russe, Sergey #Lavrov, inflige un cinglant camouflet au Conseil fédéral et à Ignazio #Cassis, chef du Département fédéral des affaires étrangères de la Confédération #suisse.
Lavrov refuse la médiation proposée par Ignazio Cassis d’un "Sommet pour la paix en #Ukraine" à #Genève. Il met publiquement en cause la neutralité helvétique. Et plus précisément la position de Cassis, qu’il désigne « proche des Ukrainiens". Par conséquent, inapte à jouer un rôle de médiateur de paix.
Lire le bref communiqué publié le 23.01.2024 sur le site du Ministère des affaires étrangères russes :

« Le 23 janvier, le ministre des affaires étrangères Sergey Lavrov s'est entretenu avec le chef du département fédéral des affaires étrangères de la Suisse, Ignazio Cassis, en marge du débat ouvert du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU sur la situation dans les territoires palestiniens.
Le ministre russe a dressé une évaluation raisonnée de l’éloignement continu de la Suisse par rapport aux principes de neutralité et sur son soutien inconsidéré au régime de Kiev, soulignant que la Russie prend en compte ces actions et cette politique inamicale lorsqu'elle planifie son approche de la voie suisse».

Russie #UE


And part 3 of 3 in my daily sweep of X (nee Twitter) "so you don't have to" ... A busy news day!!

Lavrov complains to the UN that his invading Russians keep getting killed while murdering people in Ukraine.

#Russian #genocide #projection #Lavrov #UnitedNations #Ukraine #Russia #propaganda


🇷🇺 FM #Lavrov sprach auf der Sitzung des UN-Sicherheitsrates am #Ukraine 🇺🇦 .

„Die Ukraine hat sich vollständig in einen totalitären Staat nationalsozialistischer Natur verwandelt, in dem die Normen des humanitären Völkerrechts ungestraft mit Füßen getreten werden.“


#Lavrov #Russia #Ukraine #NATO



«Hitler avait aussi du sang juif». Et donc puisque le fondateur du nazisme avait «du sang juif», il n’est pas impossible que Volodymyr Zelensky, soit lui aussi un nazi, en dépit de sa religion juive.
a déclaré le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères, Sergueï Lavrov

Maintenant c’est officiel ! Depuis le début de l’invasion de l’Ukraine, les trolls pro poutine balancaient ce lien entre Zelensky et Hitler depuis pour justifier cette “opération spéciale”.



#juif #nazi #russie #poutine #ukraine #lavrov #zelensky #hitler #sang


Nous n’avons pas l’intention d’attaquer un autre pays. D’ailleurs, nous n’avons même pas attaqué l’Ukraine. »

En marge de la rencontre avec son homologue ukrainien en Turquie, le ministre des Affaires étrangères russe, Sergueï Lavrov, a déclaré à un journaliste turc : " Nous n’avons pas l’intention d’attaquer un autre pays. D’ailleurs, nous n’avons même pas attaqué l’Ukraine. »

Les soldats russes qui ont envahi leur voisin se sont juste trompés d’itinéraire et ont franchi la frontière par erreur.

#propagande #russie #ukraine #lavrov