

Compact-Magazin verboten: Schlag gegen Rechtsextreme

Rechtsextremismus - Warum das Compact-Magazin verboten wurde

AfD-Mann Björn Höcke oder Martin Sellner: Das Compact-Magazin von Jürgen Elsässer verbreitete ihre rechte Ideologie. Rassismus und Antisemitismus gehörten dazu.#JürgenElsässer #Compact #MAGAZINE #Verbot #Bundesinnenministerium #NancyFaeser
Compact-Magazin verboten: Schlag gegen Rechtsextreme


#anarchism #history #1960s #magazine #uk ">
Anarchy (First Series) 001 Vol:01 #01
Anarchy was an anarchist monthly magazine produced in London from March 1961 until December 1970. It was published by Freedom Press and edited by its founder, Colin Ward with cover art on many issues by Rufus Segar. The magazine included articles on anarchism and reflections on current events from an anarchist perspective, e.g. workers control, criminology, squatting.

The magazine had irregular contributions from writers such as Marie Louise Berneri, Paul Goodman, George Woodcock, Murray Bookchin, and Nicholas Walter. — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarchy_(magazine)


Homeland Security Blasts GOP’s ‘Evidence Free’ Impeachment Articles Against DHS Chief

"Republicans don’t want to fix the [immigration] problem; they want to campaign on it," the department said in a statement

House Republicans released articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Sunday, prompting the federal government to respond in a scathing memo calling the impeachment effort “unconstitutional [and] evidence free.” In addition to accusing Mayorkas of not following immigration laws, the GOP’s articles claim Mayorkas “terminated contracts” to build Donald Trump’s wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

Republican House Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green said in a statement on Sunday, “These articles lay out a clear, compelling, and irrefutable case for Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ impeachment.”

“Republicans don’t want to fix the problem; they want to campaign on it,” DHS wrote in a memo responding to the articles. “That’s why they have undermined efforts to achieve bipartisan solutions and ignored the facts, legal scholars and experts, and even the Constitution itself in their quest to baselessly impeach Secretary Mayorkas.”

The statement continued, saying that the “farce of an impeachment is a distraction from other vital national security priorities and the work Congress should be doing to actually fix our broken immigration laws.”

. . .

#republican #politics #gaslighting #DHS #impeachment #farce #UScongress #RollingStone #magazine


#National #Geographic #magazine

" After being a member for 45 years, I can no longer tolerate your magazine's #propaganda. Please cancel this subscription and refund remaining issue credit.
The Fauci Hagiography issue was bad enough, but the current 02.204 issue's article with Dr Paul Offit's lies on behalf of the Vaccine Industry are the final straw in our willingness to subject ourselves to your product's narrative maintenance at the expense of Truth.

Many doctors, researchers, and actuarial studies are now proving the COVID MRNA vaxes are killing more people than they (may have) saved, many of whom are young healthy athletes dying of heart failures.

History will judge Offit and Fauci as Pharma-bought criminals (see RFK Jr.'s books for the facts on COVID MRNA lack of testing and FDA complicity and coverups of the damages being done).

Yet Offit states "no one is safe until everyone is safe", and wants government power to force genetic-changing experimental products on us all. Your readers deserve better - Goodbye! "




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#retrocomputer #videogames


#Amiga #Dream #Magazine ( #French) : #Internet #Archive


#AmigaDream est la première #publication du groupe Posse Press (également éditeur de PC Team). Elle a été créée à l'époque par #RomainCanonge, ancien #journaliste d' #AmigaRevue, #FrancisPoulain, ancien membre du service technique de #Commodore #France et #ChristineRobert, ancienne rédactrice en chef d' #AmigaRevue. Le premier numéro est sorti en novembre 1993 simultanément à l'arrivée en France de l'Amiga #CD32, troisième console de la firme Commodore #International après le #C64GS et le #CDTV. Le titre ...

#pdf #ipf #dms


#RAM #Magazine : #fanzine #Amiga paru de 1995 à 1997 édité à #Arbas (31)


De novembre 1995 à juillet 1996, les #Editions #LaChaise, #association basée à Arbas (31) #France, ont édité un fanzine dédié à l'Amiga. Format A3 plié en quatre, parution bimensuelle, jeux de mots vaseux autour des trois lettres R, A et M, ce fanzine crée par BiBi, Lavi et l'Ours aura marqué les esprits.
#PDF & #DMS disponibles en #téléchargement

