

#art #model #lautrec #paris
Carmen Gaudin ~ Model for 'The Laundress' by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.
She was in fact an ordinary laundress by profession in the Paris neighborhood where Lautrec lived. He saw her one day and was attracted by her red/golden hair. She became one of his favorite models. He painted many portraits of her. Lautrec lost interest in Gaudin when she stopped dying her hair the red/golden color that he loved. Even so, she was immortalized. 'The Laundress' painting alone sold for $22.4 million dollars at auction by Christie's.


Somewhere near 4pm: Water and open windows, wrestling a wave of tiredness. Pondering the different stages of "broken" a piece of software or a particular subsystem can be in. And feeling glad to elevate this one a bit from "totally" to "slightly less". The other offices across the street seem mostly empty by now, either people chose to leave early or this is the usual experience in this part of the city, on a regular monday. (Also, failing to insult the model. Again. Wondering which peer in the conversation showed more intelligence so far, of whichever kind.)

#outerworld #later_that_day #office_hours #model_conversations

#later that day #office hours #model conversations


(Too: Smiling at the responses the model came up with. Same as pointless as the questions, probably. At some stage and in a certain state, abandon all serious ambitions, and just click into whatever is at hand, to derail the "algorithm" with input that doesn't make sense at all. 10pm, moving on, not wanting to go down the rabbit hole of defining technical terms such as "algorithm" for now. Still up to something more meaningful.)

#outerworld #model_conversations #later_that_day_later_that_night

#model conversations #later that day later that night


10pm and on. Same same and not much different. Still finding words to fill into messages, sent out not honouring recipients business hours, which will go unnoticed anytime soon, anyway. Torn between leaving these issues unaddressed for now - and reducing the amount of clutter to dig through in the light of a new day. (Elsewhere, systems still misbehave, records still are flooded. The model swiftly responds, but a parrot much more than an oracle or an enigma subject to interpretation. And, so far, failing to locate tonights moon.)

#outerworld #later_that_day_later_that_night #model_conversations

#later that day later that night #model conversations


10am and on. More than ever, noticing the morning has passed just all too quickly. Dialed up again, now reconnecting. Hardware decided to hide ones face and this isn't all too bad at the moment. Getting to know each other, trying to find a common language, cautiously challenging what's behind all the buzzwords and the phrases. (Talking to the model on a sidetrack, getting odd responses as usual while asking odd questions. No surprises here.)

#outerworld #model_conversations #where_we_do_what_we_do #home_office_hours

#model conversations #where we do what we do #home office hours


Closing in on 10pm. Inventory of unmaintained assets. Striving to understand certain derailings of things that used to work well just weeks ago. A change in behaviour without a change in instructions always causes an uncanny feel. (Trying to consult the machine, but facts don't make sense, or the algorithm is tired. Both options seem valid.)

#outerworld #later_that_day #after_hours #model_conversations

#later that day #after hours #model conversations


9pm, still sort of awake. Trying to follow up on notifications that fail to fully materialize. Unsure where to look first, and what to do once found. Noticing changing patterns in stimuli, frequency and density increasing while quality drops. More difficulties telling real stories from fake claims, real faces from imaginary characters, places unseen before from places unseen by anyone. (The model refuses to respond. For obvious reasons, if that term is even remotely appropriate.)

#outerworld #model_conversations #later_that_day_later_that_night #illusionary_worlds

#model conversations #later that day later that night #illusionary worlds


10pm and on. Too, it seems automated suggestions worsening with the evening passing by. So, ignoring most of the noise, adding a bearable structure to a few remaining thoughts, to carry all that through the night. A challenge astoundingly big given the late hour. (Request queue of the model's too crowded for now to ask for a second opinion now. And maybe that's just how it should be for now.)

#outerworld #later_that_day_later_that_night #concrete_city #model_conversations

#later that day later that night #concrete city #model conversations


Geschäftigkeit pausiert für den Mittag, später. Über dem Viertel hängt wieder der Klangteppich schwerer Maschinen, über den Giebeln der Nachbarschaft eine Ahnung von Sonne in dichtem Hellgrau. Hinter dem Viertel, den Bäumen, dem Park lassen sich die Hügel erahnen, die die Stadt umschließen, unten klappert ein schwer beladenes Lastenfahrrad über die zögernd trocknende Straße. An der Kreuzung steht eine junge Frau neben weit geöffneter Autotür und telefoniert sichtlich genervt, Stimme verhallt im allgemeinen Rauschen, aber die Gesten lassen erahnen, was ungehört bleibt. (Zweite Tageshälfte. Buchhaltung. Das seltsame Gefühl von Produktivität, Kommentare in Protokollen zu hinterlassen. Der Zustand konzentrierten Flusses, in den selbst diese Tätigkeit zu bringen vermag. Und das Wissen, dass auch heute Kaffee die Zeit bis zur Dämmerung begleiten wird. Das Modell ist wortkarg, aber manchmal fehlen wohl auch Antworten, weil formulierte Gedanken fragenlos sind.)

#outerworld #model_conversations #home_office_hours

#model conversations #home office hours
