

The Prime Minister of #Bangladesh fled to India/Protesters occupied the prime minister's office

đŸ”č informed sources announced the escape of the Prime Minister of Bangladesh to India and announced that the protesters occupied the prime minister's office in #Dhaka.

Local sources published images of the moment the Prime Minister of Bangladesh flee the the Prime Minister's office using a helicopter.


Bangladesh's Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina re signed and fled the country on Monday, as anti-government protesters marched on the capital to demand she step down after a weekend of violence that left dozens of people dead (over 100 verified ia reported as several dozens aa always with disgusting western medi/Farhad)

#Asia #Revolution #India #StudentProtests #Politics #India


Vor 45 Jahren musste der Diktator Somoza aus Nicaragua fliehen

Nicaragua - Der Sieg der sandinistischen Revolution

Am 17. Juli 1979 floh der Diktator Somoza infolge der sandinistischen Revolution. Viele verbanden damit die Hoffnung auf ein neues und freies Nicaragua.#NICARAGUA #REVOLUTION #Geschichte #Diktatur
Vor 45 Jahren musste der Diktator Somoza aus Nicaragua fliehen


Peseschkian gewinnt PrÀsidentschaftswahl im Iran - ein Reformer?

Iran - Peseschkian gewinnt PrÀsidentschaftswahl - ein Reformer?

Im Iran hat der gemĂ€ĂŸigte Kandidat Peseschkian die PrĂ€sidentschaftswahl gewonnen. Er gilt zwar als Reformer - vieles wird er aber wohl nicht durchsetzen können.#Iran #MassudPeseschkian #Stichwahl #Reformer #REFORM #REVOLUTION #Khamenei #SaidDschalili #IbrahimRaisi
Peseschkian gewinnt PrÀsidentschaftswahl im Iran - ein Reformer?


Neues Album von Mary Ocher: Wider den Hass

Mary Ocher Superstar: Die israelische KĂŒnstlerin feiert auf ihrem neuen Album „Your Guide to Revolution“ die kleinen Freuden der Konsumverweigerung.#Konsum #Pop #Revolution #Musik #Kultur
Neues Album von Mary Ocher: Wider den Hass


Les origines gauchistes du fascisme

Revenons au faits !

Eh oui, cela en surprendra plus d’un à gauche

il semble donc nĂ©cessaire de comprendre l’état d’esprit des principaux initiateurs du fascisme

Mussolini est un socialiste convaincu, militant de la premiÚre heure, qui deviendra le numéro deux du Parti Socialiste Italien, et qui sera connu pour ses organisations de grÚves dures, son rejet de la bourgeoisie et du « systÚme », ainsi que son athéisme militant

Ce parti constituĂ©, entre autres, d’anciens camarades socialistes, deviendra en 1922 le PNF. Mussolini n’a aucunement changĂ© d’idĂ©e, il est et demeurera toujours un « pur socialiste ».

Emilio de Bono [...] sera en lien Ă©troit avec le Parti Socialiste Italien cherchant Ă  nĂ©gocier un poste de ministre. Mais, c’est le PNF, alors en pleine croissance vers qui finalement il se tournera, retrouvant en Mussolini la vĂ©ritable ligne socialiste.

Italo Balbo [...] admirateur de la RĂ©volution française, [...] est bien Ă©videmment un franc-maçon appartenant Ă  la Loge Giovanni Bovio, oĂč se trouvent de nombreux cadres du PNF, c’est ainsi qu’il rejoindra Mussolini.

Cesare Marie de Vecchi [...] penche cependant à gauche et se rapproche du PNF dont la ligne socialiste lui semble compatible avec le nationalisme affiché. Il sera un des députés du PNF, et un des fondateurs du Grand Conseil Fasciste.


Ces quatre personnages sont donc ceux qui ont permis au fascisme de prendre sa place sur l’échiquier politique de 1919 Ă  1945. Ce systĂšme est un hĂ©ritage direct des LumiĂšres et de la RĂ©volution française, en passant par le Bolchevisme. Il est portĂ© par des hommes qui se reconnaissent dans le socialisme le plus « pur » oĂč l’Etat est tout et peut tout, Ă  l’exact opposĂ© des pensĂ©es politiques de droite.
Le fascisme est intrinsĂšquement de gauche, c’est son ADN. Il est nĂ© de penseurs et de politiques qui ont militĂ© ou adhĂ©rĂ© aux idĂ©ologies socialos gauchistes, collectivisme, hyper centralisation, contrĂŽle Ă©tatique des biens et des personnes, bureaucratie stĂ©rile, suppression de la dissidence, concentration des pouvoirs, dĂ©rives autoritaires, athĂ©isme militant, etc.


#fascisme #election #france #nazisme #communisme #liberalisme #liberte #censure #politique #debat #revolution


Éric Hazan a passĂ© l’arme Ă  gauche, donc la lutte continue !

Interview de Hazan par Mermet.
Un livre délivre.

La fabrique 20 ans d’édition, et ce n’est qu’un dĂ©but ! - 34’
#docu #itv #la-bas

Une Ă©mission enregistrĂ©e en public au Lieu-Dit avec, autour de Daniel Mermet, Éric #Hazan, des Ă©ditions La Fabrique, Nicolas #Norrito des Ă©ditions Libertalia et Fred Alpi, auteur de Cinq ans de mĂ©tro (Libertalia, 2018).

#edition-la-Fabrique #edition-Libertalia #Lindon #Maspero #Librairie-Corti #edition-Spartacus #Librairie-du-travail #Agone #Histoire #edition #librairie #Livre #Brochure #Palestine #Tarnac #editeur #freeAssange #les-classiques-du-peuple #mort #litterature #video #anarchiste #libertaire #revolution #savoir #lecture #anticapitaliste #fuck-facho
Un vieux métier, libraire, éditeur, imprimeur
 au boulot !
livre Ă  lire dans ces 2 Editions : https://diaspora.psyco.fr/posts/10913486



"Catherine Austin Fitts explains the Commonlaw Right of Offset---what you have when you owe someone money, who also owes you money--you simply discharge your debt, against the debt the other person owes you...it creates the opportunity for us to discharge our debts to the government, against the money they have stolen from us. With $96 Trillion dollars missing or stolen from public treasuries, which has been confirmed by Professor Mark Skidmore at Michigan University, the #government now #owes every man, woman and child in the United States, roughly $300,000.00 each."


Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/wiPKQEdtxxXs/


TIL: These #Soldaderas (woman #soldiers) did not grin much. Theirs was a life and death struggle in the Mexican #Revolution of 1910. Only in her late teens, the grind of war is etched on her face. Many #women from the Yaqui tribe joined them in the bid for Mexican Independence. They did a lot of heavy lifting, serving shoulder to shoulder in the trenches with men in addition to doing all the things women do. Their role in the formation of modern #Mexico is forever etched in stone and sewn into the fabric of Mexican society.

Photo Courtesy~Pinterest


We are falling now
Words written down
They are falling now

With their lies they will hurt you
Hold on
Human kindness desert you
Hold on

Let’s start a revolution
Oh beautiful it is

The city’s on fire but it’s beautiful

City’s on fire won’t you burn it all


With a crown on your head
The #resolution
Written on your hands

And their lies they won’t hurt you

No more
Human kindness desert you
No more


#Revolution - #The_Score

All my wolves, begin to howl
Wake me up, the time is now
Oh, can you hear the drumming?
Oh, there's a revolution coming

Wide awake, the fever burns
Sweat it out, wait my turn
Can you hear the drumming?
There's a revolution coming
All this doubt is creepin' in
Inside out, I shed my skin
Can you hear the drumming?
There's a revolution coming

I been waitin' all my life
To live, when I've only been dreaming
Get love when I've only been stealing
Can't let time keep passing me by
Run down what I've always been chasing
Black out every fear I've been facing

All my wolves, begin to howl
Wake me up, the time is now
Oh, can you hear the drumming?
Oh, there's a revolution coming
Wild things that turn me on
Drag my dark into the dawn
Oh, can you hear the drumming?
Oh, there's a revolution coming
[Verse 2]
Body aches, I'm bound in chains
Well there's a fire in my veins and
Can you hear the drumming?
There's a revolution coming
Like every king who lost a crown
And all those years are history now
Can you hear the drumming?
There's a revolution coming

I been waitin' all my life
Run down what I've always been chasing
Black out every fear I've been facing

All my wolves, begin to howl
Wake me up, the time is now
Oh, can you hear the drumming?
Oh, there's a revolution coming
Wild things that turn me on
Drag my dark into the dawn
Oh, can you hear the drumming?
Oh, there's a revolution coming

There's a revolution coming
There's a revolution coming
Oh, can you hear the drumming?
Oh, there's a revolution coming
I'm rising up, up from the ground
From the bottom, can't hold me down
Hold me down
I'm rising up, up from the ground
From the bottom, can't hold me down
Hold me down
Hold me down

All my wolves, begin to howl
Wake me up, the time is now
Oh, can you hear the drumming?
Oh, there's a revolution coming
Wild things that turn me on
Drag my dark into the dawn
Oh, can you hear the drumming?
Oh, there's a revolution coming

There's a revolution coming
There's a revolution coming
Oh, can you hear the drumming?
Oh, there's a revolution coming
There's a revolution coming
There's a revolution coming
Oh, can you hear the drumming?
Oh, there's a revolution coming