

I urge everyone to read this speech by Timothy Snyder at the UN Security Council on Russia's genocide in Ukraine. If you prefer, the text has a link to the video. This is a calm, well-reasoned discussion about the harm Putin is doing, not just to Ukraine but to the Russian people themselves.

#timothysnyder #ukraine #russia #putin #kremlin #war #UNSecurityCouncil


Today I interviewed #TimothySnyder, an American historian and expert on the #history of Eastern #Europe. We discussed the war in #Ukraine, arms shipments from #Germany, whether #Pushkin and #Dostoyevsky were imperialist writers, and of course the terms " #fascism," " #schizofascism," and " #rashism”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IU3JE4ucX2A #imperialism #nationalism #dugin #iraq #afghanistan #war #russia #belarus #weapons #usa #trump #culture #india #colonialism


Global Media Forum: Appell zu Berichten ΓΌber Putins Welthungerkrise | DW | 21.06.2022

Der US-Historiker Timothy Snyder setzt Putins Blockade der Weizenlieferungen aus der Ukraine mit Stalins Hungerterror gleich. Und mahnt in seiner Rede vor dem DW Global Media Forum aktivere Berichterstattung an.#DWGlobalMediaForum #TimothySnyder #Ukraine #Holodomor #Welthungerkrise #Hunger #Russland #Putin #Stalin
Global Media Forum: Appell zu Berichten ΓΌber Putins Welthungerkrise | DW | 21.06.2022


Lesson 18: Be Calm When The Unthinkable Arrives


We have to speak plainly about what happened in the United States: There was a #coup attempt by a sitting president. We have to record those events.

We also have to recognize that what happened in #January #2021 was a blueprint for the next coup. [...] Failed coups are lessons for those who wish to carry out successful #coups.

#TimothySnyder #fascism #coup #UnitedStates #politics #calm

  1. The claim that Trump won the election is a Big Lie.
  2. A Big Lie changes reality. To believe it, people must disbelieve their senses, distrust their fellow citizens, and live in a world of faith.
  3. A Big Lie demands conspiracy thinking, since all who doubt it are seen as traitors.
  4. A Big Lie undoes a society, since it divides citizens into believers and unbelievers.
  5. A Big Lie destroys democracy, since people who are convinced that nothing is true but the utterances of their leader ignore voting and its results.
  6. A Big Lie must bring violence, as it has.
  7. A Big Lie can never be told just by one person. Trump is the originator of this Big Lie, but it could never have flourished without his allies on Capitol Hill.
  8. Political futures now depend on this Big Lie. Senators Hawley and Cruz are running for president on the basis of this Big Lie.
  9. There is a cure for the Big Lie. Our elected representatives should tell the truth, without dissimulation, about the results of the 2020 election.
  10. Politicians who do not tell the simple truth perpetuate the Big Lie, further an alternative reality, support conspiracy theories, weaken democracy, and foment violence far worse than that of January 6, 2021.

--- Timothy Snyder in this twitter thread

#TimothySnyder #BigLie attempted #coup #fascism