

#Splitting the #Sky - #Exposing the #Real #Criminals #Behind #911 and the #NWO #Agenda

On September 11th, #2008, #Mohawk leader Splitting the Sky ( #JohnBoncore Hill) spoke on Parliament Hill as the final speaker at the 'March on #Ottawa for 9/11 #Truth', and he began to name the names of those benefited financially from the attacks of 9/11/2001, and to expose them (companies, individuals, countries and agencies) as being the real perpetrators. He also made a call to action to apprehend the individuals, because the official authorities have failed to do so. Highlights of that speech are included at the beginning of this video.

A few days later, we went to Mohawk territory in #Khanawake, near #Montreal and we conducted an on-camera #interview (*) in which Splitting the Sky systematically went through his research, naming the names and exposing the agenda. He stated the risks which he faced for making these statements, but felt 100% certain about his conclusions, and stressed the importance of bringing out this information. He stated that attempts have been made on his life in the past, in his years of activism, and that he did not fear death.

Several times over the years, Splitting the Sky had said to several friends, "If someone tells you that I died from a slip and fall – don't believe it."

On March 13th, 2013, he was #found #dead in a secluded area of his hometown of Chase, BC. Media reports say that he likely slipped, fell, and died of a resulting head wound.

(*) This interview begins around the 11:45 mark. Poorly made, amateur quality, sound is not right at the beginning, information riveting.

Published 22nd March 2013 (1:55:18)

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=JN57CBOPAyw


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#How They #Connect #Human #Bodies to the #internet through #COVID #Injection #Nanotech and 6G,7G Terahertz Frequencies and #Satellites.


Please see the Blog Post for all supporting links and documentation including a downloadable copy of the slides:


This video is one of several videos we are calling the COVID Truth Educational Series. It has been put together in a step by step educational format. The purpose of these videos is to help clear up the confusion of the lies that have been told to the public through the COVID #agenda. We believe that educating #people about the truth of what was done to the human population through COVID is the best defense humanity has against this ever happening again, and those who planned COVID are definitely planning to do something again in the near future.

This video is meant to be free and uninterrupted. It is put together as a public service by FTWProject.com We are Engineers, Scientists and Researchers that run a handmade EMF protection products business. We are also Authors of the Book “Forbidden Tech The Complete Guide To Energy, Social, And Biological Technologies That They Did Not Want You To Know About”

We Hope You Benefit From this Presentation and Share it / Mirror It To Help Spread The Word.

EMF Protection Products

Forbidden Tech Book:


#listen #consider


#whitneywebb #mercola

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#watchthemcollapse #isitsowndestruction



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Rueda de prensa en la sede A CONFIRMAR

Sábado 29/04 11.30h Foro ecologista con Aliança Verda en exteriores zona Anfiteatro Blasco Ibáñez..

via @AlianzaVerde_@twitter.com

#Ecologia #València