


Disturbing Proof They're Quietly Deleting the Internet...

it wasn't always like this.


and referenced in that^ is:

Where did the rest of the internet go?

https://odysee.com/@Patriots:2/Where-Did-the-Rest-of-the-Internet-Go:f6 [<- ironically missing. evidence of its claims? Interesting to search for anyway... many other articles exploring the phenomenon, besides https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zyJB45ewvU ]

and referenced in that is "is the internet shrinking?"

#RealityTunnels #ControlledNarrative #DivideAndConquer #GroupThink

#Censorship #BookBurning #WeAreInALotOfTrouble #WorseThingsThanDeath

#Government #GovernMind #Advertising #Marketing #PublicRelations #CuratedImageOfReality #Fundamentalism #AcceptedNarrative #OvertonWindow #EchoChamber #CancelCulture #CyberPurgatory #agnogeny #bigotry #antifree #inthebox #official
#websearch #internet #theweb #theinternet #searchengine

#freedomofspeech #freedomofexpression #bekind #respect #curiosity #perspectives #ask #speakout #speaktruthtopower

#backintheday #itwasnotalwayslikethis

#freedomofspeech #ideas

"there's nothing dangerous about sharing ideas and discussing things.
the only thing dangerous is withholding information from you that provides you having a complete and total perspective of what the truth may be."

"what happened to the internet? where's the rest of it?"

it wasnt always like this.


if you didnt #read the book, here it is showing up as a #tldr in :

Playing: https://odysee.com/@UNCENSORED:c/uncensored-plandemic_3:2

(albeit, in tragic irony, in some isolated parts, this has some orwellianised language-of-the-oppressor flies-in-the-ointment there, but [edit: as the clip of a young edwrd g griffin points out at around 43:36 to 44:19 clinching it, before expanding with other contextual clarifications] there's wisdom in being aware of the tip-toeing #totalitarianism hiding in #communism and #socialism garb. and #capitalism too. #freedomfirst #limitedgovernment #democracy #ruleoflaw #judiciary #humanrights #tyranyofmajority #jury #inalienablerights #constitutional #individualrights #bodilyautonomy #anarchy #noruler ... anyway, i wont ramble on about the #psychology and #politics. suffice to say, #awareness is a great tool in protecting yourself from #indoctrination #scams. cant #comply your way out, have to #speak out. or it keeps getting worse. wakey wakey. from here now. #speakout )


#theignorancethatdiesisnotyou :)
#chrishedges #stellaassange
#julianassange #danieleverettehale #garywebb #edwardsnowden #tomvalone

#wakeup #rights #now
#thisisnotwhatdemocracylookslike #espionageact
#statewithinastate #unaccountable #antiscrutiny #surveilancestate #after911 #paramilitary #copcity #cia
#military #rome #masssurveillance #panopticon #scaredsilent #orwellian #totalitarian #totalitariantiptoe #morallybankrupt #censorship #agnogeny #attercoparchy #theydidntwanttohearit #sochildish #racism #agnogensis #reductivism #theonetruetruth #thetimes #propaganda #agenda #parrots #silo #dividedandconquered #realitytunnels #echochambers #nopriceforlies #othering #polarisation #groupthink #notevenrootedinverifiablefact #liesofomission #mythicidentities #somanymassshootingsitsnotnews #contextless #dependencegeneration #agnogeny #agnotology

"... and so now it's over, the, the, ~
and that's really frightening.

It means there's no~

Power is in no way accountable.
There's no transparency.
And we know, history has taught us when that kind of secrecy imposed on autocratic power, it just, it, it~
abuse grows upon abuse grows upon abuse.
And that is why they're just determined to crucify Julian.
That's the crisis that we're in.
We've lost the ability
to know
what power is doing."

#restorehumanrights #humanrights #law #democracy #journalism
#whistleblowers #journalists #people #speakup #peopleofconscience #integrity


#listen #consider


#whitneywebb #mercola

#cbdc #voluntaryfirst #involuntary #totalcontrol #centralbankdigitalcurrencies #massrejectcbdcs #whitneywebb #mercola #convenience #trap #wakeup #compromises #complicity #dependence #disempowerment #independence #duress #massadoption #foodstamps #forced #uptake #reduced #standardofliving #controlsystem #controlsystemdisguisedasamonetarysystem #monetarysystem #fakechoice #fightit #fightback #sayno #voluntaryphase #tradeandbarter #massadoption #massrejection #parallelsystems #community #supporteachother #remainoptimistic #getwise #wearenotaminority #speakout #ispytotalitariantiptoe #ifweallnarutoruntogether #accounts #censorship #nudgeunit #psyop #perceptionmanagement #problemreactionsolution #rememberwhenwesaidno #ifyoucanbetoldwhatyoucanseeorreadthenitfollowsyoucanbetoldwhattosayorthink #socialmedia #propaganda #socialmanipulation #intellectualphaselocking #groupthink #riggedpsychgelogicalmanipulationuserinterface #theeverythingapp #musk #datamining #wifi #biologicalcost #privacy #profiling #precrime #harpa #advertisingormarketing #arpa-h #biotech #bigpharma #siliconvalley #nationalsecurity #cia #hhs #fda #googlehealth #normalisedregulatorycapture #bigactors #agenda #transhumanism #theneweugenics #eugenics #ARPA-H #borg #totalinformationawareness #masssurveilance #glaxosmitklien #galvanibioelectronics #palanteer #fascbook #pentagon #terroristinformationawareness #corporatarchy #scamarchy #aipredictive #scam #scamdemic #powergrab #racketeering #robberbarons #biosecurity #coinflip #arbritrary #corruption #insanity #agi #gpt3 #gpt4 #plans #thehourislaterthanyouthink #aimarketing #aisingularity #leadbyfools #kissinger #skynet #theworkofman #themanbehindthecurtain #themonkeyinthemachine #trustmeiamanai #thegreatergood #notnormal #deskkillers #scapegoatai #externalities #normalisedattrocities #totalitarianism #dataism #croneyism #cantgettherefromhere



#watchthemcollapse #isitsowndestruction



"you can ignore reality but you cant ignore the consequences when it strikes" -- Aman Jabbi


#criticalmass #sayNO #FuckOffFascist #connect #collaborate #forFREEDOM #wakeup #shine #youaremorethantheytryrepressyouto #thegreatawakening #solutionspaceupstream #unplugfromthematrix #climboutofplatoscave #facereality #facethehorror #riseup #lookup #restoreyourabilitytolookup #everybodysresponsibilitytopokebigbrotherintheeye #theanswerhasalwaysbeenthepeople #calltoaction #local

looking down the barrel of not a mere 1000 year reich like the nazis promoted, but an everlasting one. we are the people, now, who can avert this dystopian totalitarian nightmare. there are worse things than death. go forth, fearless, loving, aware there are scams to use your love to kill.

"you can ignore reality but you cant ignore the consequences when it strikes" -- Aman Jabbi

the ignorance that dies, is not you.

if ignorance is bliss, give me agony.

"once we accept the digital identity it's game over for humanity" -- Aman Jabbi

#speakout #criticalmass
#theyknowweknowtheylie #thisisnotwhathealthlookslike #thisisnotwhatdemocracylookslike #thisisnotwhatfreedomlookslike #thisisnotwhatenvironmentalconservationlookslike #smartweapons #archons #deskkillers #thehourislaterthanyouthink #wecanstillmendthis #ifyouareawake #nocullnecessary #nopanopticonnecessary #nokillgridnecessary #safetyandsecurity #ofthepeople #or #ofthearchons #falseflad #controllednarrative #controllednarratives #cbdc #totalitarian #panopticon #problemreactionsolution #contract #imposition #coercion #digitalprison #defaulprisoner #WEF #identity #facialrecognition #scam #compliance #forcedcompliance #coercedcompliance #topdown #noneed #fakecines #depopulation #humancull #nocullnecessary #nocullnecessary #nocullnecessary #theypublishtheseplans #snapoutofdenial #doyourdemocraticdutyandscrutinise #disobeytheirterror #speakout #zerotrust #digitalidentity #freetravel #freespeech #mandate #lockdown #invisablelocks #oppression #massformationpsychosis #stateterror #globalstateterror #globalstatetyranny #noescape #conditionalaccess #genocide #democide #wealthextraction #reverseequity #iniquitous #inequality #digitalcurrency #district9 #conditioning #draconian #brutal #corporatocracy #corporatism #fascism #metaverse #protectionracket #orwellian #ar #vr #mixedreality #thisisnotwhatrealitylookslike #matrixbuilding #matrix #terminator #thegreatawakening #themasses #sheeple #sheepling #sheeplisation #massformation #sublimate #forkedtongue #duplicity #fakefood #destitution #newspeak #sustainabledevelopment #sustainabledevilment #smarcities #smartgrid #controlgrid #manufacturedscarcity #manufactureddependence #energysources #security #privacy #trojanhorse #fakesecurity #fakeprivacy #doublethink #completecontrolofchildren #getthemwhiletheyareyoung #childabuse #childdata #bigbusiness #bigbrother #bigbaron #bigbully #bigpsychopath #dataharvesting #mindcontrol #mindmanipulation #predictive #reductive #stockmarket #gambling #sicknessprofiteering #dataisthenewcurrency #dataisthenewoil #cameras #observation #facialreccognition #smartschools #badidea #bis #un #internationalbankers #digitalid #theytellyou #dracontine #beyondstate #statecapture #regulatorycapture #beyondblack #clearviewai #deepfake #deepfakedb #precrime #predictiveanalytics #prescriptionanalyitics #prescribedbehavior #trolling #ppi #ppe #noidentityleftbehind #inclusivity #totalitarian #orwellianlanguage #repetition #hijackedservices #convenience #convenincecoercion #behaviouralengineering #headinthesand #slavery #debtslavery #identityslavery #slaverysystem #debtslaverysystem #identityslaverysystem #sensoriseeverything #data #thebeast #dehumanising #stopthebeast #getridofthesensors #getridofthecensors #starvethebeast #pokebigbrotherintheeye #pokebigbaronintheeye #pokebigbullyintheeye #blockchainisyourdigitalleash #thefinallockdown



Digit - 2022-12-02 07:10:07 GMT

okay, fine, i'm just going to say it.

i hate #mastodon.


#characterlimit = #dumb

no adequate means of discourse there. induces #inanity. creates and compounds ambiguities and misunderstandings. many instances try to remedy this, with top-down censorship ... very ugly.

it's nice having the space and time and ample headroom of enough characters/words to adequately explain your meaning.- - - - - -

like i posted after experiencing such nefarious "good intentions" suspension (immediately revoked when i appealed by simply asking for explanation of what was "disinformation" about what i'd posted, but there remained a warning for breaking their disinformation rule, and no explanation),

#censorship is a prison
#freespeech is essential
#Censor = #Criminal
We cant do #Science or #Democracy when #Censored
#StayFree #SpeakOut #ExposeCensors
#Educate them of better ways, and why it matters, even (/especially) when it's something you don't like.


(image text:
Online censorship can lead to cruelty and violence in real life
Live free and say #NoToCensorship of free expression online


okay, fine, i'm just going to say it.

i hate #mastodon.


#characterlimit = #dumb

no adequate means of discourse there. induces #inanity. creates and compounds ambiguities and misunderstandings. many instances try to remedy this, with top-down censorship ... very ugly.

it's nice having the space and time and ample headroom of enough characters/words to adequately explain your meaning.

like i posted after experiencing such nefarious "good intentions" suspension (immediately revoked when i appealed by simply asking for explanation of what was "disinformation" about what i'd posted, but there remained a warning for breaking their disinformation rule, and no explanation),

#censorship is a prison
#freespeech is essential
#Censor = #Criminal
We cant do #Science or #Democracy when #Censored
#StayFree #SpeakOut #ExposeCensors
#Educate them of better ways, and why it matters, even (/especially) when it's something you don't like.


(image text:
Online censorship can lead to cruelty and violence in real life
Live free and say #NoToCensorship of free expression online