

At least some Americans are unwilling to put up with Jones's shit

Jury decides conspiracy theorist Alex Jones should pay nearly $1 billion in damages to Sandy Hook families for his lies about the school massacre

Far-right talk show host Alex Jones should pay eight families of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victims and one first responder $965 million in compensatory damages, a Connecticut jury decided Wednesday, capping a wrenching weeks-long trial that put on display the serious harm inflicted by the conspiracy theorist’s lies.

With its punishing award, the decision could shrink or even doom Jones’ Infowars media empire, which has been at the center of major conspiracy theories dating back to former President George W. Bush’s administration and was embraced by President Donald Trump.

[But Jones, like Trump and the rest of their ilk, is determined to cheat his way out of the verdict.]

... It’s unclear when or how much of the money the plaintiffs will ultimately see. Jones has said that he will appeal the decision and during his Wednesday broadcast said that there “ain’t no money” to pay the massive figure the jury awarded the plaintiffs.

#AlexJones #SandyHook #Jury #Decision



Der „schlimmste Influencer der Welt“ wurde gelöscht. Ungefähr so lässt sich die Nachricht zusammenfassen, die seit dem Wochenende für Diskussionen in den sozialen Netzwerken sorgt. Der Konzern #Meta hatte den Lifecoach #AndrewTate von seinen Plattformen #Instagram und #Facebook verbannt, um seinem fragwürdigen Spiel ein Ende zu setzen. Ob es damit wirklich vorbei ist, gilt aber als äußerst fraglich.
Der 35-jährige Halb-Brite und Halb-Amerikaner hatte es innerhalb weniger Monate als Lifecoach zu beachtlichem Ruhm und Reichtum gebracht. Tates Zielgruppe: Abgehängte junge Männer und deren Traum, endlich mal etwas im Leben zu erreichen. Für sie entwickelte der Influencer eine ausgefeilte #Ideologie, die im Kern vor allem auf zweierlei Dingen basiert: einem rückwärtsgewandten Bild von #Männlichkeit – und abgrundtiefem #Frauenhass.
Ein Phänomen, wie es an den dunklen Orten des Internets nicht selten anzutreffen ist. Tate allerdings schaffte es, damit außergewöhnlich erfolgreich zu werden. Der Schlüssel für diesen Erfolg: Ein ausgefeiltes Schneeballsystem, das #Tate eine treue Fanarmee einbrachte, die ihn zum Multimillionär machte – und gleichzeitig zum ersten Influencer der Welt, der eigentlich gar keine eigenen Plattformen braucht.

https://www.rnd.de/promis/andrew-tate-frauenhass-als-erfolgsmodell-wie-der-lifecoach-fuer-junge-maenner-so-erfolgreich-wurde-USD7DT4HNFH4LJVVJJ7SVLQY6I.html #frauen #incel #medien #alexjones #trump #farage #tiktok #kollegah


An interesting perspective on the role of gaslighting in fascism.

Yes, in hindsight, it's obvious that gaslighting (on steroids) is a cornerstone of fascism. But (I'm ashamed to admit that) it's new to me to think of it as gaslighting, per se, instead of just plain lying: The goal isn't only to deceive; it's to get you to abandon your trust in everything except the gaslighters; it's not just misinformation, it's mind control.

Alex Jones opens a Pandora's box on Trump

A summary of the Trump/Jones/Bannon/... and every other gaslighting motherfucker's Play Book:

... Through the power of bullshit, Alex Jones has evaded consequences for his actions for decades. His strategy is simple: Lie to the audience by claiming to be the victim of a vast conspiracy. This opens a fountain of loyalty and, crucially, money.

Beating the bullshit and gaslighting:

... Mark Bankston, the lawyer for the Sandy Hook parents, revealed that he was in possession of the entire contents of Jones' cellphone, something Jones clearly didn't realize...

... a flicker of concern crossed his face, a small sign of fear that this may, after all this time, be a problem that Jones can't escape through lying and bombast...

And the delicious implications for Trump:

... The House committee investigating the Capitol riot has indicated an interest in getting the phone records. During recess, Bankston was heard saying into a hot mic, "You know what nobody's thought about yet? What happens when that phone goes to law enforcement." On Thursday, Bankston said in court that he's producing Jones' phone records to the committee immediately after the hearing unless the judge orders him not to, to which the judge replied that she wasn't sure he could even refuse to do so.

#AlexJones #Trump #Gaslighting #Bullying #Disinformation #Fascism



At 6:30 AM on Monday, August 8th, the #FBI showed up with a search warrant at #Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s #Florida estate. They were looking for any classified documents or other records that the former president might have illegally taken with him when he left office. The internet promptly went crazy. Trump supporters flooded #right-wing channels with claims that politically motivated “weaponization of the law” was turning the US into a “banana republic” – never mind their longstanding demands to prosecute Hillary #Clinton over her private email server, a much less serious violation. On the left, Democrats cheered what they are billing as Merrick Garland‘s fearless pursuit of #justice, wherever the chase may lead.
On one level, the #Democrats have a point. As president, #Trump had access to the absolute highest levels of classified information, and if something like, say, plans for the next generation of spy satellites were gathering dust in the back of the Mar-a-Lago loading dock in an unlabeled cardboard box, that would be the most severe violation of classified protocols in US #history, by an ex-president no less. In anything like normal circumstances that would be a huge deal in its own right. But circumstances are not normal and this is Trump we’re talking about. It behooves us to dig a little deeper.

https://itsgoingdown.org/trump-raid-notes/ #usa #capitolriot #alexjones #biden #republicans #desantis


#alexjones #sandyhook #infowars So Alex lost but didn't lose as much as everyone was hoping for. He caved, apologized and even agreed to raise money for a parents charity.

Even if you "hate" the messenger, a lot of good points are brought up.

The Sandy Hook video on the same page -
We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook (FULL DOCUMENTARY) (amazingly still on Youtube)

There was a lot of weird shit that showed up and is on video like the parent laughing then makes himself look sad before speaking. The lack of records of the school or traffic to the website before the shooting, Just odd stuff we're not supposed to talk about now.

Crisis actors show up. If they are actually hired or just show up seeking publicity, Vegas is a couple of hours from LA, so jump in a car, jump in front of a camera, don't know. I was in Las Vegas during the shooting, but not at the strip. Again, a lot of weird shit we're not supposed to ask about.


Double-deck trouble for conspiracy crazy Alex Jones today:

Already he's perjured himself twice (according to the judge's count) and angered many as he denied the reality of a massacre of children... Now it turns out that - on the issue of his stating there were no texts in his possession, as subpoena'd to produce.

Dear Alex Jones: "Do you know what perjury is?" *

**Or reality?*

Turns out his lawyers had meant to send him those specific incriminating texts but 'goofed' and sent his whole phone contents to the plaintiff's lawyers. Hello?! Jury is now out to decide damages. Poor Alex... his growl has lost its bite. Though his cult still loves him.

#TrumpVirus #AlexJones #GQP #disinformation #perjury #psychopathology #cult


(gagging) So only a brief intro: I saw this story on Twitter, alongside a comment :

Would like someone to challenge Alex Jones to settle their differences in a ring. My money wouldn't be on Mr. Big Bad Vitamin-Seller.

Alex Jones Raked in $165 Million Over Three Years Selling Supplements and Prepper Gear

My suggestion for an opponent would be fellow snake-oil and #TrumpVIrus fan, Dr. Oz. (wrestling/boxing/MMA?) Better yet, #DJT !

#slime #alexjones #charlatan #snakeoil #grifter #GQP #crazytown #MakeAmericaSaneAgain