

Reform UK accused of using ‘AI generated candidates’ in election

The party has been hit by a series of revelations about the online activities of some of its would-be MPs, from links to a British fascist leader to suggestions the UK should have remained neutral in the fight against the #Nazis and admiration of #Hitler’s “brilliant” ability to inspire action.

But now, there is speculation as to whether some of them even exist, with social media users pointing out that some of their pictures on leaflets appear to be #AI generated.

“We might be on the verge of a HUGE SCANDAL. Suspicions have been raised that #ReformUK have fielded election candidates that aren’t real people. Is there any evidence that Mark Matlock (candidate for Clapham & Brixton Hill) actually exists? He looks AI generated,” said one userin a now viral post.


#UK #GeneralElection2024 #Reform #fraud #corruption #fascists #Farage


#Reform candidate linked with offensive social media posts

#Reform’s candidate for #Orkney and #Shetland allegedly suggested former first minister Nicola Sturgeon should be shot and used a homophobic slur to describe people who took Covid vaccines, it has been reported.

Robert Smith is also accused, _in a reference to the Royal family, of saying he would “prefer Fred and Rose [West] to any of these cs”_*.

The former #Brexit Party candidate likened the rainbow symbol used in support of the NHS during the pandemic to “the new swastika”.

Mr Smith’s social media posts were revealed last night by The Daily Mail and The Times.

Several posts can still be seen on his Twitter profile, @Robertbigbags, where he describes himself, among other things, as a fisherman, award-winning scallop supplier and “git”.


#UK #GeneralElection #ReformUK #fascism #racist #Farage


The Five Questions Nigel Farage is Never Asked About Brexit, Trump and Russia – #BylineTimes

  • Why Did Farage Lie About Meeting the Russian Ambassador?
  • How Could Farage Not Have Known About Arron Banks’ Multiple Visits to the Russian Embassy During the Brexit Campaign?
  • What Did Farage Know of the Russian Hacking of the Clinton Campaign?
  • How Could Farage be Blind to Trump and Steve Bannon’s Backing for Russia?
  • Why Did Farage Hide the Assessment that his Leave.EU Campaign Funder was an “Agent of Russian Influence?”


#Farage #corruption #Russia #Brexit #Trump #ReformUK #GeneralElection


Reform canvasser caught saying migrants should be used for 'target practice'

Nigel #Farage’s #Reform UK are facing criticism after a campaigner was filmed saying small boats migrants should be used as “target practice” one week out from the General Election.

An undercover Channel 4 reporter recorded one canvasser describing the #Pride flag as a “degenerate” ensign and suggesting members of the #LGBT+ community are #paedophiles.


#ReformUK #fascists #fascism #UK #England #GeneralElection


#Farage, #NoAFD, Front National / RN ...



John Swinney: Nigel Farage is a 'traitor' to the people of the UK

The First Minister said Farage’s comments were “some of the most appalling remarks I’ve heard, literally in my life”.

Swinney said Farage’s comments were of “an extraordinary degree of absurdity and danger”.

He continued: “Vladimir Putin has voluntarily invaded a sovereign country, and nobody provoked him to, nobody was a threat to Vladimir Putin.


#SNP #Swinney #Farage #traitors #Putin #WarCrimes #RussianWarCrimes #StandWithUkraine


Das Wichtigste zu den Wahlen in Großbritannien

Unterhauswahlen in Großbritannien - Tories droht laut Umfragen der Machtverlust

Am 4. Juli wird in Großbritannien ein neues Unterhaus gewählt. Nach 14 Jahren an der Macht droht den Konservativen eine schwere Niederlage gegen Labour.#Großbritannien #Konservative #Tories #Rechtspopulismus #Farage #Wahl #Sunak
Das Wichtigste zu den Wahlen in Großbritannien


#banks have been locking ordinary people out of accounts for years

Despite all the recent front-page attention given to Nigel #Farage and today’s development – the resignation of NatWest chief executive Alison Rose – there is something else you should know: banks have been quietly closing accounts without giving their customers any reasonable explanation for decades. Setting aside Farage’s politics and personality, and Coutts’s fragile disposition when it comes to people #rich enough but arguably not wholesome enough to utilise their elite banking facilities, it should concern us when banks close our accounts with little or no warning. Ordinary people don’t get the prime minister hollering for justice, and we certainly don’t get apologies from CEOs.

We’re talking about basic bank accounts here: no overdraft facilities, no credit options, just money in and money out and, if you’re lucky, a debit card you can use online. Without even a basic account, life becomes very difficult. Take a recent case of mine: my client’s universal credit had been paid into an account that was then closed without warning. She couldn’t access her own money, and despite a call to the bank to try to resolve matters, she was told nothing could be done. This was money that she needed for food, gas and electricity – the basics of survival. We rang the bank together, threatened to complain, and eventually, she was advised that if she could get to a branch (also not easy) with her photo ID, then she would be given her cash. This was successful.



That about sums it up. Good synopsis by Farage. Apparently Conservatism is dead in the UK and the global central banking system decides UK economic and monetary policy.

In short, the UK has been usurped by neoliberal-globalists and the British people have been completely disenfranchised. UK Democracy is dead. Neoliberal-globalist coup.


#nigelfarage #americasvoice #uk #britishgovernment #borisjohnson #liztruss #rishisunak #queenelizabeth #kingcharles #charliekirk #globalism #usa #internationalmonetaryfund #economicpolicy #monetarypolicy #conservatism #conservativeparty #britishconservativeparty #farage #neoliberalism #neoliberalglobalism


Der „schlimmste Influencer der Welt“ wurde gelöscht. Ungefähr so lässt sich die Nachricht zusammenfassen, die seit dem Wochenende für Diskussionen in den sozialen Netzwerken sorgt. Der Konzern #Meta hatte den Lifecoach #AndrewTate von seinen Plattformen #Instagram und #Facebook verbannt, um seinem fragwürdigen Spiel ein Ende zu setzen. Ob es damit wirklich vorbei ist, gilt aber als äußerst fraglich.
Der 35-jährige Halb-Brite und Halb-Amerikaner hatte es innerhalb weniger Monate als Lifecoach zu beachtlichem Ruhm und Reichtum gebracht. Tates Zielgruppe: Abgehängte junge Männer und deren Traum, endlich mal etwas im Leben zu erreichen. Für sie entwickelte der Influencer eine ausgefeilte #Ideologie, die im Kern vor allem auf zweierlei Dingen basiert: einem rückwärtsgewandten Bild von #Männlichkeit – und abgrundtiefem #Frauenhass.
Ein Phänomen, wie es an den dunklen Orten des Internets nicht selten anzutreffen ist. Tate allerdings schaffte es, damit außergewöhnlich erfolgreich zu werden. Der Schlüssel für diesen Erfolg: Ein ausgefeiltes Schneeballsystem, das #Tate eine treue Fanarmee einbrachte, die ihn zum Multimillionär machte – und gleichzeitig zum ersten Influencer der Welt, der eigentlich gar keine eigenen Plattformen braucht.

https://www.rnd.de/promis/andrew-tate-frauenhass-als-erfolgsmodell-wie-der-lifecoach-fuer-junge-maenner-so-erfolgreich-wurde-USD7DT4HNFH4LJVVJJ7SVLQY6I.html #frauen #incel #medien #alexjones #trump #farage #tiktok #kollegah


Ernst gemeinte Frage: #Rechtskonservativ ist eine stehende Wendung, meint so jemanden wie #Gauland, #Merz, oder gar #Farage. Geben wir der Wendung etwas Sprit und unserem Hirn gleich mit und fragen uns: Gibt es auch so etwas wie linkskonservativ oder Linkskonservatismus? Oder wäre das, weil doch das andere so strammsteht, ein Oxymoron?
