

#Argentina's fascist president Milei decides to close more than 50 public centers due to low productivity: "they have become political shelters"

➡️ The government of Argentina has decided to close 59 public centers that provided assistance in social services, resulting in the dismissal of 600 employees. The Ministry of Human Capital released a statement indicating that the reference centers to be closed were linked to the former Ministry of Social Development.

➡️ President Javier #Milei's government stated that these sectors function as "political boxes and shelters" for workers who are paid without providing services, and mentioned that their closure will save 5 billion pesos per year for public finances.

💬 Authorities stated that these locations "receive few consultations per day, in most cases do not resolve procedures, and only refer people to another agency" and "are the clearest image of state bureaucracy."
#economy #SouthAmerica #Fascism


I'll bet those are the last helicopters that Russia sells to Argentina, tho.

Ukraine News - 2024-03-02 16:29:11 GMT

Argentina has transferred two military helicopters to Ukraine, which were previously ordered from Russia. The helicopters are Mi-17 in an arctic modification. This move is seen as part of Argentina's shift towards alliances with "countries that defend freedom," such as the US, Israel, and now Ukraine. #Argentina #Ukraine


Lancaster, Pa., 18th June, 1903.
Dear Sir: — We of the United States, in justice to Canadians and Mexicans, have no right to use the title "Americans" when referring to matters pertaining exclusively to ourselves. Every day is keenly felt the want of a correct name for our great, grand, glorious, independent country. #usonia #jamesdufflaw #usa #vsa #estadosunidos #étatsunis #canada #mexico #americalatina #brasil #argentina #america #american #gringo #yanqui #yankee ">

I believe I am familiar with all the suggestions that have been made in this direction from time to time, and have been inclined to give my vote to the writer that first suggested "Usona" which is formed from the initials of "United States of North America". The assonance of "Usonans", however, has always been distasteful, and nothing better could be made from the first appelation strictly following the constructive genius of our language.

A much more euphonious word is "Usonia", and as it represents in a similar way the "United States of Northern Independent America" (a most important qualifying and accurately descriptive adjective being added) I am inclined to think it makes a perfect word and a dignified name to designate our land, our people and our nation — "Usonia", "Usonian" and "Usonians" sounding equally well. It has also to us Scots the added merit of making a good rhyme to Caledonia, and thus knitting more closely together both Usonians and Caledonians.

May I ask what might be done to exploit such a suggestion, and how could such words be adopted and used popularly, literarily, officially, Usonially and universally?

Respectfully yours,

James D. Law


#Argentine #Argentina

#milei, #ExtrêmeDroite, #CryptoFascisme, #libertarianisme, #libertarien, #libertarisme" #anarcho-Capitaliste " #LuttesSociales, #Grève, #Manifestation, #Repression
#milei, #ExtremaDerecha, #CriptoFascismo, #libertarianismo, #libertarianismo, #libertarianismo" #anarcoCapitalista " #LuchasSociales, #Huelga, #Manifestación, #Represión

affrontements contre le nouveau gouvernement d’extrême droite

lien de la #Vidéo : https://contre-attaque.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/GEg5XxlEhKpRREwDAOekrG72SVQobmdjAAAF.mp4

Le 31 janvier et le 1er février, l’Argentine a connu deux journées de grève et de manifestations contre le nouveau gouvernement d’extrême droite. Javier Milei, le* président récemment élu*, impose au pays une thérapie de choc ultra-libérale et autoritaire. Cet adepte du capitalisme le plus extrême veut aussi largement restreindre la possibilité de manifester et de revendiquer dans la rue.

Parmi les premières mesures de Milei, la «loi omnibus» qui vise à déréguler l’économie et donc à appauvrir massivement les plus pauvre et provoquer une récession, soi-disant pour assainir les finances publiques.

Pendant que la loi était discutée au Parlement, de grandes manifestations ont eu lieu à Buenos Aires, la capitale, avec des affrontements contre la police. De nombreux manifestants ont été blessés par des tirs de balles en caoutchouc et, comme en France, les voltigeurs ont semé la terreur en fonçant en moto vers les cortèges et en tirant sans relâche.

Le deuxième jour de mobilisation, des députés sont sortis du Congreso pour tenter de protéger les manifestants face à la police. Malgré l’effet de sidération de la victoire de
Milei, l’Argentine résiste. Il y avait le 24 janvier, déjà, d’énormes manifestations dans tout le pays.

enfrentamientos contra el nuevo gobierno de extrema derecha

enlace al #Vídeo: https://contre-attaque.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/GEg5XxlEhKpRREwDAOekrG72SVQobmdjAAAF.mp4

El 31 de enero y el 1 de febrero, Argentina vivió dos días de huelgas y manifestaciones contra el nuevo gobierno de extrema derecha. Javier Milei, el*[presidente recientemente elegido*, está imponiendo una terapia de choque ultraliberal y autoritaria en el país. Este seguidor del capitalismo extremo también quiere restringir severamente la capacidad de manifestarse y hacer reivindicaciones en las calles.

Entre las primeras medidas de Milei está la "ley ómnibus "** que pretende desregular la economía** y empobrecer así masivamente a los más pobres y provocar una recesión, aparentemente para consolidar las finanzas públicas.

Mientras se debatía la ley en el Parlamento, se produjeron manifestaciones multitudinarias en Buenos Aires, la capital, con enfrentamientos contra la policía. Numerosos manifestantes resultaron heridos por balas de goma y, como en Francia, los voltigeurs sembraron el terror corriendo hacia las procesiones en moto y disparando sin descanso.

El segundo día de manifestaciones, los diputados salieron del Congreso para intentar proteger a los manifestantes de la policía. A pesar del asombroso efecto de la victoria de Milei
victoria de Milei, Argentina resiste. Ya el 24 de enero hubo grandes manifestaciones en todo el país.
