

#DuckDuckGo Will #Block More #Microsoft #Tracking Scripts

source: https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/duckduckgo-will-block-more-microsoft-tracking-scripts/

DuckDuckGo's 3rd-Party #Tracker Loading Protection already blocks tracking scripts from companies like #Facebook and #Google. DuckDuckGo said it was already blocking most Microsoft tracking scripts and restricted Microsoft tracking through other protections, including blocking Microsoft's third-party cookies in DuckDuckGo browsers.

#cookie #protection #browser #search #privacy #surveillance #software #news


Top-Erwähnung 69 Interaktionen bekommen
Gr@f Fencheltee ☮ @Graf_Fencheltee 21 Std. Nee, @baaskelabs, Du folgst mir ganz bestimmt nicht! #block pic.twitter.com/8YaL4fDtNw
1 15
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(Time)Stamping Out The #Competition in #Ethereum

source: https://medium.com/@aviv.yaish/uncle-maker-time-stamping-out-the-competition-in-ethereum-d27c1cb62fef

Thus, a #miner who wishes to replace the last block on the #blockchain, can do so by #mining a new #block of its own which has a #timestamp which is low enough to increase the block’s mining difficulty. This can be useful, for example, in cases where this last block has high paying transactions, or in order to double-spend a transaction contained within the block. Another possibility is for an attacker to preemptively mine blocks with such false timestamps, in order to make sure they win in case of ties with other blocks which might be mined concurrently, or which might’ve been mined in the recent past but haven’t reached the attacker yet.

#scam #fail #software #attack #cybercrime #problem #money #finance #security #problem #news #bug #vulnerability


The #EU Wants Its Own #DNS Resolver that Can #Block ‘Unlawful’ #Traffic

source: https://torrentfreak.com/the-eu-wants-its-own-dns-resolver-that-can-block-unlawful-traffic-220119/

... the DNS solution will also be able to block "illegal" websites, including #pirate sites.

It's getting awkward to live in the EU. Every schoolchild there knows how to get around geo-blocking. They will also be able to change a DNS server.

#internet #politics #europe #censorship #piracy #copyright #fail


#Microsoft Calls #Firefox’s #Browser #Workaround “Improper,” Will #Block It

source: https://www.howtogeek.com/768727/microsoft-calls-firefoxs-browser-workaround-improper-will-block-it/

The upcoming Windows Update won’t block you from changing the default browser in #Windows 11. The #patch will force links using the microsoft-edge #protocol to always open in #Edge. These are specific links opened through Windows 11, such as those directly from the taskbar’s search feature. Firefox’s workaround and EdgeDeflector made it so these links would still open in your default browser. Microsoft is about to roll out an update that disables this workaround, calling it “improper” on Mozilla’s part

enter image description here

#freedom #openSource #software #economy #win11 #windows11 #news


localhost wegen Urheberrechtsverletzung per DMCA blockieren...

... kann man versuchen, ist aber selten dämlich. Davon abgesehen, diese automatisierte Blockierung ist eh Kabbes. Und sie wird gerne dazu mißbraucht, andere Inhalte zu tilgen, welche manchen Typen nicht genehm sind. Irgendwann müssen wir wohl alle aufs Darknet umsteigen.
#dmca #google #block


Praktische Schreibmappe

Ich habe seit ein paar Monate eine tolle Schreibmappe, die mir @lizzischmidt@pod.geraspora.de genäht hat. :D
Ich verwende sie vor allem für's Brainstorming unterwegs oder wenn ich mich bewusst mal an einen Ort setze, wo ich wenig Ablenkung habe.

  • Sie hat einige Fächer für Stifte, die man dann immer dabei hat
  • Sie geht in der Tasche nicht auf, weil sie einen Gummiclip hat
  • Durch die Ringhefter kann ich Blätter beliebig umsortieren, rauswerfen, neues Schmierpapier einheften, Seiten umdrehen um sie von der Rückseite zu verwenden und andere Dinge, an die ich vmtl. bisher nicht gedacht habe.

... außerdem ist sie aus einem hübschen Stoff. :)
Also an dieser Stelle noch mal vielen Dank für die schöne Mappe!

#mappe #brainstorming #notizen #schreibkram #block #bunt