

Don't Compromise Your Integrity

This is another way of saying, “Maintain your boundaries, and don’t let others bulldoze over them.”

Many years ago, I had to alter my life and this included setting up and maintaining some boundaries. I wasn’t doing this to be difficult, I was having health issues that required I take better care of myself.

My doctor instructed me to talk with my family and friends to let them know that there would be days I felt pretty good and days when I wasn’t doing well. And it was on those not so good days I would have to say, “No,” more often.

I sat down with my friend at the time and updated her. Her response? “That’s fine, as long as you never tell me...Read More

#boundaries #integrity


October 2021 Energy Update

The October #EnergyUpdate has arrived, and for those of you who have been with me for a while, you will have heard me speak over the last few months about the very clear #energyshift in this last few months of the year. We'll dig into that more deeply in the video.

We have numerous and varied themes this month and a few are:

✨ The Emergence of Your Personal Transformation
#Boundaries and Connection and the Changing Nature of Some of Our Relationships
✨ The War of Beliefs and how you are doing with that.
✨ And lastly, The Importance of You Bringing Yourself Back to Creating the Life You Want, The World You Want to See and giving yourself to that process.

I'll go into more detail on these themes and others. Watch the full Energy Update for more.

Be good to yourselves this month and much love to you all,

Sharing for those who resonate with this alternative streams of information... that are for those with the "eyes to see", "ears to hear", "heart to feel" ....

#energy-update #Oct-2021 #Lee-Harris #consciousness-shift


Lysander Spooner ~ There is No Law Above Natural Law


'In #1882, Lysander Spooner wrote #NaturalLaw; or The #Science of Natural #Justice. In it he explained why there is only one #UniversalLaw that governs our #relationships. Natural Law stands above all others.

Natural Law was not created by men and women and it cannot be altered, denied or evaded by any human being, claimed authority or State. It defines the nature of our interactions and even how we judge our own character.

As Natural Law is a phenomena that exists in nature it can be studied like any other. Understanding Natural Law is, as Spooner wrote, the science of natural justice.

How do we live in peace? What rules determine how we maintain peace between each other? It is “self evident” that we can and do live peacefully but do we only do so because some higher “authority” will punish us if we don’t. Or do we all innately understand the unwritten Law that binds us within our corner of #society?

Is there a #common set of #principles which we all understand, regardless of the jurisdiction we live in? Is there a Universal Law which establishes the #boundaries of our #behaviour, enabling us to live in #peace and #harmony?

Of course there is, if there were not #humanity would not have #survived. This is Natural Law and Spooner described it.'

#lysanderspooner #natural #law #universal #truth #knowledge #understanding #rights #morality #ethics