

Scoundrel of the Year


The nitwit founder of Facebook has created the worst, most damaging website in the world. And we're just supposed to accept it.

It doesn't matter.

This is the taunt implicit in everything Zuckerberg does at this point in his reign. Here is a man who got unconscionably rich off the worst website that has ever existed, a website that has broken brains on a scale previously unimaginable in human history, and here is his stupendously wack vision for the future -- and everyone is just going to have to deal with it. There are many things to abhor about Mark Zuckerberg and his works, but the fundamental mediocrity of it all -- the lack of vision, the absence of any moral sense or shame, the inability and unwillingness not just to fix but even reckon with the dangerous and ungovernable thing he's made -- is what feels both most egregious and most of this moment. It is embarrassing and not a little enraging to realize that you are subject to the whims of an amoral and incurious capitalist posing as a visionary optimist. It is especially humiliating when the all-bestriding and inevitable figure in question is such a dim, dull nullity.

Previously, previously, previously, previously, previously, previously, previously.

#uncategorized #bigbrother #computers #conspiracies #corporations #doomed


Let's check in on Sealand, shall we?


Hackers plant card-stealing malware on website that sells baron and duke titles:

> Hackers have taken control of the government site of Sealand, the North Sea micronation, since Oct 12th. People buying Baron or Duke titles have likely been skimmed. Sorry, sirs!

While it declared its independence and sovereignty in the '60s, the principality was never recognized as a formal state by any other UN nation and is considered a media stunt. The principality is primarily known these days for selling nobility titles through its website, a practice used by many other small countries or local governments to raise funds for their local budgets.

Previously, previously, previously, previously, previously.

#uncategorized #computers #conspiracies #corporations #doomed #pranks #security


There are no corporate criminals in America

The FBI estimates that corporations commit 20 times more crimes than natural persons

corporate criminals


Corporate personhood serves an convenient fiction, in keeping with Frank Wilhoit's observation that conservativism consists of one proposition: "there must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."\
Or as Robert Reich once put it: "I'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one."

And while the US may not have a corporate criminal system, it has a fuckton of corporate crime. The FBI estimates that corporations commit 20x more crimes than natural persons, crimes committed on a vast scale that even the most prolific human criminal can't touch, thanks to the enormous resources that corporations can mobilize to criminal ends.

Boeing was a repeat offender that had killed people before with faulty products that resulted from these corporate defects. It had already settled corporate criminal cases related to these murders.\
You couldn't ask for a corporate criminal defendant more deserving of punishment. Instead, Boeing paid a fine equivalent to 3.3% of its revenues (12.7% of its profits) – if Boeing was the median American, that would be a fine of $4,315 – for killing 346 people.

#corporate #crime #criminals #corporation #corporations #impunity #corporate-personhood #corporate-criminals


It never stops.

Good Law Project has uncovered remarkable evidence that a Tory Minister brought a former Chair of the Tory Party, a man who now runs a lobbying firm, into the heart of Government to work on the massive multi-billion PPE procurement process. Having got his feet under the table that former Chair lobbied to win PPE contracts for at least one, and possibly a number, of clients of his lobbying firm.

The Tory Minister is Lord Bethell. The former Tory Party Chair is Lord Feldman - once described as David Cameron’s oldest and best friend - and he worked for Bethell from 23 March to 15 May 2020. And his huge lobbying firm is Tulchan, whose client list includes Bunzl Healthcare. 

Bunzl was given a £22.6m PPE contract by the Department for Health without any competition in April 2020, smack bang in the middle of the period Feldman was working with Bethell. And we have also learned, from Government’s own documents, that: 

  • Feldman was involved in the award of this contract.
    • Bunzl had been removed from the Department for Health’s ‘approved suppliers list’ - and Feldman got them back on.
    • An email from Feldman to Bunzl on 22 March 2020 states that he was acting as “an unpaid advisor to Matthew Hancock at the department of health...but that there have been some historic issues which mean that you have been removed from the approved suppliers list. I would like to remedy that as soon as possible”.
  • On the same day, he emailed Bunzl, copying in Andrew Wood whom he describes as “the person leading the accelerated procurement process in Cabinet Office” and said “I have spoken to him [Andy Wood] about Bunzl and the opportunity for you to supply the UK Government with equipment. He will be in touch”.
  • And then, several days later, when Bunzl thought the deal was not progressing quickly enough, it asked Feldman to intervene - which he did. On 25 March Feldman wrote directly to the line manager of the official dealing with Bunzl, encouraging him to expedite the contract award process: “We need to move quickly”. 

We fear these revelations just scratch the surface. We have seen Lord Feldman’s ‘Declarations of interest form’ and it contains a list of his other conflicts of interest. But Government has concealed these other names:

> “some of our clients [Tulchan Communication LLP], as well as many other companies are offering assistance to the government during the covid-19 crisis. This includes [REDACTED], Bunzl, [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED]”.

Despite requests from our lawyers Government is refusing to confirm which other companies linked to Cameron’s oldest friend and his lobbying firm Tulchan Communications were introduced to Government and/or won public contracts. 

We have now launched formal Judicial Review proceedings. If you would like to help us challenge this extraordinary abuse of power - you can do so here

We are publishing the Judicial Review Bundle we’ve submitted to the Court. Our amended Statement of Facts and Grounds and my Witness Statement are well worth a read.

Thank you, 

Jo Maugham QC

Director of Good Law Project

Good Law Project is able to carry out its work thanks to donations from thousands of people. If you are in a position to do so, you can make a donation here.

#Tulchan #BorisJohnson #AndrewWood #contracts #UK #ToryMinister #UnitedKingdom #PPE #Covid19UK #ToryPartyChair #lobbying #corporations #pandemic #LordBethell #BunzlHealthcare #Bethell #JudicialReview #LordFeldman #cronyism #Benzl


Disabled people lead the fight against austerity

In February 2011, New Internationalist editor David Ransom helmed an issue called ‘The Great Rebellion’ where he outlined a ‘con-trick of truly breathtaking proportions’, played out across the Majority World by unscrupulous financial institutions and abetted by the World Bank and the IMF. As much of the Majority World had wised up to the devastating practice, it was being turned on those countries that had devised it instead.

What was termed as ‘structural adjustment’ in the Majority World phase, was now being called ‘#austerity measures’ in the Minority World phase, though the con-trick was essentially the same: the citizens of countries were being made to pay for vast debts that they had no hand in creating, allowing the market to privatize national assets while imposing outrageous cuts and levies on the population. Ransom outlined the dangers ahead, of inevitable spiraling national #debt, the rising power of unaccountable, undemocratic, opaque #corporations and financial institutions and the crippling onslaught of brutal cuts.


The resistance begins at the raw front lines of those impacted first and impacted the hardest. The #UK #grassroots direct action group Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC), run by #disabled people, has grown out of that immediate need to hit back against crushing austerity. Their story is a microcosm of the #neoliberal story, including its construction, its destructive effects and how to fight back. Without learning from #DPAC, and having active solidarity with them, the various pockets of resistance risk remaining fractured and ineffective. ...

The UK has become the first country in the world to use the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities to be investigated for ‘grave and systemic violations’ of disabled peoples’ rights and it is telling that the Tory government has since refused to make public the findings.

Andy Greene, member of the national steering committee for DPAC, tells me, ‘What you have is the people who are engaged most with the state, disabled people because of the nature of impairment, being the first in the firing line when these public services and the welfare state start to be dismantled in the name of austerity… and the fall out is that peoples’ lives shrink or people die.’

Despite their being probably the most prolific grassroots group in the country in terms of direct action, even forcing their cause into the Houses of Parliament itself twice, the amount of physical support for DPAC reciprocated from people in the wider movement is negligible.

Until that changes and people stand in solidarity with DPAC, using direct action and civil disobedience, putting their bodies in front of their convictions, then the UK movement against #neoliberalism risks remaining fragmented, ineffective and easily dismissed or ignored by the right wing press and government.

full story