


"Divested of its ideological and organizational paraphernalia, fascism is nothing more than a final solution to the class struggle, the totalistic submergence and exploitation of democratic forces for the benefit and profit of
higher financial circles."
[Quoted from: Michael #Parenti, Blackshirts and Reds, 2001]


"Befreit von seinen ideologischen und organisatorischen Utensilien, ist der Faschismus nichts anderes
als eine Endlösung des Klassenkampfes, die totalistische Unterwerfung und Ausbeutung und Ausbeutung der demokratischen Kräfte zum Nutzen und Profit der höheren Finanzkreisen."

#Facism #Faschismus #Politik #politics #classstruggle #Klassenkampf


Michael Parenti ~ Democracy for the Few


'This #textbook shows how #democracy is repeatedly violated by #corporate #oligopolies, how popular forces have fought back and occasionally made gains in spite of the #system. By focusing on the relationship between #economic power and #political #power, discussing actual #government practices and #policies, #conspiracies, #propaganda, #fraud, #secrecy and other #ploys of government and #politics, this #book stands apart in its analysis of how #US Government works.'
#michaelparenti #parenti #democracyforthefew #pdf