

Ban octopus farming

Octopuses are seriously smart. They can use tools and solve complex problems, and even feel pain, pleasure, joy and fear!

That’s why scientists are outraged by plans for the world’s first octopus farm in Spain, which would see a MILLION of these mostly solitary creatures crammed into tiny tanks every year, then killed painfully by being frozen alive in icy vats to feed the food market.

It’s torture on an industrial scale.


#nature #octopus #maritime #farming #ocean #sea #Spain #wildlife #marinelife


Simple solutions to increase productivity of small scale farmers in Africa!

small scale farmers around the world have to struggle with so many issues including lack of space, pest control, lack of access to healthy and organic fertilizer not to mention water that is becoming an even bigger problem in so many parts of the world.

There are many solutions that can help increase the yield of each plant by using solutions such as trellies.

During our visits in different parts of Ghana, we never saw any farmer using trellis for their tomatoes, cucumbers or eggplants.

With bamboo being widely available in many parts of ghana at very low cost, it is possible to create efficient and low cost trellis like the ones in this image to increase the efficiency of many crops and at the same time make it easier to fight the weeds and pests.

It also creates a natural shield against heavy rain and strong sunshine while making it easier for farmers to take care of their plants and harvest their produce.

#Gardening #Farming #Tomatoes #Cucumbers #Eggplants #Trellis #VerticalFarming #OrganicFarming #Plants #Africa #Ghana #Taaluma


Mayan beekeeper who fought Monsanto GMO plantings in Mexico wins Goldman Environmental Prize

Leydy Pech, a Mayan beekeeper who led a coalition that stopped #Monsanto from planting genetically modified crops in seven states in southern #Mexico, was recently awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize.

Pech, a 55-year-old Indigenous woman from the state of Campeche in Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula, works with a rare, stingless, native bee species (Melipona beecheii) that has been cultivated by the Mayans since pre-Columbian times. Beekeeping is a key part of Mayan culture, and quite important economically. In Campeche, an estimated 25,000 families, many Indigenous, rely on the honey trade for their livelihoods, and Mexico is the sixth-largest producer of honey worldwide.

In 2012, after failing to consult with local and Indigenous communities, the Mexican government granted Monsanto permission to plant GMO Roundup Ready soybeans in seven Mexican states, including Campeche. Pech formed a coalition of NGOs, beekeepers and activists who filed a lawsuit against the Mexican government. Her coalition advocated for research into the effects of the GMO plots, resulting in evidence that GMO soy pollen was present in local honey, and that glyphosate, a chemical best known from the widely used pesticide Roundup, was found in the water supply and urine of people in Pech’s hometown of Hopelchén.

#GMO #Activism #Environment #Agriculture #Farming



Simple, ancient technology is helping to fight land erosion and regenerate the agricultural lands!

Half moons, dug into the dried out soil, creating a small pockets of soft soil for the rainwater to be trapped and slowly penetrate the soil, helping the land to turn fertile, prevent floods, stop land erosion and green up the desert.

This is a revolutionary idea that is helping millions of people living in food insecure regions of the world to find ways to grow food in places where it was deemed infertile before.

#Agriculture #Engineering #Farmingv#regenerativeAgriculture #Draught #Floods #FoodSafety #Africa #Farming #Video #TikTol



https://fediscience.org/@petersuber/109846700040145570 petersuber@fediscience.org - "A handful of companies own the #patents on virtually every #seed planted in the US. Now, a new crop of unowned seeds is bringing #biodiversity back to #farming."

#agriculture #food #monopoly #ossi (Open Source Seed Initiative)

FYI, I link to two earlier reports on this problem (2017 and 2019) in a tweet from 2020.


Kenyan government has introduced Agriculture back to the primary education curriculum under the competency Based Curriculum. CBC.

This is an amazing initiative that will help nurturing them to be better farmers and choose Agriculture as their careers.

The idea is just an excellent way of teaching kids to grow their own food which will have a huge impact on the local and national food security.

This is one of the things that should be part of every school all over the world. Creating local food gardens, producing even a fraction of the food families consume, locally will make people more aware of the food they are consuming, appreciate it more, waste less and also save money in the process of eating healthier food.

#Education #Agriculture #Kenya #Africa #GrowOwnFood #Farming #SackGarden #ContainerGarden #FoodSecurity #Africa #Economy


Free #eBook : Farmer field schools for family poultry producers

A practical manual for facilitators

This manual provides practical information & activities that help facilitators establish and implement good-quality FFS. It focuses on working with women & men #poultry producers to sustainably enhance production, productivity and marketing in any family poultry production system, ranging from extensive to small-scale intensified, in line with producers’ aspirations & local conditions.

#Farming #UN