

Pourquoi la #Suisse est-elle si #riche ? | #RTS
https://piped.adminforge.de/watch?v=N_zbuEctt_c ou https://invidious.privacyredirect.com/watch?v=N_zbuEctt_c
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La Suisse fait partie de l'espace appelé #BananeBleue.

La Suisse est si riche qu'un adulte sur 8 est #millionnaire.

Un quart de toutes les matières premières négociées dans le monde, le sont depuis la Suisse.

Remarque surprenante, mais intéressante :

Être un paradis fiscal est très souvent lié au fait d'être une puissance nucléaire.

Le premier million est toujours le plus dur à gagner.

#Politique #Capitalisme #Richesse #Schweiz #Switzerland #PIB #Banque #SecretBancaire #Industrie #ParadisFiscal #ParadisFiscaux #Finance #Capital #Neutralité #Guerre #Europe #Or #Commerce #Confédération #DémocratieDirecte #Histoire #Éducation #Argent


"Mama Bear" Gail Dudak knew stock shit didn't add up back when Louis Rukeyser was still alive and fired her from his show. That's how long the "new paradigm" has been unsustainable. Clue: stock value propped up by buy-backs.

That's like selling Amway and you are your own best customer.

unusual_whales - 2024-03-28 12:18:40 GMT

Stock valuations mirror the extremes of 1929 and the market is at risk of a steep crash, investor John Hussman has said per BI."Investors are presently enjoying the double-top of the most extreme speculative bubble in US financial history," Hussman wrote.

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options


#TruthSocial faces harsh reality as a public #company

source: https://www.axios.com/2024/03/27/truth-social-stock-facebook-twitter-ipo

Truth Social — the #Trump - owned social #media platform that started trading yesterday — currently has far fewer users and less income than any social #network that has gone public before.

For now, Truth is trading like a #meme #stock, meaning its market value is completely divorced from its financial reality.

#politics #news #economy #internet #finance #usa


The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire | Finance Documentary | History

Finance Documentary in Full Length: The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire - How Britain transformed from an imperial power to a financial power.

The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire, is a documentary film that shows how Britain transformed from a colonial power into a global financial power. At the demise of #empire, City of #London financial interests created a web of offshore secrecy jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it behind obscure financial structures in a web of offshore islands. Today, up to half of global #offshore wealth may be hidden in British offshore jurisdictions and Britain and its offshore jurisdictions are the largest global players in the world of international finance. How did this come about, and what impact does it have on the world today? This is what the Spider's Web sets out to investigate. With contributions from leading experts, academics, former insiders and campaigners for social justice, the use of stylized b-roll and archive footage, the Spider's Web reveals how in the world of international #finance, #corruption and #secrecy have prevailed over regulation and transparency, and the #UK is right at the heart of this.



Is the #Media Prepared for an Extinction-Level Event?

The Washington Post’s new #publisher and C.E.O., Will Lewis, was more clearly bearish on subscriptions. “That subscription-based model is now #waning and then will enter a more significant period of decline,” he said. “There’s very positive evidence of how news can be accessed and paid for in more innovative ways. There are day passes that are successful, there’s week passes, there are models like the #Guardian where you can make #donations. So there’s a whole new generation of paying user concepts. I’m pretty excited about it. I think it’s #newsroom 3.0.”

Source: https://www.newyorker.com/news/the-weekend-essay/is-the-media-prepared-for-an-extinction-level-event

#news #newspaper #press #journalism #future #finance #economy #capitalism #society #problem