

Record floods ravage #Slovenia, PM calls it ‘worst’ #disaster in its history

Source: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/8/6/record-floods-ravage-slovenia-pm-calls-it-worst-disaster-in-its-history

The floods were caused by torrential rains on Friday, which caused rivers to swell swiftly and burst into houses, fields and towns. Slovenia’s #weather service said a month’s equivalent of #rain fell in less than a day.

#flood #climate #news #problem #rainfall


Humans pump so much #groundwater that #Earth’s #axis has shifted, #study finds

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/26/world/pumping-groundwater-earth-axis-shifting-scn/index.html

Between 1993 and 2010, the period examined in the study, humans extracted more than 2,150 gigatons of groundwater from inside Earth, mostly in western North #America and northwestern #India, according to estimates published in 2010. To put that into perspective, if that amount were poured into the #ocean, it would raise global sea levels by about 0.24 inches (6 millimeters).

#water #future #science #news #humanity #sealevel #flood


#Atlantis #World #War #PoleShift | The Terrifying #Predictions #of #EdgarCayce

Edgar #Cayce gave over 14,000 #psychic #readings. He made a number of predictions about #future events — many of which have come true. And some of them are terrifying. Some #people are worried. Let's find out why.

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=PQuLc-kEin0

Not only does this #video confirm Cayce's #prediction that " #Russia will become beacons of hope for the world", but at 6:58 it's reported that if the poles do shift 16-20 degrees then the world will look very different. The "after" map shows that #NewZealand is the best place to be!
Is this accurate, do you think, given that the only part of the #UK still be there after a shift is one of the areas most likely to #flood today


#MikeAdams #interviews #TimothyAlberino

#Comet impacts, #pre-Adamic #civilization, lost worlds and the Luciferian #war against #humanity
#Health Ranger Report - December 28th 2022

An #ancient, advanced civilization that existed before the Biblical account of #Adam was wiped out by a comet strike around 12,800 years ago. This Younger Dryas era strike impacted the ice sheet of present-day North America, causing the Great #Flood, a #global deluge of flooding and ocean level rise that buried land masses, islands and coastal cities under hundreds of feet of water.

The impact ejected unimaginable quantities of water vapor and particulate matter into the stratosphere, blocking the sun and causing a planetary die-off of plants, animals and humans, bringing an end to many species and the advanced human civilization that existed at the time.

All this and more is the focus of my 90-minute bombshell #interview with author and researcher Timothy Alberino, who is the subject of today's feature podcast.

This is a can't-miss discussion if you want to understand where humanity really came from ... and where things are going from here.



Pakistan's government is warning it could take up to six months for floodwaters to recede, after record monsoon rains and glacial meltwater left a third of Pakistan's territory underwater.

  • 6 months of no food
  • 6 months of no work
  • 6 months of no sanitary facilities
  • 6 months of no clean water
  • 6 moths of waterborn diseases

Pakistan’s government is warning it could take up to six months for floodwaters to recede, after record monsoon rains and glacial meltwater left a third of Pakistan’s territory underwater. The flooding uprooted 33 million people and has claimed over 1,400 lives. Public health officials are warning of the growing threat of #waterborne #diseases like #cholera and #dengue.

On Monday, #Pakistan’s Army raced to shore up #flood defenses at a major power station in the southern province of Sindh, which supplies electricity to millions of people. Nearby, a major dust storm uprooted hundreds of tents at a camp for people recently made homeless by the climate disaster.
