

Canada floods: 18,000 people still stranded in ‘terrible, terrible disaster’ | Canada | The Guardian

Emergency crews in western Canada were still trying to reach some 18,000 people stranded by landslides and struggling to find food among bare grocery store shelves after devastating flooding.
With communities in the region braced for more torrential rain in already inundated areas next week , the premier of British Columbia province declared an emergency and gave an emotional address in a press conference on Thursday.

#science #environment #GlobalWarming #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateBreakdown #Canada #BritishColumbia #flooding



The forgotten oil ads that told us climate change was nothing

The Guardian

Since the 1980s, fossil fuel firms have run ads touting climate denial messages – many of which they’d now like us to forget. Here’s our visual guide.

Why is meaningful action to avert the climate crisis proving so difficult? It is, at least in part, because of ads.

The fossil fuel industry has perpetrated a multi-decade, multibillion dollar disinformation, propaganda and lobbying campaign to delay climate action by confusing the public and policymakers about the climate crisis and its solutions. This has involved a remarkable array of advertisements – with headlines ranging from “Lies they tell our children” to “Oil pumps life” – seeking to convince the public that the climate crisis is not real, not human-made, not serious and not solvable. The campaign continues to this day. (...)

Complete article

Collage of advertisemnets

Tags: #capitalism #environment #pollution #waste #climate #climate_change #climate_crisis #cop26 #global_warming #aur_pollution #neoliberalism #market_fundamentalism #inequality #cerrado #desert #rivers #amazon #co2 #nox #fossil_fuel #deforestation #brazil #brasil #flooding #heat_dome #extreme_weather #forest_fires #media #carbon_footprint #oil_industry #lobby #desinformation #economic_growth #consumerism #citizen #protest #Fridays_for_Future #Green_New_Deal_Rising #Extinction_Rebellion


Canada hit by heavy rains and floods in British Columbia – in pictures | Environment | The Guardian

Multiple fatalities confirmed after torrential rains forced thousands in British Columbia to evacuate

If you're in BC or know people there, I hope you and they stay safe.

#photography #Canada #BritishColumbia #weather #storms #flooding


A house is seen surrounded by floodwaters on a farm in Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada


#rain #flooding #west #us
July 24, 2021
Nearly 10 million people are under flash flood watches across Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah.

Let it rain. Let it flood. Most of those Gawd Awful places need to be washed off the edge of their Flat Earth. Wildfires need to be put out. The air needs to be cleaned. The Earth needs to be watered.
In Salt Lake City, Utah, I'll miss any major flooding, but if it should arrive-I live on the 2nd floor of a high rise building. I would love to see a river flowing down the main street, and many things in the city washed away.


Laschet, immerhin Kanzlerkandidat, lässt Bürger vom Platz räumen, bevor er eine Rede/Pressetermin hält?

Damit hält er sich weiter unwählbar, und auch der letzte verstehts. 😃


#laschet #flooding