

Refugee from Nerdica, Pluspora and Google+ looking to reconnect

I don't have much luck with social networks, do I? I used to be mcv@nerdica.net, but nerdica seems to be quite thoroughly dead. Database is corrupt, and nothing can be recovered.

So that means I lost all my posts, comments, contacts, followers, and my place in the Fediverse. I'm trying to cobble things together, so if you recognise me, or even if you don't, please reach out and reconnect. I used to be on #Nerdica , #pluspora and I'm even a #googleplusrefugee.

So I'm not #newhere in the Fediverse, but I am new at this server. I run a #shadowrun #rpg #ttrpg campaign, occasionally post about a #boardgame I played, especially #18xx #railroad games, but also many others. I'm a #programmer , and I'm pretty sure I was also connected to a bunch of people in the #opensource #software world. I'm also interested in #tech, #science, and #computers in general.

I'm also occasionally interested in discussions of #politics, especially of the #leftwing #liberal #green and/or #libertariansocialism kind, though I'm not overly dogmatic on any of them. I #bicycle regularly, use #linux, and after all these social media servers I lost, I'm considering running my own #friendica server. I might even be nuts enough to try to write my own #fediverse software, which would probably end up much like Friendica (or #Diapora, or Google+), but not in PHP.

I'm probably forgetting a bunch of stuff, but I hope this post will help me reconstruct and reconnect what I lost.


Another stable genius manages to grab the attention and lose the baby... while playing in his #media sandbox.

Twitter Users Can't Stop Roasting Elon Musk's 'X' Rebrand

And many "can't" stop staying on the dead bird platform, for many reasons, all understandable:

  • "It's what we know and where we have connections...."
  • "I know how to start anew, make 'friends' &/or build a following or brand.... but I'm over that, done..." ["avoidance"]
  • "Elon is the coolest thing ever, I've paid now and all is well, no problem here. [cognitive dissonance]
  • "#Twitter is still Twitter, better and worse, and I'm in for the #Musk magic. Nothing changed, all is well. ["denial"]
  • It's all Hillary's fault. ["delusion" / #GQP - #TrumpVirus cult membership has been renewed]

On a serious note, as both psychologist, #SocialMedia observer, and #GooglePlusRefugee who saw eight years of engagement, interaction, time investment in communities, collections, etc, only to see it just blown up, with a warning setting off a flourish of activity to save archives, 'signal flares' to let people know where to find you, and looking for a new "homeland" offering the same blend of people plus 'bells & whistles'....

It was traumatic for many, as is the case now on Twitter, more of a Schrodinger's cat just now, as it's not set to completely implode, though some argue it already has. So my strong suggestion is for those 'hanging on', hoping or waiting or just fed up with ch-ch-ch-changes.... is to note where people are heading (if you're a regular/avid Twitter user) and sample some of the options, be it Fediverse ('here', Mastodon, or 'other'), or Post (least active/interactive but with some news/literary org presence), as prime destinations. Post Google+ many returned to FB/IG, reddit, Federated hubs, etc, and many got swept into MeWe (which still falsely speaks of "public" posts but is active, with groups & tons of emojis, and an easy interface for phones. It's pretty.)

So.... ch-ch-ch-changes, and a very serious and confusing time for many who have long considered the (@ real) Twitter to be home, or a home.


The bird is cooked... courtesy of Chef #MuskVirus, mayor of #Muskville, King of his #Media Sandbox...
Lord #MuskVirus sure is doing a great job hastening and announcing the passing of an era, and iconic 'place'. :(

Musk vs. the Bird

Another stable genius manages to grab the attention and lose the baby... while playing in his #media sandbox.

Twitter Users Can't Stop Roasting Elon Musk's 'X' Rebrand

And many "can't" stop staying on the dead bird platform, for many reasons, all understandable:

  • "It's what we know and where we have connections...."
  • "I know how to start anew, make 'friends' &/or build a following or brand.... but I'm over that, done..." ["avoidance"]
  • "Elon is the coolest thing ever, I've paid now and all is well, no problem here. [cognitive dissonance]
  • "#Twitter is still Twitter, better and worse, and I'm in for the #Musk magic. Nothing changed, all is well. ["denial"]
  • It's all Hillary's fault. ["delusion" / #GQP - #TrumpVirus cult membership has been renewed]

On a serious note, as both psychologist, #SocialMedia observer, and #GooglePlusRefugee who saw eight years of engagement, interaction, time investment in communities, collections, etc, only to see it just blown up, with a warning setting off a flourish of activity to save archives, 'signal flares' to let people know where to find you, and looking for a new "homeland" offering the same blend of people plus 'bells & whistles'....

It was traumatic for many, as is the case now on Twitter, more of a Schrodinger's cat just now, as it's not set to completely implode, though some argue it already has. So my strong suggestion is for those 'hanging on', hoping or waiting or just fed up with ch-ch-ch-changes.... is to note where people are heading (if you're a regular/avid Twitter user) and sample some of the options, be it Fediverse ('here', Mastodon, or 'other'), or Post (least active/interactive but with some news/literary org presence), as prime destinations. Post Google+ many returned to FB/IG, reddit, Federated hubs, etc, and many got swept into MeWe (which still falsely speaks of "public" posts but is active, with groups & tons of emojis, and an easy interface for phones. It's pretty.)

So.... ch-ch-ch-changes, and a very serious and confusing time for many who have long considered the (@ real) Twitter to be home, or a home.


For the #GPlusRefugees out there:

Filip H.F. "FiXato" Slagter - 2022-02-27 22:05:55 GMT

#SignalFlare: A reminder to follow me elsewhere if you want to stay in touch, as #JoinDiaspora will be going offline at the start of March:
You can follow me on:
- #Mastodon: @fixato@toot.cat https://toot.cat/@FiXato
- #Friendica: @fixato@libranet.de @Fixato . https://libranet.de/profile/fixato/
- Overview of other profiles (which needs updating..): https://contact.fixato.org/
- My #Gemini blog: gemini://fixato.org

#GPlus #GooglePlus #PlusPora #CheckIn #PlusPoraRefugee #PlusPoraRefugees #GooglePlusRefugee #GPlusRefugee #GPlusRefugees #FiXato #Plexodus #JoinDiaspora


Для пользователей Google Plus

Регистрация на поде diaspora* солидарность+ (a.k.a "солидарность + diaspora*" )
1. Зайти на https://solidarno.st
2. Нажать кнопку Для регистрации новых и входа существующих пользователей
3. Выбрать гугль-аккаунт
4. При первом входе нужно выбрать для себя уникальное имя пользователя для регистрации. Оно может содержать латинские буквы в нижнем регистре, а также символы +-.%
5. (Необязательно) указать свои интересы в виде списка хэштегов. #новичок, #googleplusrefugee -- стандартный набор для переезжающих из G+

Все, если возникнут вопросы, свяжитесь со мной, вашим подмином: podmin@solidarno.st.
Если не получается зарегистрироваться, пишите через e-mail podmin@mail.solidarno.st



da es nun bei G+ dem Ende zu geht und plus.google.com/+CarstenSchmidt schon bald nicht mehr erreichbar, wird es Zeit in der Diaspora zu neuen Ufern aufzubrechen.
Ich bin nicht wirklich ein sehr aktiver G+ Teilnehmer gewesen, doch ist einiges über die Jahre zusammengekommen. Und es schmerzt dann doch, diese Erinnerungen quasi zu verlieren. Zusammen mit einem Konstrukt, das ich als sehr komfortabel empfand.
Google Bashing hin oder her.

#googleplusrefugee #massmigration #googleplus #gplus #pluspora #neuhier


Liebe neue Nutzer,

benutzt mehr #Hashtags! Das ist hier wirklich wichtig, denn es sorgt dafür, dass eure Beiträge von Leute, die diese Themen interessieren auch gefunden werden. Das bedeutet für euch, dass ihr auch von Nutzern bemerkt werdet, die ihr noch nicht kennt und die schon länger hier sind. Mit der Zeit ergeben sich daraus natürlich auch neue Verbindungen.

Sonst werden eure Posts nur von denen gefunden, die euch folgen.

#googleplusrefugee #neuhier


How does Pluspora actually compare to Google+

I still have friends on G+ who are going to stay until the bitter end and are convinced they will not find any sort of alternative so I will list some of their concerns about Pluspora.

  1. Concern about data collected, how secure it is and who can read it.

  2. Not able to edit a post

  3. No communities

  4. What happens if the pod just closes or breaks down ?

  5. Where are photos stored and can people access them ?

  6. Can you move a profile to another pod?

  7. The app from the Play store does not work that well so how safe is it to download the dandelion app from F-Droid

  8. Do the existing G+ refugees recommend this place

I have made this post public so hopefully my friends on the other side will be reassured by some of your answers

It is my view that this pod (pluspora) will eventually be the ideal replacement for G+ and even in it's present state has a much better spam control, display, communication and "circle" management system

#googleplus #googleplusrefugee #gplus #pluspora #diaspora #help



Welcome all that are #newhere!

I am not really #newhere, rather #oldhere (although I haven't been very active lately).

And now I am a #googleplusrefugee as well, along with many others. Returning to diaspora*
feels like returning to G+ in the beta period, a good foundation with a lot to work on.

The big difference is that while G+ is/was backed by a large corporate entity with lots
of resources, diaspora* is very much depending on us, the users, to get things moving.

That means that changes to the platform takes time. You might even have to contribute
in some way in order to make something happen. This is actually a Good Thing (tm), even
though it might feel like burden. Think of it like this: When was the last time your actions
and opinions actually had any influence on the direction of a social platform?

The development team today consists of a handful of volunteers that have been keping
the dream alive. Without them, there would be nothing but dead code in GitHub.

Hopefully there will be Ruby coders in the stream of people comfing from G+,
it might be that the shutdown of G+ will be a energy boost for disapora*!

There is a lot of energy (and curiosity) in posts from newcomers already, which is fun!

Of course not all of us are Ruby coders, or even coders. As others have said, there are other
ways than writing code that helps the project to move forward. For example, see
Hello and a big Welcome and Calling all coders.

If you are #newhere, please realize that it might actually be up to YOU to suggest a feature,
or to find ways to make this platform work better for all of us.

Ask not what diaspora* can do for you, ask what you can do for disapora*. :-)