

3 steps to start running containers today – Learn how to run two containers in a pod to host a WordPress site

I know I’ve posted recently about containers, but I still regret not starting to use them earlier. It was because my hosting was ‘working’ and I did not see the need. But once I started getting more issues with upgrading some applications, I realised the benefits of containers.

Pre-made containers get distributed with just what’s necessary to run the application it contains. With a container engine, like Podman, Docker, or CRI-O, you can run a containerized application without installing it in any traditional sense. Container engines are often cross-platform, so even though containers run Linux, you can launch containers on Linux, macOS, or Windows.

One thing I had to get to grips with, was depending on the image you use to create your container, some just require pulling a new image to update the application, and some require the upgrade to be run as normal within the running application. You also want to be sure to do regular backups of any external volumes, as these contain user data that is not recreated by the container.

See https://opensource.com/article/22/2/start-running-containers

#technology #containers #docker #podman #hosting
#Blog, ##containers, ##docker, ##hosting, ##podman, ##technology


#GoDaddy discloses recent #security breach that exposed 1.2 million accounts

source: https://www.engadget.com/godaddy-wordpress-security-issue-1-2-million-users-150142622.html?guccounter=1

The document says that GoDaddy believes that the breach first occurred on September 6th, 2021, and the investigation is currently ongoing. Demetrius Comes, Chief Information Security Officer, says that GoDaddy is currently working with law enforcement and a private IT forensics firm. In addition, it says that it has reset the relevant credentials and will work with users to issue new SSL certificates. Comes ends his statement by saying that the company will, perhaps a little too belatedly, “learn from this incident” and will take steps to prevent such a breach happening in future.

#wordpress #leak #internet #hosting #fail #cybercrime #hack #news


#Anonymous Hackers #Leak #Epik's #Database—Experts Confirm Gigabytes of Data Were Obtained; #8chan, #Parler, and Other Clients Now Affected

Source: https://www.techtimes.com/articles/265416/20210915/anonymous-hackers-leak-epiks-database—experts-confirm-gigabytes-data-obtained-8chan.htm

"The data set is all that's needed to trace actual ownership and management of the fascist side of the #Internet that has eluded researchers, activists, and, well, just about everybody,"

#hack #hacker #security #hosting #news


You have some bandwidth available on your server?

Run a Tor relay!

You think Tor is weak because there are so few relays the CIA can control most of them? Well... only you, server owners, can change that. Surprisingly, the Tor network stagnates at only 7,000 relays since 2015!

If you have a server (even a Raspberry Pi) with a correct bandwidth and a stable connection, consider running a Tor relay.

Tor FAQ on running a relay

Setup guide

Hosting a middle relay or a bridge is very simple and safe. You can easily limit the bandwidth used by Tor.

#tor #privacy #free-software #hosting #vpn #sysadmin #adminsys #self-hosted


ZigzagDownLoader logo di ZDL

[en] New extension: HEXUPLOAD.net

The service hexupload.net
* does not impose any kind of wait on the user
* provides the source file, with the highest definition video / audio
* provides a very fast download, taking up most of the available bandwidth
* has a flaw of no real relevance: it allows the download of only one file at a time (which occurs at high speed)

ZDL recommends using hexupload if available for download

#zdl #bash #linux #cygwin #downloader #axel #wget #aria2 #gnu #free #freesoftware #softwarelibero #zigzag #zigzagdownloader #condividetevelo #sharing #streaming #hosting #filehosting #xdcc #dcc #irc #automazione #hexupload


ZigzagDownLoader logo di ZDL

[it] Nuova estensione: HEXUPLOAD.net

Il servizio hexupload.net
* non impone attese all'utente, di nessun tipo
* fornisce il file di origine, con la più alta definizione video/audio
* fornisce un download molto rapido, occupando gran parte della banda disponibile
* ha un difetto di nessuna reale rilevanza: consente lo scaricamento di un solo file alla volta (che avviene ad alta velocità)

ZDL consiglia di usare hexupload se disponibile al download

#zdl #bash #linux #cygwin #downloader #axel #wget #aria2 #gnu #free #freesoftware #softwarelibero #zigzag #zigzagdownloader #condividetevelo #sharing #streaming #hosting #filehosting #xdcc #dcc #irc #automazione #hexupload


Selfhosted Sevices

schon seit längeren versuche ich nützliche #Webservices (oder wie auch immer Mensch das nennen mag) auf den eigenen #Server auszulagern. Das beginnt bei mir damit, das ich bei #Webprojekten Fonts und Scripte auf den jeweiligen Server hinterlege, geht dann weiter mit eigener Emailumgebung und endete bisher mit eigener #Nextcloud.
Nun kniffel ich an meinem neusten Projekt: einer #Selfhosted Alternattive für #Codepen.io
Fündig bin ich dann hier geworden:
-> http://progweb.info/codeexec/
Die Installation funzte dann auch fast ohne "Fummelei" wie in der Installatinsanleitung beschrieben. Auch die darin geforderten Berechtigungsänderungen hab ich gemacht. Dennoch weigert es sich vehement weder einen Admin- noch überhaupt Nutzeraccount anzulegen.
Jetzt meine Fragen an euch:
- habt ihr Erfahrung mit #CodeExec?
- habt ihr eine Idee woran die Admin und Nutzerregistrierung scheitert?
- habt ihr eine bessere Selfhosted Alternative zu codepen.io?

CodeExec -> http://progweb.info/codeexec/
Download CodeExec auf codecanyon.net -> https://codecanyon.net/item/codeexec-play-with-html-css-and-javascript/20204727
meine Installation -> https://code.sichtelement.design/

#IT #chmod #hosting #CodeExec #codecanyon #php #webdevelopment