

The coverage of the news from Gaza and Lebanon is like it is being orchestrated by a central command!

Every paper, every media, every web site is using the same language, avoiding to name Israel on their headlines and using a passive sentence like "died", "exploded", "injured".

The screen capture is from yesterday Swedish "liberal left" Dagens Nyheter. covering the catastrophe in Lebanon.
- Doctors warn after attacks in northern Gaza - 87 reported dead or missing

  • Explosions in Beirut - houses reported hit

And EVERY freaking time when they report about the casualties in Gaza, they use the EXACT same phrase "According to hams controlled heath department".

This is one of the first times they actually reported about the catastrophe in Gaza after days of silence about the catastrophe in the north or even mentioning the starvation of upto 400 000 people by the genocidal regime of Israel and it's murderous gang.

#Sweden #Leban #Media #Israel #Gaza #Propaganda #Inhumanity #Politics #Genocide #Inhumanity


The Last Days of Mankind

Today, each one of the assumptions that underpinned western policymaking and journalism for nearly three decades lie shattered

Pankaj Mishra (N+1)

(...) [J]ournalism had moved from being a neutral filter between the popular imagination and the external world. It had taken charge of forging reality itself. (...)

(...) Today, the war on terror is widely accepted as a military and geopolitical failure. But it is still not fully understood as a massive intellectual and moral fiasco: an attempt by the Western media as well as the political class to forge reality itself, which failed catastrophically, but not without embedding cruelty and mendacity deep and enduringly in public life. And partly because this disaster was unacknowledged—editors and writers pushing false narratives, and cheerleading large-scale violence, remained entrenched, and even received promotions—it is being reenacted today in the Western media’s coverage of Israel’s war on Gaza: another war that has ignited a bonfire of international legal and moral norms and deadened and perverted consciences. (...)

Complete article

Photo of destruction in

Tags: #journalism #journalist #media #war_on_terror #israel #gaza #lebanon #human_rights #torture #violence #racism #brics #the_west #western_dominance #decolonisation



Grèce : les dockers du #Pirée bloquent une cargaison de munitions destinée à Israël

Ce jeudi 17 octobre, des dizaines de dockers grecs ont bloqué le chargement d’un conteneur de 21 tonnes de munitions destinées à Israël. Une action ouvrière exemplaire.


A l’heure où Israël poursuit le génocide en Palestine et multiplie les offensives au Liban, plusieurs dizaines de dockers grecs se sont rassemblés jeudi dernier sur le port du Pirée afin d’empêcher physiquement le transfert d’une cargaison. Cette dernière, en provenance de Macédoine du Nord, devait être transportée à bord d’un navire battant pavillon des îles Marshall, en direction d’Israël. Revendiquant leur droit de ne pas participer à l’effort de guerre israélien, les travailleurs ont donné suite à l’appel à mobilisation de leur syndicat.


#israel #palestine #solidarité #dockers #luttedesclasses #guerre #syndicats


Wie die Hisbollah die Finanzen mit ihrer Schattenbank regelt

Israel hat in der Nacht Bankfilialen im Libanon bombardiert. Sie gehörten der Vereinigung Al-Kard Al-Hassan - einer von der Hisbollah gegründeten Schattenbank, die jenseits des üblichen Bankensystem arbeitet. Von Martin Durm.#Nahost #Hisbollah #Israel
Wie die Hisbollah die Finanzen mit ihrer Schattenbank regelt


Unconfirmed: Iranian government have sent a message to Biden administration and #IAEA that if any Iranian nuclear facility is attacked by Israel, they will remove their #NPT signature and stop cooperating with the #UN and #EU and will reserve "it's right to take all necessary measures" to defend their country against nuclear armed "Zionist entity" .

This comes after a group of hardline members of Iranian parliament (Majles) signed a letter to #Khamenei (who is the spiritual leader and head of Iranian defense forces) to reverse his #Fatwa about illegality of nuclear weapons in Islam and allow the scientists of armed forces to develop a nuclear weapon.

A fatwa by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, against the acquisition, development and use of nuclear weapons[1] dates back to the mid-1990s.[2] The first public announcement is reported to have occurred in October 2003, followed by an official statement at a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna in August 2005.
Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_Khamenei%27s_fatwa_against_nuclear_weapons

The fatwa was not directly about nuclear weapons, but any form of WMD, production, storage and use of such weapons were declared "Haram", but it also said that in case the country was subjected to such weapons, they will have the permission to use them against "legitimate" targets.

The issue was clarified officially on the wwb site of Khamenei:

In our opinion, in addition to nuclear weapons, all other kinds of weapons of mass destruction – including chemical and biological weapons - are considered to be a serious threat against humanity as well. Having been the victim of chemical weapons, the Iranian nation feels even more than other nations the danger of producing and storing such weapons. Therefore, the nation is ready to use all its resources in the effort to confront them. We consider the use of these weapons to be religiously forbidden, and we believe the effort to immunize all human beings from this grave tragedy is everyone’s responsibility.

#Iran #Israel #Biden #NuclearWeapon #WMD


#politik #kultur #geschichte #natur #handwerk #archäologie #palästina #israel

Kufija, Tatriz und Zaatar

Über die Aneignung palästinensischen Kulturerbes (von Olivier Pironet)

Dieser Kulturkrieg gegen die Pa­läs­ti­nen­se­r:in­nen erstreckt sich auf viele Bereiche, auf Geschichte, Traditionen und Kunst, aber auch auf das mate­riel­le und immaterielle Erbe, bis hin zur Umwelt – mit anderen Worten, auf alles, was das kollektive Gedächtnis und die Identität eines Volks ausmacht.
- https://monde-diplomatique.de/artikel/!6039337


Nahostkrieg Israel greift Geldinstitut der Hisbollah an

Nahostkrieg - Israel greift Geldinstitut der Hisbollah an

Israel hat auch die Finanzströme der Hisbollah im Visier. Raketenangriffe nahe Beirut galten Gebäuden eines Geldinstituts, das die Miliz finanziert.#Hisbollah #FINANZIERUNG #SYSTEM #Geldinstitut #IRAN #ISRAEL #Libanon
Nahostkrieg Israel greift Geldinstitut der Hisbollah an


People in besieged north Gaza are crying out for help

We’re now entering the third week of a siege on the northern Gaza Strip. According to people there, last night Israeli forces started invading homes, forcibly evicting residents.

Trapped Palestinians are pleading for food and drinking water – the most basic necessities that are not available.

The people feel unheard despite their efforts to share their experiences online.

#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


While the "world" stands by and isly watching, Israel is slaughtering and starving close to 400000 civilians in northern Gaza.

This unbelievable crime against humanity is going unnoticed or gets minimum amount of reporting, where most media is more interested in the toy drone that hit the house of Netanyahu than 100s of people, mostly women and children are slowly dying while Israel drops bombs using planes, drone or quadcopters on them.

With almost 0 ability to defend themselves against massive attack by genocidal regime of Netanyahu, these people are just waiting to die while their cry for help is being silenced by major social media companies and the "world" leaders just standing by and watch it happen.

In Germany and other countries, government is more active attacking protesters and those who call for an end of this madness, than doing anything to save the lives of those innocent people.

#Inhumanity #NirthernGaza #Jabaliya #Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow