

Donald Trump in 34 Anklagepunkten schuldig

US-Wahlkampf - Donald Trump in 34 Anklagepunkten schuldig

Im Verfahren um die Verschleierung von Schweigegeld-Zahlungen an eine Pornodarstellerin hat die Jury den Ex-Präsidenten Donald Trump schuldig gesprochen.#USA #DonaldTrump #US-Wahlkampf #Urteil #Jury
Donald Trump in 34 Anklagepunkten schuldig


A concise overview.... (vs. one analyst's prediction: "jury convicts Thursday or hangs Friday")

Instructing a Jury

The Judge instructed the jury this morning, and they’ve got the case. Their first day of deliberating is finished. They’ve got questions. They’ll return tomorrow for more. This will continue until they either reach a verdict or advise the court that they are hopelessly deadlocked. We are nowhere close to that point.

It’s not possible to predict with any certainty how long a particular jury will deliberate. But this case has always struck me as one where it would be more a matter of days than of hours, and now that has proven to be the case.

-Joyce Vance
 May 30, 2024

#TrumpVirus #trial #justice #accountability #jury


#Food Not Bombs #trial rescheduled after too many jurors objected to $500 fine for feeding #homeless

Source: https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/housing/article/food-not-bombs-trial-busted-jury-panel-homeless-18617041.php

The busted #jury panel illuminates the potential difficulties the #city could face in enforcing its controversial law through a jury of peers. Roughly 90 tickets have been issued since March to volunteers with the loosely organized Food Not Bombs, which serves meals to people in need near Central Library. The city has yet to win a single case.

#usa #law #Houston #humanRights #help #hungry #poverty #fail #politics #justice


if you didnt #read the book, here it is showing up as a #tldr in :

Playing: https://odysee.com/@UNCENSORED:c/uncensored-plandemic_3:2

(albeit, in tragic irony, in some isolated parts, this has some orwellianised language-of-the-oppressor flies-in-the-ointment there, but [edit: as the clip of a young edwrd g griffin points out at around 43:36 to 44:19 clinching it, before expanding with other contextual clarifications] there's wisdom in being aware of the tip-toeing #totalitarianism hiding in #communism and #socialism garb. and #capitalism too. #freedomfirst #limitedgovernment #democracy #ruleoflaw #judiciary #humanrights #tyranyofmajority #jury #inalienablerights #constitutional #individualrights #bodilyautonomy #anarchy #noruler ... anyway, i wont ramble on about the #psychology and #politics. suffice to say, #awareness is a great tool in protecting yourself from #indoctrination #scams. cant #comply your way out, have to #speak out. or it keeps getting worse. wakey wakey. from here now. #speakout )


At least some Americans are unwilling to put up with Jones's shit

Jury decides conspiracy theorist Alex Jones should pay nearly $1 billion in damages to Sandy Hook families for his lies about the school massacre

Far-right talk show host Alex Jones should pay eight families of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victims and one first responder $965 million in compensatory damages, a Connecticut jury decided Wednesday, capping a wrenching weeks-long trial that put on display the serious harm inflicted by the conspiracy theorist’s lies.

With its punishing award, the decision could shrink or even doom Jones’ Infowars media empire, which has been at the center of major conspiracy theories dating back to former President George W. Bush’s administration and was embraced by President Donald Trump.

[But Jones, like Trump and the rest of their ilk, is determined to cheat his way out of the verdict.]

... It’s unclear when or how much of the money the plaintiffs will ultimately see. Jones has said that he will appeal the decision and during his Wednesday broadcast said that there “ain’t no money” to pay the massive figure the jury awarded the plaintiffs.

#AlexJones #SandyHook #Jury #Decision




J’avais pas vu ça ! et ça promet !

L’allégation principale repose sur le fait que : « les gouvernements du monde entier sont sous l’influence de structures corrompues et de puissances criminelles. Une entente a été établie afin de mettre en scène une pandémie planifiée depuis des années. Dans ce but, une panique de masse a été délibérément créée, soutenue par de fausses déclarations de faits. Une opération sociale psychologique « psy-ops » a été aussi conçue dont les messages ont été transmis et relayés par le biais des médias corporatifs.
Le but de cette panique de masse était de persuader la population d’accepter les soi-disant « vaccins » qui se sont entre temps révélés n’être ni efficaces, ni sûrs, mais extrêmement dangereux, voire mortels.
Les dommages économiques, sociaux et sanitaires que ces crimes contre l’humanité ont causé à la population mondiale peuvent être mesurés en quadrillions de dollars.
Cette procédure du Grand #Jury sera menée par les avocats susnommés, avec l’aide d’un grand nombre de scientifiques et d’experts hautement respectés du monde entier et sous les auspices d’un juge du Portugal.

#GrandJury #LeGrandJury