

European Parliament backs resolution calling for suspending Hungary's EU voting rights

The European Parliament supported on Jan. 18 the resolution calling on the European Council and member states to suspend Hungary's voting rights, said Petri Sarvamaa, a senior member of the European Parliament (MEP).

Earlier this month, Sarvamaa launched a petition to remove some of Budapest's membership rights due to the country's "erosion of the rule of law" and obstructive behavior in the face of EU #consensus building.


#Hungary #EU #VotingRights #law #treaty #erosion #obstructive #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianAggression


European Parliament to vote on resolution stripping Hungary of EU voting rights on Jan. 18

The European Parliament will vote later this week on a resolution that calls for stripping Hungary of its voting rights at the European Council, MEP Petri Sarvamaa said

Earlier this month, Sarvamaa launched a petition to remove some of #Budapest's membership rights, including voting, due to the country's "erosion of the rule of law" and obstructive behavior in the face of EU #consensus building.


#Hungary #EU #UkraineAid #EU #Orban #law #EuropeanUnion #VotingRights


A quotation from Hand, Learned

And so when I hear so much impatient and irritable complaint, so much readiness to replace what we have by guardians for us all, those supermen, evoked somewhere from the clouds, whom none have seen and none are ready to name, I lapse into a dream, as it were. I see children playing on the grass; their voices are shrill and discordant as children’s are; they are restive and quarrelsome; they cannot agree to any common plan; their play annoys them; it goes poorly. And one says, let us make Jack the master; Jack knows all about it; Jack will tell us what each is to do and we shall all agree. But Jack is like all the rest; Helen is discontented with her part and Henry with his, and soon they fall again into their old state. No, the children must learn to play by themselves; there is no Jack the master. And in the end slowly and with infinite disappointment they do learn a little; they learn to forbear, to reckon with anther, accept a little where they wanted much, to live and let live, to yield when they must yield; perhaps, we may hope, not to take all they can. But the condition is that they shall be willing at least to listen to one another, to get the habit of pooling their wishes. Somehow or other they must do this, if the play is to go on; maybe it will not, but there is no Jack, in or out of the box, who can come to straighten the game.

Learned Hand (1872-1961) American jurist
“Democracy: Its Presumptions and Realities,” speech, Federal Bar Association, Washington, DC (1932-03-08)

#quote #quotes #quotation #collaboration #consensus #cooperation #democracy #dictator #master #ruler #rules #society
Sourcing, notes.https://wist.info/hand-learned/65663/


#Politique de #décarbonation : La grande #arnaque #écologique ? - #PublicationsAgora


📺 Pour #télécharger le dernier #rapport de #PhilippeBéchade et #IdrissAberkane, cliquez ici : https://bit.ly/3EkDQC5

ℹ️ Qui sommes-nous ? ————————————— Créées en 1997, les #Publications #Agora #France sont l’une des #sociétés d’ #AGORA, le plus large #réseau d’ #entreprises #indépendantes de #presse #spécialisée au monde. Présentes sur les cinq #continents, les entreprises d’AGORA véhiculent la même vision et #philosophie : célébrer la vertu de penser par soi-même et de prendre ses propres responsabilités dans sa vie, que ce soit en matière de #finances #personnelles, de #santé ou de #réussite.

Nous ne dépendons pas d’ #annonceurs #publicitaires, de #banques ou d’ #organismes #financiers qui nous dictent notre ligne #éditoriale, puisque nous nous finançons uniquement par la vente de nos abonnements : le seul à qui nous devons des comptes, c’est vous, notre lecteur !

“Quand tout le monde pense la même chose, c’est que personne ne pense” pourrait être notre devise : nous préférons faire un pas de côté par rapport au #consensus… et aller chercher les #vérités au-delà de la langue de bois et du “financièrement correct”.
► Clarté
Pas de #jargon, pas de #techniques incompréhensibles, pas de #théories fumeuses ou d’idées inapplicables. Tous nos #conseils, #analyses et #recommandations sont élaborés dans un langage claire et accessible, pour que vous puissiez les mettre en application tout de suite.
► Profitabilité
Nous n’écartons aucun domaine, aucun secteur, aucune forme d’investissement dans nos recherches et nos analyses. C’est très simple : si cela peut vous rapporter de l’argent et vous aider à atteindre l’indépendance financière… nous vous en parlerons. 👍 Suivez-nous !


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Le #terme " #consensus #scientifique" est une #arnaque #politique | #IdrissAberkane


" #TINA", There Is No Alternative, le #slogan de #MargaretThatcher dans les années 80 a évolué d'une façon infiniment plus sournoise, il est devenu le #dictatorial "The #Science Is Clear" de #BarackObama, et si vous n'êtes pas d'accord, vous êtes tout simplement #anti-science (de nos jours, la pire #hérésie possible)

Pourtant au delà des éléments de #langage la structure même des #révolutions #scientifiques appartient au #dissensus, et si des fous décident consensuellement que le nombre pi vaut légalement 3,2 (comme dans la légendaire Indiana Pi Bill de 1897) cela n'en fait pas un #théorème; inversement la valeur de pi n'est pas le fruit d'un #consensus mais d'un #théorème, lequel d'ailleurs fut profondément dissensuel en son temps pour tous ceux qui rêvaient obtenir la quadrature du cercle...

Le consensus n'est pas un mauvais procédé, mais il est entièrement et irrémédiablement POLITIQUE, dès lors, quand quelqu'un vous parle de "consensus scientifique" vous devez traduire qu'il ne s'agit que de donner à la #politique une apparente justification #scientifique, dans le but d'empêcher tout débat. Or bien souvent, qui d'autre voudrait empêcher tout #débat politique si ce n'est celui qui voudrait abuser massivement de son #pouvoir et se livrer aux pires #exactions...?

#climate #climatechange #temperature #canicule #science #politique


#America’s ‘Neoliberal’ #Consensus Might Finally Be Dead

Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/25/opinion/neoliberal-consensus-china-trade.html

On the domestic front, the implication is clear: a recognition that the free-market policies of the past several decades have punished the American working and middle classes, particularly in politically sensitive areas of the Rust Belt. Or, in the language of the campaign trail: Trade deals need to benefit the people of Pennsylvania and Michigan rather than those of Shenzhen and Shanghai.

#Neoliberal #globalism #politics #market #economy #finance #money #poverty #capitalism #news #usa #trade


We all knew, long live Dhan

As Gov’t Tells Us to ‘Follow the Science’, Remember the ‘Consensus’ Once Rejected Hand Washing…

Since the beginning of the pandemic, a phrase has been thrown around by blowhards in the mainstream media and politicians alike. That phrase is “we follow the science.” However, many of the folks who constantly repeat this phrase don’t seemed too excessively concerned with actually following any science at all.
The World Health Organization and others have come out for months saying that schools are safe and that school closures are leading to a slew of horrifying childhood problems.
“Schools can reopen safely,” said Dr Ruediger Krech, WHO Director of Health Promotion, back in December.
Yet those who claim to “follow the science” continue to keep children locked down and out of school — leading to an epidemic of childhood suicide. This is just one of many examples.

Despite brutal lockdowns, mandates, the complete destruction of the economy, and putting the police state on steroids, cases still shot to record levels through December and early January. Every time they rise, the politicians take to their podiums and blame the citizens for not following their arbitrary and often entirely unscientific dictates close enough. More force is threatened and more arbitrary rules rolled out. Despite the utterly horrifying effects of the lockdowns, politicians across the world keep forcing them on the citizens. Why is that?

Are they really following the science? Does following The Science™ mean that scientists and experts who disagree with The Science™ ought to be banned, silenced, and cancelled? If not, then why is that happening despite many of these disagreements being proven right?

Throughout history, The Science™ has been resistant to skeptics. Anyone who challenges the established narrative is cast out, ridiculed, and shunned. Now, Big Tech has joined in and helps to silence those who are skeptical — even if they are Harvard educated experts.
It has been a week since our @Facebook page was deleted.

This happened after we posted a comment in full support of a voluntary Covid19 vaccine plan.

There has been no option to review this decision.

There is no route to appeal available for @gbdeclaration. pic.twitter.com/yTz0ue2jNk

— **_Great Barrington Declaration (@gbdeclaration) February 7, 2021_**
To be clear, a scientific consensus is not to be easily discounted. Thousands of people all coming to similar conclusions through varying applications of the scientific method is a powerful means of explaining and understanding our environment and presence on this planet and in the universe. Coming to a consensus allows humanity to make better decisions about fostering a more sustainable future and helps us figure out how to progress as a species and deal with the various woes we face — like COVID-19.

That being said, the collective is often dangerously — and deadly — wrong. Do not mistake this for a stance on vaccines, the pandemic, or any health measures. That is a moot point for the purpose of this issue. However, indoctrinating people to unquestioningly accept what The Science™ says as fact, through various means of information manipulation can and will have damning consequences.

Without people questioning our very reality, science would likely still be stuck in the stone ages.

This current method of cancelling, censoring, and banning, sets out to grow the herd of consensus, simply by convincing people that doing anything but unquestioningly accepting the consensus is wrong.

“Consensus messages don’t ask people to change their beliefs — they ask them to change their opinion about what other people believe, so they’re not a direct threat to their identity,” says Sander van der Linden, a psychology professor at Cambridge, who has tested the strength of “inoculation messages” in a program to manipulate people into being less skeptical.
Once people view the consensus as non-threatening, they will readily accept the science on the matter. Seems harmless enough, right?Well, it does if you haven’t studied history at all.

#consensus #eugenics #mainstream #science #lockdown #covid 19 #corruption #genocide #fraud #pandemic #censor #manipulation #disinformation




Composed by Raymond J. Lustig
libretto by Matthew Doherty


En juillet 1865, Semmelweis est opportunément accusé de maladie mentale par ses collègues et interné dans un asile psychiatrique, le Niederösterreichische Landesirrenanstalt, à Wien Döbling. Il est alors battu à mort par les gardiens, qui le laissent mourir de ses blessures.

Ainsi mourra le père de l’asepsie : "Si le refus de la communauté médicale de reconnaître cette découverte a condamné à une mort tragique et inutile des milliers de jeunes mères, les idées de Semmelweis ont fini par triompher. On cite souvent son cas en exemple d'une situation où le progrès scientifique a été freiné par l'inertie des professionnels bien en place. "

Pensez vous que la profession est tant appris au plan humain depuis Semmelweis ou l'effet Semmelweis perdure dans ce que certains appellent malhabilement, le consensus ?

#médecine #consensus #zététique #Semmelweis


As Gov’t Tells Us to ‘Follow the Science’, Remember the ‘Consensus’ Once Rejected Hand Washing....

Since the beginning of the pandemic, a phrase has been thrown around by blowhards in the mainstream media and politicians alike. That phrase is “we follow the science.” However, many of the folks who constantly repeat this phrase don’t seemed too excessively concerned with actually following any science at all.
The World Health Organization and others have come out for months saying that schools are safe and that school closures are leading to a slew of horrifying childhood problems.
“Schools can reopen safely,” said Dr Ruediger Krech, WHO Director of Health Promotion, back in December.
Yet those who claim to “follow the science” continue to keep children locked down and out of school — leading to an epidemic of childhood suicide. This is just one of many examples.

Despite brutal lockdowns, mandates, the complete destruction of the economy, and putting the police state on steroids, cases still shot to record levels through December and early January. Every time they rise, the politicians take to their podiums and blame the citizens for not following their arbitrary and often entirely unscientific dictates close enough. More force is threatened and more arbitrary rules rolled out. Despite the utterly horrifying effects of the lockdowns, politicians across the world keep forcing them on the citizens. Why is that?

Are they really following the science? Does following The Science(TM) mean that scientists and experts who disagree with The Science(TM) ought to be banned, silenced, and cancelled? If not, then why is that happening despite many of these disagreements being proven right?

Throughout history, The Science(TM) has been resistant to skeptics. Anyone who challenges the established narrative is cast out, ridiculed, and shunned. Now, Big Tech has joined in and helps to silence those who are skeptical — even if they are Harvard educated experts.
It has been a week since our @Facebook page was deleted.

This happened after we posted a comment in full support of a voluntary Covid19 vaccine plan.

There has been no option to review this decision.

There is no route to appeal available for @gbdeclaration. pic.twitter.com/yTz0ue2jNk

— **_Great Barrington Declaration (@gbdeclaration) February 7, 2021_**

To be clear, a scientific consensus is not to be easily discounted. Thousands of people all coming to similar conclusions through varying applications of the scientific method is a powerful means of explaining and understanding our environment and presence on this planet and in the universe. Coming to a consensus allows humanity to make better decisions about fostering a more sustainable future and helps us figure out how to progress as a species and deal with the various woes we face — like COVID-19.

That being said, the collective is often dangerously — and deadly — wrong. Do not mistake this for a stance on vaccines, the pandemic, or any health measures. That is a moot point for the purpose of this issue. However, indoctrinating people to unquestioningly accept what The Science(TM) says as fact, through various means of information manipulation can and will have damning consequences.

Without people questioning our very reality, science would likely still be stuck in the stone ages.

This current method of cancelling, censoring, and banning, sets out to grow the herd of consensus, simply by convincing people that doing anything but unquestioningly accepting the consensus is wrong.

“Consensus messages don’t ask people to change their beliefs — they ask them to change their opinion about what other people believe, so they’re not a direct threat to their identity,” says Sander van der Linden, a psychology professor at Cambridge, who has tested the strength of “inoculation messages” in a program to manipulate people into being less skeptical.
Once people view the consensus as non-threatening, they will readily accept the science on the matter. Seems harmless enough, right?Well, it does if you haven’t studied history at all.

#consensus #eugenics #mainstream #science #lockdown #covid_19 #corruption #genocide #fraud #pandemic #censor #manipulation #disinformation