

What did Confederates want to preserve?

A #Constitutional #Republic that #Lincoln ultimately destroyed.

If they wanted to “preserve” slavery (which was not unconstitutional and not illegal above or below the Mason Dixion Line), they could have simply accepted The Northern backed Lincoln endorsed #Corwin #Amendment which passed both houses of Congress with NO SOUTHERN VOTES if they ended “the secession crisis” and returned to the Union which would have granted the South free access to slavery in perpetuity.

Later in the war the same offer was made twice only if those times the South laid down arms and returned to the Union.

All three times the offers were refused making the ongoing #lie the South ”fought to keep people enslaved” revisionist poppycock, but said #revisionism and 160+ years of Northern falsehood has 95% of the nation's population convinced the South seceeded and suffered the worst war in American history so that a fraction of their upper class could retain something they were already eliminating through peacefull manumission.


The #Uber #whistleblower: I’m exposing a #system that sold people a #lie

source: https://www.theguardian.com/news/2022/jul/11/uber-files-whistleblower-lobbyist-mark-macgann

“The #company approach in these places was essentially to break the #law, show how amazing Uber’s service was, and then change the law. My #job was to go above the heads of city officials, build relations with the top level of #government, and negotiate. It was also to deal with the fallout.”

#economy #startup #money #business #fail #finance #justice #politics #news



The Nameless Thing of 50 Berkeley Square

50 Berkeley Square, London, England was for many years renowned for being visited by some sort of creature and terrifying any guests, some fatally, who dared spend the night there in a specific room. Descriptions of the creature vary but the common features seem to be some sort of Octopus type creature in nature.

enter image description here

But what’s the most rational explanation for this incident? By rational we mean, can the explanation be proved to be a plausible one?
Just look at the list below of explanations. Remember, whichever one(s) you pick as being likely ask yourself if you can prove them to be possible:

1 - A real monster.
2 - A spectre or ghost.
3 - Some sort of a demon or creature from mythology.
4 - A real octopus type creature that was able to find its way up from the sewers to that room.
5 - A lie or fabrication to cover something up.
6 - A lie or fabrication to benefit someone in some way.

The article below goes onto look at some of the possible explanations for the incident


enter image description here

#mystery #supernatural #berkeleysquare #london #berkeley #england #ghost #spectre #lie #fabrication #creature #nameless #sewers #octopus #mythology #demon #cryptoid #cephalopod #octopi #unidentifiable #monster #coverup #harryprice #paranormal #investigation


Which Conservatives want #BorisJohnson to quit over #partygate #photos?

source: https://www.itv.com/news/2022-05-24/which-tories-want-boris-johnson-to-quit-over-partygate-photos

British #politics has found itself in the unprecedented situation of having a prime minister who has been fined by #police for breaking the laws he made, but is so far showing no sign of bowing to building pressure for his resignation.

Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi

"What is permissible for Jupiter may not be permissible for a bull" - only this does not apply in a #democracy where everyone is equal before the #law. How degenerate must a democracy be where this does not lead to resignation?

#UK #fail #lie #problem #crime #news #moral #ethics #respect


Mick Wallace Intervention in Plenary


The #EU says it #cares about #protecting #journalists, #press #freedom and #human-rights - It remains a #lie until they #fight for the freedom of #JulianAssange who is being #persecuted for being a #journalist who #exposed the #truth about #US and #allies #war #crimes...

#mickwallace #wallace #mep #ireland #south #intervention #plenary #freeassangeNow #wikileaks #truthteller #noextradition #dropthecharges #freespeech #freepress #freeassange #msm #media #weareallassange


The Russian Military Intelligence Perspective

This is a translated transcript of a 2020 interview with a Russian military strategist with combat experience dating back to Afghanistan about his interpretation of the coronavirus phenomenon. He was also directly involved in Vladimir Putin’s campaign to free Russia from post-Soviet financial oligarch rule. Needless to say, this interview is considerably more informative, and provides a better predictive model going forward, than anything you’ve see on the subject in the mainstream media for the last 18 months.

Today we have Vladimir Kvachkov as our guest, a Colonel of the GRU, a public figure with a PhdD in Military Science. Vladimir Vasilivievich. I know you served, among other things as the leading researcher for the Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies of the General Staff of the Armed Forces. Considering your expertise, what do you make of the Coronavirus phenomenon?

It’s exactly this perspective that you need to examine it from. Not from the public-health perspective, nor epidemiology etc. The #Coronavirus #phenomenon, that they falsely deem a #pandemic needs to be examined from the perspective of #global #powers, #religious, #political, #financial, #economic and #national. The Coronavirus phenomenon, the so-called pandemic, and let me tell you, there’s no pandemic, it’s all a #lie, needs to be considered as a global strategic special operation. This is exactly how you need to think of this thing. These are command and staff exercises of the world’s behind-the-scenes powers on #controlling #humanity. This is what the #goal of this Coronavirus is.

I’ll repeat it once again, we have little #faith in #God and even less so in the #existence of #Satan, the enemy of the human race. So the aim of the behind-the-scenes #Zionist and financial powers is reducing the world’s population…


Top #cop in Black man’s deadly #arrest withheld cam #video

source: https://apnews.com/article/arrests-death-of-ronald-greene-d2868b81b5af53a62301742d1ba4b825

But Clary, the highest-ranking #officer among at least six state troopers at the scene of Greene’s May 10, 2019, arrest, told investigators later that day that he had no body camera footage of the incident — a #statement proven to be untrue when his 30-minute body #camera video of the arrest emerged last month.

#crime #police #justice #lie #fail #violence #USA #news #trust