

Today is #GenocidePreventionDay.

9 December is Genocide Prevention Day, marking the anniversary of the #UN Genocide Convention.

Since 2015, the United Nations has marked the International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime, which is often referred to as Genocide Prevention Day.

We remember all those murdered for who they were and the survivors whose lives were changed forever by #genocide.

Watch this short video to learn about the history of Genocide Prevention Day and why we need to mark it.

#Politics #OTD




#OTD #9November #Antisemitismus



#Novemberpogrome #9November #KeinVergessen #OTD #OnThisDay #Antifa #Antifaschismus #NieWieder


On Nov. 7, 1917, Bolshevik Red Guards under the command of the Revolutionary Military Committee seized power in Petrograd, then the capital of the Russian Empire, by capturing key government positions and laying siege to the Winter Palace.

#OTD #USSR #Lenin #OctoberRevolution


#OnThisDay, 2002, #British PM Blair said "#Iraq has a growing arsenal of chemical and biological weapons and plans to use them." He also unveiled an intelligence dossier to a special session of Parliament. Later, it was revealed he was lying and only wanted to start a war. #OTD


40 years ago, an Israeli-allied armed group attacked the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon’s capital Beirut.

In June 1982, Israel invaded Lebanon with the stated aim of destroying the PLO.

#OTD #Palestine #Lebanon #Politics #History #CrimeAgainstHumanity

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is an umbrella of Palestinian political parties, created in 1964 with the aim of liberating Palestine through armed struggle.

The #PLO withdrew from Lebanon by September 1, 1982, two weeks later, Israeli forces besieged Sabra and Shatila.

They provided cover for a right-wing #Lebanese militia called the #Phalange to carry out the mass killings that continued for 43 hours.

As many as 3,500 people - mostly Palestinians - were killed. Here’s a look at what happened

#Refugees of the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps were victims of the 1948 #Nakba, fleeing the violent ethnic cleansing of Palestine by #Zionist militias as #Israel was formed.

The UN General Assembly passed a resolution declaring the massacre an “act of #genocide”.

Though no one has been held accountable for the crimes of the #Sabra and #Shatila #massacre.




#OTD #TonouMbobda #allergischerReaktion



#Schwur #Buchenwald #Vermächtnis #OTD #NieWiederFaschismus #Selbstbefreiung


🇮🇹 #OTD "Am 17. Februar vor 2 Jahren betrat ich #Lampedusa zum ersten Mal. Am selben Abend traf ich am Pier Hatem, einen libyschen Jungen, der zus. mit seiner & 3 anderen Familien mit einem Schnellboot floh und am Jahrestag des Aufstands 2011 in Italien landete."





#OTD #Herero #Nama #Genozid #Namibia