

#Rational #Suicide
There is no rational reason for me to go on living. I have nothing to look forward to but #suffering, #pain, #misery and #death. My life has been getting worse, relentlessly for more than 25 years. There are no signs of things "turning around." Everything I liked about being alive is in the past. My suffering is going to increase, and accelerate now. It's just a fact. I could #delude myself into a #fantasy that some part of my life is worth living. The delusion will be costly, and when I am no longer able to maintain the delusion, I will be worse off for having deluded myself. For a short period of time I can have delusional #happiness, but when it can no longer be maintained, I will be even more #miserable.

It makes sense for me to take the delusion, however. So long as I accept that it will come at the cost of a quick suicide when it can no longer be maintained. This translates to something akin to: buying a #gun and as much #marijuana as possible. Then smoking marijuana and having a good time until I am out of money. Then killing myself before I have to continue and face the consequences of the delusion. Or maybe #opiates of some sort? I am not sure what delivers the most false happiness reliably. This is the reasonable path of action.


The scientists who discovered a set of specialized receptors for temperature and pressure have just won the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine.
These receptors, TRPV1 and TRPV8 in particular, are shown to be central to mediating acupuncture's effects at the cellular level. The more modern science learns about how the body works, the more it learns about how acupuncture works.
Thank you, Mel Hopper Koppelman
#nobelprize #acupuncture@ receptor #pain


"What GPs... need, is better access for their patients to alternative, non-pharmacological treatments, which can be patchy across the country."

#Acupuncture is now officially recommended in the UK by #NICE for the #treatment of #chronic #pain, #migraines and #headaches. Acupuncture also regularly outperforms usual care/conventional treatment for a range of other conditions in both effectiveness and safety. GPs should therefore consider referring more patients for acupuncture to help reduce overprescribing and take the pressure off the #NHS. GPs can refer to practitioners accredited the professional organisations in their country, such as #Zhong or #NVA in The Netherlands.



loads of good tips for you to investigate suitability for you and yours.

#health #nutrition #vitamins #minerals #supplements #neuropeptides #happiness #pleasure #depression #cramps #liverspots #sleep #insomnia #nutrients #nutrientdepletion #nutrientdeficiency #ww3 #waronpeople #genocide #feedingonourunhappiness #happiness #depopulation #feedingoffourmisery #misery #deliberatelystarved #liedto #fat #lies #wecancorrectallthat #wecanmendthis #glyphosate #fulvicminerals #shilajeet #gratitude #forgiveness #consciousness #realization #guthealth #friendlybacteria #candida #ibs #chrones #probiotics #fermentedfoods #cabbage #saukraut #glutathione #nac #rawcarnivore #fecalimplants #mendwards #miraclecures #heavymetaltoxicity #oceanswimming #healing #saltwater #cold #waves #completelycured #cured #grounded #skin #folkcures #bacteria #realize #foodsupply #joyous #joyousmending #mending #mendwards #methylcobalamin #magnesium #iodine #vitaminc #magnesiumascorbate #aminoacids #frequency #harmoncs #vibration #charge #radio #longwave #shortwave #gentle #diathermin #tesla #nikolatesla #teslahealingdevice #bringingitback #bringinghealingback #pain #progressing #regressing #losttechnology #bewarethephramacon #bewaretherentiers #yettorecoverfromww2 #homeopathichospitals #rockerfellamedicine #medicineboughtout #conventionalmedicine #forprofitmedicine #forprofithealthcare #poisoners #manufacturedscarcity #digitalsignals #toxic #healthharmonics #intune #cosmic

and, because of #censorship , download a copy while you can, before it gets deleted.


The U.S. #Navy #Seabees with #Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (#NMCB) 5 can now receive #acupuncture #treatments as part of battlefield auricular acupuncture (#BFA). NMCB-5 is the first U.S. Navy deployable command to perform BFA.

Lt. Jeffrey Moy, NMCB-5’s medical officer, and several corpsmen at NMCB-5 can provide auricular acupuncture, which consists of inserting small gold #needles in the ear to treat #pain, #post-traumatic stress disorder (#PTSD), #nausea, and #addiction–such as tobacco cessation.


I am a #broken person and I have wanted to die for twenty five years. I am fundamentally #worthless. People will say that my "#negativity" is what is causing this. Which is a pointless fucking thing to say. Whatever the reason is, it doesn't matter. I am a worthless sack of #shit. I should never have been born. I have never been #happy. Everything truly gets worse year after year. I was unable to make a life worth living thirty years ago, when I was young, and I have only gotten weaker, dumber, less confident, more of a burden. The only merciful thing that can happen is if I get killed. I want it to be #painless. I cannot remember the last time I looked forward to anything. I spend the entirety of every day avoiding as many people as possible. I used to like people, but I have been in a #relationship that has taught me to truly, truly fucking hate things that I "#love". It makes no sense. Nothing makes sense. Everything is turning me into a horrible #monster day by day, and there's not a goddamn thing I can do about it. I don't even want to do anything about it. Seeing "#happy" people fucking disgusts me. Seeing #miserable people disgusts me. I have nothing but #hatred and #contempt for all of you. I don't know why I haven't killed myself. Things come up and I just go on automatic. Then something happens and I am back here. What the fuck happened in the last month (or however long it's been since I've written a #suicidenote on here) that changed anything? Nothing. It's been awful. It's been an absolutely awful month that was worse than the month before. Actually it wasn't. It was not as bad. But everything is falling apart. I hate being alive.

I went to the #dentist. I need a lot of work done. I don't see the point of it. I don't want to spend $50,000 on my teeth and then blow my fucking brains out. So my teeth get worse and worse. I had kidney stones. They hurt like hell. My bitch of a "partner" spent the entire time in the Emergency Room bitching about how this wasn't even one of the five worst things that happened to her in the last year and a half. She is an unbelievably selfish bitch in many ways. In other ways, she enables me to be the disgusting, worthless sack of human fucking garbage that I am. I deserve someone as fucking atrocious as she is. I fucking hate her. I fucking hate her so fucking much. She disgusts me. Everything disgusts me. I want #aliens to read this and take #pity on me and #vaporize me instantly in my #sleep. But it never happens. The only way out is through or over a wall of #pain that I am too #lazy to break down or climb over. So I just #persist, making everyone's life worse. If you've read this far, which you shouldn't have, I have made your life worse. You need to listen to all the feel good therapeutic #bullshit that tells you to eliminate negative people from your life. I am one of them. I am getting worse and worse. I cannot even believe that I am a worse person than I was a year ago. But here I am, getting worse and worse.


Sufferers of #chronic #pain are often told it's all in their head, or even that they are causing their symptoms themselves.
More and more, the insight that this is wrong, gets more widespread.
Pain is #multifaceted problem, that is best treated with modalities that can deal with the complexities of it, such as traditional #acupuncture.


Pain Is Inevitable; Suffering Is Optional

When it comes to how we respond to physical and emotional pain, we have a choice.

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
—Viktor Frankl

#pain #suffering #trauma #choice #freedom #resilience #psychology #ViktorFrankl