

United Nations article 99: Guterres invokes diplomatic tool to help Gaza

The UN secretary general Antonio Guterres has invoked his most powerful diplomatic tool to try to stop the killing of Palestinians in Gaza. He's directing th...#AlJazeeraEnglish #AntonioGuterres #Gaza #GazaTruce #HumanitarianCatastrophe #Israel #Palestinians #SecurityCouncil #UN #AlJazeera #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews
United Nations article 99: Guterres invokes diplomatic tool to help Gaza


Hospital sheltering thousands of people in Gaza is attacked | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

Watch the moment an Israeli air strike hit the gates of the Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza, where Palestinians say a new massacre has taken place afte...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #Gaza #Israeli #KamalAdwan #Palestinians #air #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #attack #attacks #gates #hit #hospital #latestnews #massacre #moment #newsheadlines #northern #strike
Hospital sheltering thousands of people in Gaza is attacked | Al Jazeera Newsfeed


Israa Jaabis returns home after release from Israeli prison | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

Watch the moment Palestinian woman Israa Jaabis returns home and embraces her son after eight years imprisoned in Israel. She was released on the second day ...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #Hamas #IsraaJaabis #Palestinian #Palestinians #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #deal #eight #embraces #exchange #home #imprisoned #latestnews #newsheadlines #prisoner #released #returns #son #years
Israa Jaabis returns home after release from Israeli prison | Al Jazeera Newsfeed


Palestinians with disabilities face immense hardship in Gaza | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

“I feel alone.” About 50,000 Palestinians with disabilities are among the most vulnerable people in Gaza, as Israel’s total siege has left them without neces...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #Gaza #Israels #Palestinians #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #assistance #bombardment #disabilities #disabled #displacement #latestnews #necessary #newsheadlines #seige #shelter #total #vulnerable
Palestinians with disabilities face immense hardship in Gaza | Al Jazeera Newsfeed


‘Is That Orwellian Or Kafkaesque Enough For You?’ The Guardian Removes Bin Laden’s ‘Letter To America’

Media Lens

(...) On 15 November, [The Guardian] removed Osama bin Laden’s ‘Letter to America’ which it had hosted on its website for almost 21 years. What was suddenly so problematic about the letter that it had to be abruptly removed by the Guardian after being on its website for so long (an archived version can be seen here)?

(Text continues underneath the screenshot.)

Screenshot from most viewed list in The Guardian with dovument missing
'Removed: document'. The Guardian removes Osama bin Laden's 'Letter to America'. Screenshot taken the day after it was the most viewed link on the Guardian website (image by Glenn Greenwald).

The letter has been ‘rediscovered’ during Israel’s current genocidal assault against Palestinians in Gaza, with people around the world discussing relevant issues online. The Guardian link to the letter went viral, particularly among young people on TikTok, with 14 million views of videos tagged with #lettertoamerica. Many of these videos were posted by young Americans, shocked to find that people around the world hate their country because of strong grievances rooted in real issues. (...)

‘And yet, after 9/11, the US government instructed the television networks – ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, Fox – do not show any speeches or interviews with Osama bin Laden, because they didn’t want the American population hearing from him what their actual grievances were. They didn’t want Americans to think that maybe we had done things in that part of the world that caused it to happen, that causes “blowback”, to use the CIA’s term.’

As with any statement from an influential or powerful figure, bin Laden’s letter needs to be read critically. There is much to revile in the letter, not least its antisemitism and homophobia. But consider some of the grievances he detailed against the US government, summarised below:

  • Palestine was ethnically cleansed to allow the state of Israel to be set up in 1948. Since then, the Palestinians have been subjected to an Israeli military occupation, suffering for decades as a result of massacres, imprisonment, torture, shootings, bombs, destruction of homes and livelihoods: all backed with massive military, economic and diplomatic support from the US.
  • Sanctions against Iraq, pushed heavily by the US, led to the deaths of 1.5 million Iraqis, 0.5 million of them children under 5.
  • US attacks in Somalia, support for Russian atrocities in Chechnya, and support for Israeli aggression against Lebanon.
  • Oppression of the populations of US client states in the Middle East, ruled by authoritarian monarchs, or where democratically elected leaders were removed and replaced by US-friendly dictators.
  • The exploitation of the Middle East’s natural resources, especially oil, by Western corporations at paltry prices secured through economic and military threats.
  • US military bases spread across the region, protecting what the US sees as its own assets.
  • The leading US role in destroying climate stability – in particular, its refusal to sign the Kyoto agreement made at the 1997 UN Climate Summit – in order to preserve the profits of US fossil fuel giants.
  • US power and influence has been used, not to defend universal humanitarian principles and values, but to secure US geostrategic interests and profits.
  • The dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, even though Japan was ready to negotiate an end to the war. (...)

So why did the Guardian, which proclaims its credentials in supposedly enabling readers to understand the world, remove bin Laden’s letter from its website? (...)

As Greenwald observed, US ‘Big Tech’ companies – Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter) – are already subjected to censorship in accordance with the dictates of the US security state, as the ‘Twitter files’, a cache of leaked documents, showed. TikTok, a Chinese company, was the only major platform outside the reach of the US. But, noted Greenwald, they were told that, as a condition of being able to continue to operate in the US, they would have to agree to the censorship demands of the US government. Hence, TikTok’s determination to ban TikTok clips discussing #lettertoamerica.

In other words, the censorship actions taken by both TikTok and the Guardian align with the requirements of the US government. This should come as no surprise to anyone who is familiar with the long history of the Guardian acting as a liberal gatekeeper for establishment power. Moreover, the paper’s ever-closer relationship with UK state security services, themselves subservient to US state power, is abundantly clear. (...)

As Greenwald noted:

‘Is that Orwellian enough, or Kafkaesque enough, for you? The article in which most people had an interest in reading was the [letter hosted by the] Guardian [which], precisely because too many people were interested in it, [the editors] decided to remove, so that people couldn’t read it any longer. It’s a document by a major historical figure. The person we’re told was responsible for the 9/11 attack explaining to Americans why people in that part of the world were angry enough with America to do that.

‘And the Guardian decided, even though it had been up on their website for 21 years, that now that people were discussing it in connection with the war in Gaza from Israel, and US support for it, you can no longer read it.’ (...)

Complete article

Tags: #journalist #journalism #media #news #guardian #the_guardian #censorship #osama_bin_laden #lettertoamerica #israel #gaza #palestine #palestinians #occupied_territories


IDF evidence so far falls well short of al-Shifa hospital being Hamas HQ

the Guardian

Footage to date fails to prove Gaza complex was nerve centre for attacks on Israel, as military has claimed. (...)

(Text continues underneath the photo.)

Photo of some military equipment
Screengrab from IDF video of a bulletproof vest with Hamas insignia that it says was found with weapons in the MRI centre of al-Shifa hospital. Photograph: AP.

Prior to their capture of Dar al-Shifa hospital, the Israel Defense Forces went to great lengths to depict the medical complex as a headquarters for Hamas, from where its attacks on Israel were planned.

The evidence produced so far falls well short of that. IDF videos have shown only modest collections of small arms, mostly assault rifles, recovered from the extensive medical complex.

That suggests an armed presence, but not the sort of elaborate nerve centre depicted in animated graphics presented to the media before al-Shifa was seized, portraying a network of well-equipped subterranean chambers.

Even the videos produced so far have raised questions under scrutiny. A BBC analysis found the footage of an IDF spokesperson showing the apparent discovery of a bag containing a gun behind an MRI scanning machine, had been taped hours before the arrival of the journalists to whom he was supposedly showing it.

In a video shown later, the number of guns in the bag had doubled. The IDF claimed its video of what it found at the hospital was unedited, filmed in a single take, but the BBC analysis found it had been edited. (...)

“Israel has failed to provide anywhere even close to the level of evidence required to justify the narrow exception under which hospitals can be targeted under the laws of war,” said Mai El-Sadany, a human rights lawyer and the executive director of the Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy, in Washington. (...)

The absence of evidence so far, is beginning to recall past US intelligence failures, most dramatically those preceding the Iraq invasion. It further isolates Washington on the world stage, and deepens already significant rifts within the administration itself.

Complete article

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Arab forces will not go to Gaza, says Jordanian minister in rebuke of Israel

The Guardian

Ayman Safadi says credibility of international law at stake as he clashes with senior US official over terms for humanitarian pause.

Jordan’s foreign minister has said Arab troops will not go to Gaza as he delivered a blistering criticism of Israel’s war on Hamas. (...)

(Text continues underneath the photo.)

Photo of Ayman Safado during speech
Safadi speaking at the IISS Manama Dialogue summit in Bahrain on Saturday. Photograph: Hamad I Mohammed/Reuters.

Safadi, in a no-holds-barred attack on Israel and the cover being provided by the US, said faith in peaceful negotiation and international law was being destroyed by the west’s refusal to rein in Israel.

The credibility of international law had fallen victim to its selective application, he said. “If any other country in the world did a fragment of what Israel did, it would have sanctions imposed on it from every corner of the world.” (...)

He said: “International law has to apply to all. The message seems to be that Israel can do whatever it wants. That is what the world is seeing, [that] Israel is above the law.” (...)

Safadi urged Hamas to release the hostages, but said no preconditions should be set for a humanitarian pause, arguing that 2.4 million Palestinians were being held hostage by Israel in Gaza.

He refused to join the calls to liken Hamas to Islamic State. “Hamas did not create the conflict. The conflict created Hamas,” he said, adding: “You cannot bomb an idea out of existence. (...)

He said Jordan would do “whatever it takes to stop” the displacement of Palestinians. “We will never allow that to happen; in addition to it being a war crime, it would be a direct threat to our national security. (...)

“Denial of food, medicine and fuel to Gazans is a war crime and we have to call it out.” (...)

Complete article

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Rain compounds desperation in war-torn Gaza | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

Video shows the first rainfall on Gaza since October 7 as displaced Palestinians are faced with yet another challenge, a rainy winter. Subscribe to our chan...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #Gaza #Palestinians #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #displaced #flood #latestnews #newsheadlines #rain #rainfall #rainy #winter
Rain compounds desperation in war-torn Gaza | Al Jazeera Newsfeed


As #Gaza War Wages On, Israeli Settlers Attack #Palestinians and Create a New Reality in the West Bank

While the IDF and the Shin Bet are busy in the Gaza Strip, West Bank settlers are exploiting the war to invade private lands, attack Palestinians and arm themselves with military weapons

While public attention in Israel is gripped by the fighting in the Gaza Strip and the rising tensions along the Lebanese border, the reality in the West Bank is also changing: defense sources say that settlers are having their way, often breaking the law. -

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#SaveGaza #StopIsrael #WestNank #Terrorism
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Is it too much to ask people to view Palestinians as humans? Apparently so.

The Guardian

As the last few weeks have made abundantly clear, Palestinian lives don’t count.

I do not want to ever hear western democracies lecture the rest of the world on human rights ever again.

(Text continues underneath the photo.)

Photo of wounded Palestinian
‘It isn’t enough that Palestinians are dying and being displaced: we must be dehumanized and discredited too.’ Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Anadolu/Getty Images.

As I write this, more than 10,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s bombardment of Gaza – almost half of them children. One child is being killed every 10 minutes in Gaza. (...)

Those numbers don’t count the kids slowly dying of hunger and thirst. The kids getting sick from drinking sewage and sea water. They don’t count the kids with cancer who will not be able to get any care now that the Israeli siege has forced the only cancer hospital in Gaza to suspend operations. They don’t count the kids who are going to die from entirely avoidable diseases because hospitals in Gaza are ceasing to function. (...)

But also? Those numbers just don’t count, period. They’re Palestinians. And, as the last few weeks have made abundantly clear, Palestinian lives don’t count. They don’t count to many in the media, who steadfastly refuse to empathize with Palestinians. (...) Who immediately report anything that the Israeli government says, sending out every IDF statement as a push alert, while looking at Palestinian voices through a permanent lens of suspicion. (...)

Those numbers certainly don’t count to the president of the United States. (...) Joe Biden came right out and said: we don’t believe Palestinians about the death toll. (...)

what does Biden think is happening, exactly? (...) Does he think the pictures of entire neighborhoods being wiped out are some sort of AI deepfake? (...)

He knows very well that the numbers from the Gaza health ministry have been proven to be accurate time and time again. (...)

And, rather than champion the importance of the press, the US is actively trying to suppress coverage of the living hell in Gaza. Two weeks ago, the US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, asked Qatar to moderate Al Jazeera’s coverage of Israel’s war against Hamas. Can’t have too much of the truth coming out; too much truth is a terrible thing. (...)

Of course I will absolutely condemn Hamas massacring innocent Israeli civilians on 7 October and taking hostages. And let’s be very clear here: while nothing Hamas did on 7 October can be condoned, their actions did not take place in a vacuum. This conflict did not start on 7 October. Palestinians have been killed, displaced, humiliated, detained unlawfully, for decades; the media only sits up and pays attention, however, when an Israeli dies. Ask yourself this: do you know how many Palestinians were killed last year by Israeli forces and settlers? Do you know how many Palestinians are being forced out of their homes by settlers in the West Bank – where Hamas is not in charge? Do you know how many Palestinian children are being held by Israeli forces without trial or charge for “crimes” that can be as minor as waving a Palestinian flag?

I will absolutely condemn Hamas but I ask that the absolute condemnation goes both ways. (...)

As for non-violent resistance? That’s not allowed either. The US has long been trying to criminalize the peaceful boycott, divestment and sanctions movement. (...)

What are Palestinians supposed to do? That’s a rhetorical question because the last three weeks have made the answer to this crystal clear: we are supposed to shut up and die. (...)

In an interview with Al Jazeera, Mokhiber noted: “Usually the most difficult part of proving genocide is intent, because there has to an intention to destroy in whole or in part a particular group. In this case, the intent by Israeli leaders has been so explicitly stated and publicly stated – by the prime minister, by the president, by senior cabinet ministers, by military leaders – that that is an easy case to make.” (...)

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Gaza’s Shati camp struggles amidst ongoing Israeli raids

The Shati refugee camp is one of the many areas in northern Gaza that has come under heavy Israeli bombardment during the conflict. The extensive destruction...#AlShatiRefugeeCamp #Gaza #GazaWar #Gazaairstrikes #GazasAlShaticamp #Israel #Israelgazawar #Israelhamaswar #ShatiRefugeeCamp #gazaairraids #gazagroundraid #gazaunderattack #gazaunderattack #palestine #palestinians #refugee #westbank
Gaza’s Shati camp struggles amidst ongoing Israeli raids