

On his day in 1973 the United States backed a military coup of #Chile’s democratically elected socialist government. Following this, the Chilean people were subjected to years of terror by the military dictatorship of #Pinochet, a legacy they’re still fighting to bury.

Never forget. Never forgive.

#Kissinger #CIA

"History is ours, and it is made by the people." – Salvador #Allende


Heute verkörpert das Putin -Regime nicht nur ganz offen die erzreaktionäre #Ideologie der globalen Neuen Rechten in Kultur- und #Innenpolitik, heute liegt auch die brutale Realität eines autoritär-repressiven und neoliberalen Wildost- #Kapitalismus mit all seinen Hässlichkeiten klar vor aller Augen. Die innere Verfasstheit #Russland|s sollte eine Täuschung über den Charakter russischer #Aussenpolitik unmöglich machen. Sollte, wäre da nicht das Wegschauen vieler #Linke|r.

https://www.sozonline.de/2022/06/fossile-industrie-ruestung-geheimdienst/ #krieg #repression #armut #korruption #cocacola #vw #stalin #lenin #nationalismus #kirche #daimler #pinochet #siemens #tschetschenien #fsb #gewalt #wirtschaft #imperialismus #georgien


« Le Chili a fini par se réveiller sous l’effet de mouvements sociaux conséquents »

La victoire de l’ancien leader étudiant à l’élection chilienne est historique. Son projet pour plus de justice sociale concorde avec les aspirations de la rue. Le nouveau président devra tout de même composer avec des alliances au Parlement. Analyse publiée initialement dans l'édition du 20 décembre du quotidien suisse Le Courrier, à lire sur Basta! en accès libre. https://basta.media/Chili-election-Gabriel-Boric-analyse-Nouvelle-ere

#Analyse #Chili #ChileDesperto #GabrielBoric #ElectionPresidentielle #JusticeSociale #Pinochet #MouvementsSociaux #MobilisationPopulaire #Progressisme #Gauche #AmeriqueLatine #Democratie #Politique


Italy: the torturer Reinhard Doring Falkenberg returns free due to a bureaucratic error and returns to Germany
The Ministry of Justice sent the extradition request for Reinhard Doring Falkenberg to the Florence Court of Appeal at 3.13 pm on Friday 19 November. But for two and a half days - from Friday afternoon until Monday morning - no one saw that e-mail arrived at the certified mail of the Court's protocol office. In fact, when the email arrives, the offices are already closed. Only on Monday at 8.08 the Court of Appeal, through a certified email sent by the protocol office, discovers that on Friday the Chilean authorities had sent the extradition request in time. It is that time frame of 41 hours, the bureaucratic error that ultimately led to the non-extradition of the German accused of having been one of the torturers of the Pinochet regime in the 1970s.

Reinhard Doring Falkenberg, 75, convicted in Chile for crimes committed during the Pinochet dictatorship, was arrested on the basis of an international arrest warrant in Forte dei Marmi on 22 September during a vacation in Italy. Chile had 60 days to submit an extradition request to Italy and the documents arrived on time, three days before the expiry of the precautionary measure. On November 18, the Court of Appeal of Florence, for health reasons, accepted the request for release for Doring Falkenberg and replaced the precautionary measure in prison with the obligation of daily presentation to the Lucca police headquarters. The measure would have expired on November 22 (at midnight) if the documents for extradition had not arrived but at the Lucca police headquarters, as reconstructed, when Doring shows up for the appointment they tell him that he is free from that moment. As per the report of the police headquarters at 1.45 pm, the termination of the obligation to sign is certified. So the German torturer thanks him and leaves, without knowing that - while he is preparing for his return to Germany - the Florentine magistrates were requesting the police arrest for him.

At 17.08 the third section of the Court of Appeal deposits the provision in the registry in which it is acknowledged that the request for extradition from Chile has arrived within the deadline, promptly transmitted by the Ministry of Justice in Florence, declares the continuation of the precautionary measure (obligation to sign) and the border police are ordered to prevent the German torturer from leaving Italian territory. At 5.25pm the order was sent to the Lucca police headquarters, but at that time, Reinhard Doring Falkenberg was already far away.

There is great embarrassment in the italian political world, while the president of the Court of Appeal Alessandro Nencini assures that the extradition procedure will continue its course, even if Doring has returned to Germany. Nicola Fratoianni, national secretary of the Italian Left, announces a parliamentary question to clarify what happened.
#italy #chile #Pinochet #Reinhard-Doring-Falkenberg


Italy, Falkenberg arrested: former Nazi torturer of Pinochet on the run among pensioners in Forte dei Marmi

He was hiding among a group of elderly German tourists when the agents of the police station of Forte dei Marmi stopped him after 16 years on the run. The 76-year-old Reinhard Doring Falkenberg was accused of having been the jailer and torturer of opponents of the Pinochet regime.

In the seventies, Falkenberg was one of the leaders of the "Colonia Dignidad", an enclave of Nazis who fled Germany and took refuge in Chile. The colony which during the Pinochet regime was transformed into a detention center for Chilean opponents who were arrested, murdered and then made to disappear.

The man arrested in Forte dei Marmi fled Chile in 2005 precisely to escape the trial on the horrors of the "Colonia Dignidad", founded in 1961 by a former Wehrmacht nurse, Paul Schaefer along with other former Nazi hierarchs who fled to South America. Probably Falkenberg was convinced that he had escaped justice forever, so much so that he was traveling with his identity document and had delivered it without problems to the Italian hotel. The alarm started when the police station of Forte dei Marmi inserted the cards of the guests staying at the tourist reception facilities into the terminal and discovered that the 76-year-old was wanted in Chile.

The Falkenberg case will now go to the Court of Appeal of Florence which will have to decide on the extradition requested by Chile. The Minister of Justice Marta Cartabia has asked the judges of Florence to keep the custody of Doring Falkenberg.
#chile #Pinochet #Falkenberg


09/16 - Foi em um 16 de Setembro que #Victor #Jara foi assassinado -
https://www.facebook.com/faconti/posts/10157456408739757 -
Via Tiago F. Pimentel -#Assassinatos #Ditadura #Pinochet -
[ Já esteve aqui. É tão bom que voltou ] - 2019 - [FB] -
#VictorJara havia sido preso dias antes, nos primeiros momentos do gople de Pinochet. Permaneceu confinado no Estádio do Chile, então usado como espécie de campo de concentração pelo golpe de 1973.
Ali Victor foi torturado e teve a língua cortada. Com seus dedos esmagados, ouviu os soldados zombarem dele, pedindo-lhe que tocasse seu violão. Depois de assassinado com 44 tiros, teve seu corpo exibido às multidões, exposto como troféu na entrada do Estádio do Chile.
Apenas em 1990, graças à Comissão da Verdade chilena, seu assassinato foi reconhecido pelo Estado. Em 2004 o Estádio Chile foi renomeado em sua homenagem: Estádio Victor Jara. Ano passado nove militares foram condenados por seu assassinato.
Suas canções deram voz à revolução chilena e ainda ecoam como hinos à liberdade na América Latina..
Victor Jara, presente! -
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10211957275162271&set=a.1405970604324 -