

Opinion: Tucker Carlson visiting Moscow is like touring Berlin in 1940

#Carlson’s pro-Russia #Republican associates advance Putin’s interests in Congress. The self-proclaimed “free speech absolutist” himself normalizes the Russian dictator who spent a quarter century invading his neighbors, jailing his critics, and exterminating his opponents. Business as usual.

Instead of building on the momentum, helping Ukraine win the war, and aligning with the White House, the Senate, and America’s allies, pro-Russia Republicans repeatedly throw the Kremlin lifelines.


#RussianAggression #Imperialism #RussiaInvadedUkraine #pro-Russian #America #propaganda #WWII #StandWithUkraine


Discover the lenght of Israel propaganda
Facts For Peace: The Billionaire-Backed Campaign Attacking the Palestinian Cause

A week after Hamas launched its surprise attack on #Israel, the social media page Facts For Peace was created with the message, “Get the facts on Hamas, Israel, and peace in the region.”

A few days later, the page began advertising its content. “Here is Hamas’ Founding Charter in Their Own Words,” one sponsored post reads alongside video clips of Hamas leaders speaking and snapshots of the document. The page has spent more than $945,000 on #Facebook ads since the war began nearly four months ago, and according to POLITICO, was the single largest pro-Israel advertiser between November 2 and December 1, spending over $450,000 on #Meta ads. The ads have mainly reached male-identifying Facebook users under the age of 35 in #California, #Texas, #NewYork, and #Florida.

Labeled as a media/news company on Facebook, now Meta, the page’s posts and its supporters appear less concerned with accurate reporting and more involved in shaping public opinion.

In November, news website #Semafor reported real-estate billionaire Barry #Sternlicht launched Facts For Peace and sought $1 million in donations each from some of the world’s wealthiest individuals. “This is just one of several behind-the-scenes efforts by business tycoons — many, though not all of them Jewish — to support Israel since the attack by Hamas,” Samafor reported.

Public opinion will surely shift as scenes, real or fabricated by Hamas, of civilian Palestinian suffering will surely erode [Israel’s] current empathy in the world community,” Sternlicht wrote in an email, seen by Semafor, soliciting contributions from Wall Street, Hollywood, and tech moguls. “We must get ahead of the #narrative.”

Full article ===> https://www.mintpressnews.com/facts-for-peace-billionaire-backed-campaign-attacking-palestinian-cause/286745/

#FactsForPeace #Propaganda #Apartheid #US #Israel #genocide #Gaza #WestBank #Palestine


ISW: Kremlin intensifying rhetoric pushing for hypothetical partition of Ukraine

ISW assessed that Russian propagandists are reigniting narratives that portray Ukraine as an artificially constructed state. Officials are proposing that Russia and European powers partition Ukraine and leave it as a "sovereign" rump state, comments which were reportedly picked up by right-wing politicians in Central Europe.

By reducing Ukraine's political legitimacy, Russia hopes to reduce Western military support and normalize Western discussions of Ukraine ceding territory to Russia as a legitimate way to end the war.


#RussiaInvadedUkraine #propaganda #Imperialism #StandWithUkraine


The British #Guardian reports that #CNN is facing a backlash from its own staff over its pro-Israel editorial policies, which led to a regurgitation of Israel's propaganda and the censoring of Palestinians perspectives in the network’s coverage of the war in #Gaza.

CNN's editorial policy includes tight restrictions on quoting Hamas and reporting other Palestinian perspectives while Israel's government statements are taken at face value. Also, every story on the conflict must be cleared by the #Jerusalem bureau before broadcast or publication.

#Media #Propaganda #Complicity #PenForHire
#SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Netanyahu is a murderous and genocidal Zionist Nazi leader.

Zionists are today's Nazis.

Israel is not the state of the Jews.

The whole world should know these genocidal and lying Zionists well.

The world must now intervene nationally against Israel, otherwise the genocide will continue.

Israelis are brainwashed and live in lies, far from the truth.

--- Torah Judaism on x/twitter, February 4

#TorahJudaism #zionism #genocide #propaganda


#Propaganda auf beiden Seiten der Nahostkriegsberichtserstattung.

Siehe (bitte bis zum Ende schauen. Es werden beide Seiten beleuchtet.): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNZ54qMJ0Wc

Hier haben wir das Hauptproblem für @nohopeone@joindiaspora.com und @faab64@diasp.org beide stecken zu tief in ihrer Filterblase und berichten nur was in ihr Weltbild passt. Über den Tellerrand schaut keiner wohlwissend, dass sie dadurch nur Öl ins Feuer schütten und den Konflikt am laufen halten in dem Glauben ihre Seite wäre die gerechte Seite die siegen muss.

Sehr zutreffend fand ich das Zitat am Ende der #Reportage aus Sicht der Israelischen Presse:

Was haben wir über die Russische Kriegsberichtserstattung aus der Ukraine gelacht. Das waren keine journalistischen Standards. Aber wir machen in Israel genau das selbe und bei uns ist es noch schlimmer. Die Russische Presse wird durch das Putin-Regime daran gehindert vernünftig zu berichten, wir in Israel machen das freiwillig. Dabei gilt unsere Presse als freiheitlich demokratisch.

#Krieg #Terror #Nahost #Israel #Palästina #Politik #Presse #Freiheit #Journalismus #Zensur #Hamas #Militär #Kriegsverbrechen #Menschenrechte #Konflikt #Gesellschaft #Problem #Zensur #Mainstream #Manipulation


Image/photoSunyata ☸ 👨🏻‍💻 ☮ wrote the following post Sat, 03 Feb 2024 23:59:26 +0100

[the CIA] manipulated the disinformation and propaganda to get north Vietnamese Catholics terrified of communists, the thousand pregnant women that were ripped open, they were Catholic pregnant women, so the Catholics fled south. There were no atrocities, there were no women ripped open, it was propaganda.

--- John Stockwell talking about CIA propaganda to start the war in Vietnam, source

#AtrocityPropaganda #propaganda #JohnStockwell

#history #CIA #Vietnam #psyop #anticommunism #mindmanipulation


Image/photoSunyata ☸ 👨🏻‍💻 ☮ wrote the following post Sat, 03 Feb 2024 18:14:07 +0100

And we pumped just dozens of [false propaganda] stories about Cuban atrocities, Cuban rapists. In one case we had the Cuban rapists caught and tried by the maidens who had been their victims and then we ran photographs that made almost every newspaper in the country of the Cubans being executed by the women who supposedly had been their victims.

Interviewer: These were fake photos?

Oh absolutely, we didn't know of one single atrocity committed by the Cubans. It was pure raw false propaganda to to create a an illusion of communist you know eating babies for breakfast, totally false propaganda

--- John Stockwell, talking about the propaganda campaign that he managed for Angola, https://www.youtu.be/NK1tfkESPVY?si=pGjNzwMKHxenCDlx&t=251

#AtrocityPropaganda #propaganda #JohnStockwell

#history #CIA #Cuba #psyop #anticommunism #mindmanipulation


[the CIA] manipulated the disinformation and propaganda to get north Vietnamese Catholics terrified of communists, the thousand pregnant women that were ripped open, they were Catholic pregnant women, so the Catholics fled south. There were no atrocities, there were no women ripped open, it was propaganda.

--- John Stockwell talking about CIA propaganda to start the war in Vietnam, source

#AtrocityPropaganda #propaganda #JohnStockwell


And we pumped just dozens of [false propaganda] stories about Cuban atrocities, Cuban rapists. In one case we had the Cuban rapists caught and tried by the maidens who had been their victims and then we ran photographs that made almost every newspaper in the country of the Cubans being executed by the women who supposedly had been their victims.

Interviewer: These were fake photos?

Oh absolutely, we didn't know of one single atrocity committed by the Cubans. It was pure raw false propaganda to to create a an illusion of communist you know eating babies for breakfast, totally false propaganda

--- John Stockwell, talking about the propaganda campaign that he managed for Angola, source

#AtrocityPropaganda #propaganda #JohnStockwell


Russia ignores Ukraine's appeal to return bodies of POWs Moscow says are killed in Il-76 crash

After Russia said Ukrainian prisoners of war were killed in the recent Il-76 plane crash, Ukraine appealed to return the allegedly killed POWs home, Andrii Yusov, a representative of the military intelligence, said on Feb. 1.

But the Russian government has not responded to Ukraine's request, he added.

"Ukraine applied and continues to apply for the transfer of the bodies," Yusov said.

"So far, the Russian side does not agree to this. Therefore, the demand of our state to conduct an impartial international investigation remains relevant...Russia still has not confirmed the process regarding the international open investigation."


#RussiaInvadedUkraine #POWs #Il-76 #crash #propaganda #disinformation #StandWithUkraine


To all the newspapers I loved - by Branko Milanovic

#politics #media #propaganda

Anwar Shaikh, the most left-wing economist in the world, introduced me to “The Wall Street Journal”. I met him in his office as he was writing the monumental “Capitalism: Competition, Conflict, Crises”. He told that he reads the WSJ because it tells the truth about what is happening in the economy. It struck me then by the seeming oddity of the most left-wing economist in the world praising the most right-wing daily in the world. But Anwar was right. An economics daily has, in the part that deals with the real life, to be as objective as possible because if it spreads fairy tales people who believe them will lose money. Then no capitalist will buy it. For they do not like to lose money. In the trade-off between the fairy tales and cash, they chose the latter. Other dailies that appeal to the “pensée unique” do not need to worry about that kind of elemental truth. They can make things up.
