

France proposes new sanctions to target Russian disinformation, election interference

France is asking the #EU to impose new sanctions to target Russian disinformation and election interference around the world, Bloomberg reported on April 24, citing a draft proposal from #France.

The proposal "would target those responsible for threatening the stability, security or #sovereignty of EU member states or third countries by undermining elections, the rule of law, facilitating acts of #violence or do so through the use of information manipulation and interference," Bloomberg wrote.

The governments of #Belgium and #Czechia also warned earlier in April that Russia was operating a disinformation and interference network targeting the upcoming EU parliamentary election.


#RussianAggression #propaganda #elections #disinformation #ElectionInterference #StopRussianAggression


The Media Lens Chamber Of Propaganda Horrors – An Appeal For Support

Media Lens

Tourists visiting Spanish cities like Córdoba, Toledo and Sevilla have the option of whiling away an hour or so at a ‘Museum of the Inquisition’, sometimes known as a ‘Gallery of Torture’. For around three euros, visitors can view an exotic range of devices used to impale, immolate, strangle and dismember human beings in the name of God.

It’s tempting to reassure ourselves that these are relics of a far-distant past, horrors that could never happen now.

(Text continues underneath the illustration.)

Illustration depicting burning at the stake

But did the Dark Ages ever really end? Noam Chomsky commented:

‘Part of the tragedy of the Palestinians is that they have essentially no international support. For a good reason – they don’t have wealth, they don’t have power. So they don’t have rights. It’s the way the world works – your rights correspond to your power and your wealth.’

It is indeed the way the world works. It is also the way the medieval world worked. (...)

Complete article

Tags: #news #propaganda #censorship #corporate_media #gaza #israel #iran #palestine #palestinians #russia #ukraine #news #media #news_media #journalism #journalist


The unbelievable stench of Israeli protection and propaganda on Swedish media!

Many years ago, I went to a one day class about the propaganda and how to cover negative stories in a way that changes/modifies the focus from the perpetrator to the victims or at least "bagalitisera" make it to become insignificant.

Swedish coverage of the ongoing genocide inAccording to Israel, it had to fight in hospital areas because Hamas terrorists were using them as bases. This is denied by Hamas. Gaza has been nothing but the steps the guy explained: They have been ignoring the atrocities as much as they can, they have been using question the authenticity of the reports and most tricky and important of them all, try to either start or end the report with something completely unrelated because most people who actually read the story, usually remember only the last 2 paragraphs.

It is like clockwork. every freaking article has been like this, like the have a template or an editor that makes sure the story is written in a way that makes it less damaging.

Most people don't see them, it is like the reporter is just covering the event of an important conflict, but when you look into it, it is always the same, the last 2 paragraphs are either completely unrelated or end with something less negative (or positive) about Israel.

The latest of these disgusting and outrageous charade was the report on the Swedish "liberal" DN.se, when they finally reported about the mass graves in Nasser hospital in Khan Yunis, they waited until the UN reported about it, and as usual, they used all the usual propaganda methods, when the image of spread dead bodies and the text explaining that 300 bodies were found in Nasser hospital, the first paragraph starting with BOLD says:

Enligt Israel var man tvungen att strida på sjukhusområden eftersom Hamas-terrorister använde dem som baser. Detta förnekas av Hamas.

"According to Israel, it had to fight in hospital areas because Hamas terrorists were using them as bases. This is denied by Hamas."

Perfectly innocent, isn't it, but for the person who saw the horrifying images, the story is no longer as horrible, because the good guys (Israel) had no other choice than fighting in and around the hospital because the bad guys (Hamas) was using it to attack the poor innocent Israeli soldiers.

It doesn't end there, no report of torture, no report of children murdered in groups, no report on people visibly being tortured or traces of recent operations possibly because of Organ theft, nor that some were buried with their catheter attached to their bodies.
No none of those, but instead:

En del kroppar begravdes vid sjukhusen provisoriskt av anhöriga tidigare under kriget, enligt uppgifter till CNN. När man sedan kom för att ge de dödade en permanent grav hade kropparna grävts upp av den israeliska armén, och lagts i massgravar. Enligt CNN ska detta ha skett efter att man tagit DNA-prov för att utröna om det rört sig om det varit kroppar efter de israeler som tagits som gisslan.

"Some bodies were buried in hospitals provisionally by relatives earlier in the war, according to CNN. By the time they came to give the dead a permanent grave, the bodies had been dug up by the Israeli army and placed in mass graves. According to CNN, this was done after taking DNA samples to determine whether they were the bodies of the Israeli hostages."

So the user will think that Israel didn't CREATE those mass graves of the innocent Palestinians, but it was just their standard procedure searching for dead hostages on bodies already buried by Palestinians.

And then the last 4 paragraph goes into something completely different, the story of mass graves is completely sidestepped and "forgotten" as something like a footnote in the bigger picture of the good guys (IDF) fighting the bad guys (Hamas) in what seems to be a retaliation for the bad guys shooting rockets at Israel!

Under natten angrep Israel norra Gaza med den tyngsta beskjutningen på veckor, enligt uppgifter från boende där som Reuters talat med. Det beskrivs som en mardrömsnatt med ständig beskjutning.
"During the night, Israel attacked northern Gaza with the heaviest shelling in weeks, according to residents spoken to by Reuters. It was described as a nightmare night of constant shelling."

And my favorite white wash section comes next:

Israeliska stridsvagnar gjorde en ny inbrytning öster om Beit Hanoun. Beskjutningen ska ha nått skolor där flyktingar tagit skydd.
"Israeli tanks made a new incursion east of Beit Hanoun. The shelling reportedly reached schools where refugees have taken shelter."

The Israelis don't attack sschools not refugee camps, and no report of dead or injured Palestinians, but that they Israelis were innocently had to react to Hamas rocket launch an attack that "reached schools", isn't it just lovely?

The ending is of course the perfect ending of any negative story about Israel,

Enligt den israeliska armén IDF var angreppen ett svar på raketbeskjutning från norra Gaza. IDF hävdar att man slagit ut avskjutningsramper och dödat flera terrorister under natten.

"According to the Israeli army (IDF), the attacks were in response to rocket fire from northern Gaza. The IDF claims to have knocked out launching pads and killed several terrorists overnight."

This would have been an innocent co-incident, but when it happens in EVERY freaking negative story about Israel (the few that actually makes the print) follow the EXACT same method.

This is just sickening, remember seeing it in American media like CNN, NYT, WP as well as Reuters and AP, but British media used to be different, but sadly, they seems to have gone to the same class and have the same guidelines, the stories on internet are all (except a few) follow the EXACT same guidelines to control the damage when it is badly needed.

The DN has removed the paywall from their propaganda pages, so you can read it in Swedish or use deepl.com or other translating SW to read it in your language.

#Propaganda #Media #Sweden #Gaza #Israel #Hamas #Distraction #IDF #DN


Israel still has no proof of Unrwa terrorist claims – but damage to aid agency is done

The Guardian

Inquiry has not backed up allegations of ties to Hamas and Islamic Jihad, which led to loss of $450m as people died in droves. (...)

Three months later, the situation has only worsened with the onset of a human-made famine on top of the bombing, the collapse of healthcare, the lack of water and a rise in epidemics. (...)

Complete article

Photo of
Palestinians walk with their belongings past destroyed buildings in Khan Younis on 8 April. Photograph: Haitham Imad/EPA.

Tags: #israel #palestine #palestinians #gaza #unrwa #hamas #islamic_jihad #war #propaganda #desinformation #un #united_nations


Rapport: Israël heeft geen bewijs geleverd voor link UNRWA en terrorisme

NOS Nieuws

Er is geen bewijs geleverd dat medewerkers van de VN-hulporganisatie UNRWA banden hebben met leden van Hamas of de Islamitische Jihad. Die conclusie komt uit het zogenoemde 'Colonna-rapport' dat in opdracht van de VN is opgesteld, nadat Israël medewerkers van de organisatie had beschuldigd van betrokkenheid bij de terreuraanslagen van Hamas tegen Israël op 7 oktober. (...)

Hele artikel

Foto van VN secretaris-generaal Gutterres

Tags: #israel #palestina #palestinijnen #gaza #unrwa #hamas #islamitische_jihad #oorlog #propaganda #desinformatie


A very good #DW documentary I found in a post by @johnehummel@diasp.org.

But I can tell you, it made me really sad ...

It covers the #installation of #Putin's #fascist_system in #Russia.

As a German who has studied the history of our country, I see parallels to Hitler's career, his rise, and his way of deceiving and deluding the masses ...

But see for yourself ..:

Russia: Putin’s propaganda machine - Manipulating the people | DW Documentary

On 24 February 2022, Russia invaded #Ukraine. Many Russians supported the move at the time. Others silently rejected what was described as a #special_operation, which Putin claimed would #de-Nazify a former #sister_nation.

*Years of #indoctrination and #propaganda, a #single-party_rule that #muzzles the #media - this film #investigates how Russians under Putin have #fallen_silent, and why no one has pulled the #political_ripcord.

Although the international community continues to be horrified by this #brutal, #anachronistic #war in the heart of Europe, most Russians back Putin’s "special operation”. The film is an unprecedented #journey into the heart of a #brainwashed, #intimidated_society and an #in-depth investigation into the #inner_workings of Russia’s #repressive_machine.

#documentary #dwdocumentary #Yunarnia #Facism #Russia


Israel has yet to provide evidence of Unrwa staff terrorist links, Colonna report says

The Guardian

Exclusive: Review finds government has yet to substantiate claims UN relief agency staff have ties to Hamas or Islamic Jihad.

Israel has yet to provide supporting evidence of its claims that employees of the UN relief agency Unrwa are members of terrorist organisations, an independent review led by the former French foreign minister Catherine Colonna has said.

Complete article

Photo of Palestinians in Gaza
Palestinians carry away flour distributed by Unrwa in Rafah, Gaza, late last year. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Anadolu/Getty Images.

Tags: #israel #palestine #palestinians #gaza #unrwa #hamas #islamic_jihad #war #propaganda #desinformation


Not From The Onion: The Ukrainian #Pravda reports: 161 Ukrainian #children abducted by #Russia found in #Germany

Ivan Vygovskiy, Chief of the National Police of #Ukraine, during a meeting in #Berlin with Holger #Münch, President of the German Federal Criminal Police Office, has announced that Ukrainian law enforcement officers in cooperation with German counterparts managed to find 161 Ukrainian children, abducted by #Russia, on German territory.


#Europe #NotTheOnion #UkraineWar #Propaganda



Microsoft says Russian #disinformation campaign targeting US #elections has begun

U.S. officials have said that #Russia engaged in a widespread campaign of digital disinformation and hacking in the past two presidential elections, with particular effort dedicated to the 2016 election.

The governments of Belgium and Czechia also warned earlier in April that Russia was operating a disinformation and interference network targeting the upcoming EU parliamentary election.

According to the Microsoft report, Russia's campaign to sow disinformation in the U.S. has begun in earnest over the past month and a half but has yet to reach the height of previous efforts.

One of the more common methods is for Russia to spread fake "whistleblower" narratives, which are then picked up by U.S. media outlets.

"Ultimately, after the narrative has circulated online for a series of days or weeks, U.S. audiences repeat and repost this disinformation, likely unaware of its original source," Microsoft said.

The focus of the new campaign is to spread "divisive content," including criticism of U.S. support for Ukraine, the Microsoft report said.


#ElectionInterference #propaganda #disinformation #CyberAttacks #CyberWarfare #RussianAggression


If, as the MSM pundits and US and Israeli government contend, Israel inflicted an “embarrassing” defeat on Iran by repelling its drone/missile attack on April 14, why is there such a push for a “face saving” Israeli retaliation?

Maybe it wasn’t Iran that was embarrassed.

--- Scott Ritter, on x/twitter

#propaganda #ScottRitter #Iran


I don't like to share from media discussions, but this is just priceless, the Israeli woman claims that majority of Iranians support Reza Pahlavi (son of Iran's former dictator) and also support Israel bombing their country.

These are the same people who convinced the world that Americans wouldb be greeted with flowers and celebrated as liberators. And it ends up giving us #ISIS and millions of deaths.

Trust them. They know what #Iranian people think and want. They have some #Twitter polls to prove their claims.

Video shared on telegram: https://t.me/newsvideofa/1918
#iran #Israel #propaganda #RezaPahlavi #Iraq #politics


The New York Times instructs its journalists not to use the term "Palestine" and not to refer to Hamas as "fighters" but only as "terrorists" because they targeted civilians.

I have never seen this language policy applied to describe violent illegal settlers in West Bank. The #NYT simply refers to them as "settlers."

I guess those who control the media, control the world.

#Media #Propaganda #Israel #JewishISIS #Hypocrisy
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


The Iranian missile that hit the Israeli airforce base weights about 750kg and had a speed of 800km/h on impact, IDF wants us to believe that this was caused by the Iranian ICBM.

But it's IDF, these guys never lie, do they?

Here is the eyewitness video showing the moment they hit their targets.

You can read about Emad missile here: https://missilethreat.csis.org/missile/emad/

#Iran #Israel #ISBM #EmadMissile #Propaganda


X’s #Community Notes is Spreading False Information About #TaylorSwift’s #Bodyguard

Source: https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2023/10/20/xs-community-notes-is-spreading-false-information-about-taylor-swifts-bodyguard/

The original tweet from the State of #Israel’s official account has received more than 53 million views. At the time of this writing, the first Community Note containing the false information about Swift’s bodyguard had over 650,000 views and the second one, which is still public, has over 1.4 million views. Taken together, this appears to show how lots of people can be shown Community Notes which do not add clarification but, in fact, add falsehoods to a post.

#news #fake #propaganda #problem #journalism #press