

Die Wahrheit: Erlebe, was dahinter steckt!

Werden die Gutscheine des EventverkĂ€ufers Jochen Schweizer eigentlich jemals eingelöst? Dabei könnte das Gelernte in der Zombieapokalypse nĂŒtzlich sein.#DieWahrheit #Extremsport #Kita-Gutschein #Satire #Wahrheit
Die Wahrheit: Erlebe, was dahinter steckt!


Keine #Satire - das Plakat kommt wirklich von der #FDP

Doch was haben wir hier? Ein gegendertes Kriegsflufgzeug oder eine Seniorin, die nach #Europa abgeschoben wird?

FrĂŒher war das Motto: "Hast du einen Opa, schick ihn nach Europa!" Es ist natĂŒrlich löblich, dass im #Feminismus dies auch fĂŒr die Oma gilt. Allerdings bedeutet Feminismus nicht, dass sich Frauen so wie MĂ€nner verhalten mĂŒssen, um in FĂŒhrungspositionen zu kommen. Es wĂ€re nur sehr schade wenn wir Feminismus dadurch erreichen, dass wir genauso viele unfĂ€hig Frauen wie MĂ€nner in FĂŒhrungspositionen haben đŸ˜©

#wahl #Wahlkampf #Demokratie #politik #eu #problem #wtf #aua #omg #Krieg #krise #rĂŒstung #MilitĂ€r #zukunft #Menschheit #protest #kritik #Werbung


it is satire, but had to check it out before posting. Wouldn't surprise me if Netanyahu said something that outrageous.

The Israeli government has put out a statement giving well wishes to everyone taking part in Ramadan this year, saying that they are only blocking food from entering the Gaza out of respect for the tradition.

“People claim we have no respect for the lives of those we want to wipe out,” said Netanyahu, “but we understand that Ramadan has started and we are doing everything in our power to stop those observing the tradition in Palestine from breaking it by making it that there is no food for them to eat. We are really heroic in that way.”

#Israel #Gaza #Famine #Ramadan #Satire #Politics #FoodAsWeapon #StopIsrael #SaveGaza



King Of The Pack

King Of The Pack
© Surazeus
2024 03 15

I do not want those fawning worshippers,
he proclaims while striding down mirrored halls,
who flock around the beautiful masked stars,
for they are vampires hungry for your power
who misdirect their jealous energy,
and would turn quick to stab you in the back.

Halls of Fame are crowded with Jupiters,
he sneers while tapping photos on the wall,
who cruise around Gotham in fancy cars,
and fight for who will rule the Ivory Tower
to evade fate of double jeopardy
in vicious contest for King of the Pack.

Obsessed with glamor of the worshipped poet,
endowed with recognition of the crowd
as brilliant genius with clever insight
expressed through spells of convoluted verse,
these nascent Apollos seek only fame,
forgetting we endure Hell to reach Heaven.

Programmed by investors to play the prophet
as the tortured poet in tattered shroud
who wears fake wings of Icarus in flight,
nameless poets, ignorant of the curse
bestowed by Orpheus on the Word Game,
chase rainbow of glory cast by the Raven.

After descending to foul gloom of Hell
to rescue my Muse, bitten by the snake
of hunger for fame and glory of the seer,
I lead her back home to the World of Light
only to lose her from silent despair,
my heart glowing with strange Wisdom of Death.

Kneeling in dark woods by Rune-teeming well,
I gaze at mask of my face that seems fake
to discern ideal truth in spinning sphere
that formulates morals for wrong and right,
till I perceive the Real behind is glare,
so I regain my Muse with conscious breath.

Performing role as Priest to save the world
from glamorous illusions of false wealth,
I sing uncanny spells with eerie voice
while bearing lamp that guides my way with love
till crowds of lost souls follow my footsteps
and gather in haven I build with words.

Returning from Hell as the Cosmic Herald
with hard-won secret code for mental health,
I sing new paradigm that presents choice
as creative way to share treasure trove,
concealed with riddles on globalized maps,
so we can sing in harmony with birds.


Orpheus declares himself to be King of the Pack.

#Poetry #Poem #Pastoral #Necropastoral #MetaModernism #Romanticism #MetaRomanticism #NewRomanticism #AmericanDream #Symbolism #Existentialism #Surrealism #NegativeCapability #NewGnosticism #MetaRealism #Satire #NewTranscendentalism


Boeing Promotes Mysterious Employee Known Only As ‘The Panther’

ARLINGTON, VA—Lauding the grizzled figure who has a large scar running down his left cheek, Boeing has promoted a mysterious employee known only as “The Panther,” sources confirmed Thursday. “The entire Boeing family would like to extend a big congratulations to The Panther, who has recently proven that his loyalty to this company truly knows no bounds,” said Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun, who described The Panther’s role as “a little bit operations, a little bit corporate security, a little bit human resources.” “I understand that many Boeing employees may be surprised by the promotion of The Panther, given that they perhaps haven’t heard of or seen him before. Not being seen or heard is, in fact, part of The Panther’s job. But I assure you The Panther has been and will continue to be a significant presence at all of our offices and plants.” At press time, sources reported that a LinkedIn summary for The Panther simply read “I solve problems.”

#Boeing #JohnBarnett #ThePanther #assassination #murder #hitman #satire #TheOnion