

Für meine Größe Liebe! 🍀💖💞🍀...
Ich bin für dich für Immer da! 🌈💫

#Liebe, große#Gefühle #Gedanken, meine innere#Kraft!!! #Musik #MarkKnopfler #meineerstePlattevonIhm #Erinnerungen ✨🌟✨
#Bild #BildvonmeinerTochter #Bildvonunsbeiden💫
#Foto #myFoto #mywork #Love, great #feelings #thoughts, my inner #strength!!! #Music #MarkKnopfler #myfirstrecordofthem
#memories ✨🌟✨#Picture #Pictureofmydaughter #Pictureof both of us💫
#Photo #myFoto #mywork



Iain Davis, Eva Bartlett ~ "Pandemic" Narratives & "Exercising our Inalienable Rights"


“I speak out because I know #humans have the capacity for immense #strength, #compassion and #solidarity. I’ve seen it every day, throughout my working life. However, we are constantly pitted against each other by an establishment built upon the concept of ‘ #divide-and-rule.’
These divisions can only ever lead to #conflict. Often, that is the intention. Yet #division is not innate to us, rather we have it thrust upon us by leaders who promise #solutions but operate a strategy of #tension.
I firmly believe that #we, the #people, have the capacity #build a #better #society. I hope, through my writing and content creation, I can contribute, in a small way, towards reinvigorating #critical #thought.” #IainDavis #InThisTogether

#davis #evabartlett #bartlett #discussion #pandemic #narratives #inalienable #rights #technocracy #propaganda #manipulation


A quotation by Von Clausewitz, Karl

We repeat: strength of character does not consist solely in having powerful feelings, but in maintaining one’s balance in spite of them. Even with the violence of emotion, judgment and principle must still function like a ship’s compass, which records the slightest variations however rough the sea.

Karl von Clausewitz (1780-1831) Prussian soldier, historian, military theorist

On War [Vom Kriege], Book 1, ch. 3 “On Military Genius” (1832) [tr. Howard/Paret (1976)]

#quotation #quote #balance #calm #character #judgment #passion #serenity #strength

More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/von-clausewitz-karl/48664/


"It does not matter the #circumstances, #trials, or #challenges that might surround us; an #understanding of the #doctrine of #Christ and His #Atonement will be the source of our #strength and #peace—yes, brothers and sisters, that internal #tranquility that is born of the #Spirit and which the #Lord gives to His #faithful #Saints. He nourishes us, saying: “ #Peace I leave with you. … Let not your heart be #troubled, neither let it be #afraid” John 14:27 ~ Benjamin de #Hoyos.

#Christianity #Jesus #2021-09