


This gives me confidence.

I particularly liked the comment

When asked if the American public could sustain the level of casualties that would come with a war with China, she said they could, just "like we did in World War II."

Considering a previous article about obesity, drug use and criminality removing 70% of the military recruiting age population from consideration and then taking into account dissatisfaction with a large proportion of the population with government I would be surprised.

How many middle American families would send their sons to die for Biden or the Democrats.

But as pointed out both sides are nuclear armed so any war would end quickly.

In reality America wants Taiwan, Japan and Australia to die for them just as Ukraine is throwing its men into a meat grinder.

Then America can sit back spouting morality tails about democracy and freedom.

#WW3 #china #us #war


US Army Secretary Says US Preparing to Win a War With China Over Taiwan - Christine Wormuth says if the US enters a war with China, the US homeland could come under attack

This is the face of modern Dr. Strange Love and the total madness of the war machine in US.

This is so freaking sick to read and imagine that there are idiots who truly believe US who hasn't won a war in it's modern history, except against armies 1000 times less powerful than theirs, has a chance of winning a war against China in a global scale.

We are doomed, betwen global warming, disaster capitalism, lunatic leaders in so many countries and this, our future is nothing but a global disaster in a massive scale.

#China #US #Warmonger #Politics #Taiwan #Delusional #WW3 #Pentagon



enter image description here

the "clean green tech" energy transition is a faux panacea, causing more suffering in Africa than all previous colonial exploitation. Many people in South Africa have no water and electricity supplies


#Poland delivers first #Leopard #tanks to Ukraine

4 hours ago4 hours ago

President Andrzej Duda has confirmed that the Polish prime minister "went to Kyiv to bring Leopard tanks" to #Ukraine, where he offered a "clear signal of support."

There is no way Ukrainians can operate those tanks, this means Poland has now troops directly involved in this war.

#NATO #Politics #UkraineWar #Russia #WW3




I think there are enough hints now as to what our rulers are planning.

I don't know if we can stop them from pursuing their objectives which means we have to look after ourselves but from what I read this could be near impossible depending on the end result.

I think the west is looking at limited strikes in the belief that Russia will surrender, do you think Russia will surrender? Or at the very least unleash limited strikes at the west before negotiations.

If your city is smoldering what would you do?.




I'm with Rickards on this one. WW3 has started do we have the courage to stand up and stop it before it goes nuclear.

Interesting he picks the US to fire the first nuke, I expect the same.

The US is the only country to ever use nuclear weapons in war and they do believe they can win a nuclear war and have written their nuclear protocols with this in mind.

#WW3 #war #ukraine #propaganda #empire #russia #europe #us



This is a change from the old days when green MPs were peaceniks

Now they want war my suspicion is that the CIA and various state actors own all the left. The honest people are on the street, pushed out by these state actors.

In new zealand their concern is on everything but our nuclear oblivion.

#WW3 #war #ukraine #propaganda #empire #russia #europe #nuclearwar



Here's a list of the good news.

I have always found it fun to work in litte disaster areas.

Where there are floods or earthquakes or wind but I think everything I have been involved with has been small and local.

I'm not enjoying watching the world explode.

I was hoping to live long enough to see the economy grind to a halt but I hope I don't see civilisation evaporate.

#WW3 #war #ukraine #propaganda #empire #russia #europe #economy #money #power #manipulation


Emmanuel Todd On The Third World War

The French Le Figaro has an interview with the well known anthropologist Emmanuel Todd.

Emmanuel Todd: «La Troisième Guerre mondiale a commencé»

"The third world war has began" is his new thesis. Todd is quite famous for correctly predicting the devolution of the Soviet Union long before it happened. He was quite alone at that time.

I once had a piece on Todd's later predictions for the U.S. and Europe which still seems spot on. I also quoted him in a piece on social decline as a national security issue.
Unfortunately the Figaro piece is paywalled. But Arnaud Bertrand has done us the favor of translating the gist. Here is his slightly edited thread:

#WW3 #Todd



Another article to keep me angry.

I will die an angry man if this keeps up.

All this destruction for the sake of some egos.

If they had negotiated no one would have cared or noticed and the world would have kept on spinning but no the west gets what the west wants and they wanted this war.

#WW3 #war #ukraine #russia #nuclearwar #money #power #manipulation



WW3 has started and we are sheep.

In our pens waiting to be herded on to the trucks and sent to the slaughter house.

A few bleets of discomfort and concern but still compliantly shuffling to our doom.

Our leaders are not leaders they are rulers we need leaders.

#ukraine #russia #war #nuclearwar #money #power #manipulation #profit #WW3



This is why I have zero faith in the Republicans and their questioning of war in Ukraine.

Its not that they care about peace its just they have other enemies on their mind.

Maybe let the Taiwanese decide what they want and go about their lives in their own way.

As soon as America gets chip manufacturing back they won't care about the fate of the Taiwanese people other then as a tool to prod China.

#WW3 #manipulation #profit #politics



I read it so you don't have to.

Very long article

My very short summary.

Unless it ends in nuclear war

China has what Russia needs, Russia has what China needs.

Europe needs what China and Russia have

China and Russia don't need anything from Europe.

Europe has 3 months to work this out and maybe a year to collapse.

Europe needs to ignore America and negotiate peace on Russian terms.

Also need to find some new rulers who can now mathematics, economics and history.

#WW3 #war #ukraine #economy #economics