Attention, please an important announcement from our CEO!
#meme #message #cybersecurity #important #warning #attention #economy
♲ anonymiss - 2024-10-01 23:52:10 GMT
Hello employees,It is now #Cybersecurity #Awareness Month. Some organizations less privy to Cybersecurity often label this month “CSAM” month.
Please do not call it CSAM month.
Call it #CSA month. → #CSAM is something entirely different.
Thanks and best regards from your CEO …
Hello employees,
It is now #Cybersecurity #Awareness Month. Some organizations less privy to Cybersecurity often label this month “CSAM” month.
Please do not call it CSAM month.
Call it #CSA month. → #CSAM is something entirely different.
Thanks and best regards from your CEO …
After-Action Report: The 160th Anniversary Reenactment of the Battle of Chickamauga
Mrs. Robin and I home schooled both of our children (now grown and with families of their own), and #homeschool American #History classes included attendance at - and then participation in - "Living History" events. These are re-creations of people and events that made American History and whose impact continues to this day.
The article linked below is my "Report of the Chaplain" following this past weekend's amazing re-creation of the three-day Battle of Chickamauga. This was the last Confederate victory before the rape of the South by General Sherman which devastated much of Georgia but helped bring the War Between the States to an end. Written from the point of view of a Confederate soldier, and with heavy emphasis on the spiritual aspects of that terrible war, I hope readers find it informative and inspiring:
#USA #CSA #civil-war #USA-history #soldiers #armies #gospel #bible #revival #judgment
Hein ? Le Media, journal gauchiste, arrive à la télé le 20 octobre 2023 ?
Les victoires sont rares, il faut savoir les apprécier à leur juste valeur… Nous avons envoyé notre dossier d’agrément à l’ #ARCOM, le régulateur du paysage audiovisuel français (le nouveau #CSA), et après de très longues semaines d'attente et de discussions, nous avons obtenu notre conventionnement !
Une bande-annonce (avec une voix de #Macron très bien imitée^^): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYKaXGTfb3Q (ou https://yewtu.be/watch?v=jYKaXGTfb3Q)
Explications: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=M9SI5Jxvzk0
Explications et nouvelle cagnotte pour les programmes: https://www.kisskissbankbank.com/fr/projects/le-media-debarque-sur-ta-tv
#bonnenouvelle #victoire #TV #television #information #medias #journalisme #capitalisme #LFI #insoumission #giletsjaunes #tf1 #bolloré #écologie #coopérative #SCIC #SCOOP #PresseAlternative #alternatives #TNT #lemedia #France
CNews et C8 : porte-voix de l’extrême droite française ?
#france #cnews #c8 #extrême-droite #presse #journalisme #déontologie #canal+ #médias #information #bolloré #pap-ndiaye #les-républicains #lr #rn #rassemblement-national #laurence-ferrari #droite #pluralisme #politique #démocratie #règles-déontologiques #pluralisme-politique #droit #régulateur #arcom #csa #cstar #europe1 #sanction #bfm-tv #lci #reconquête! #zemmour #france-insoumise #lfi #lrem #gauche #majorité #loi #liberté-d-expression #sénat #libération #messiha #le-pen #nahel #rosa-parks #haine #comportements-discriminatoires #discrimination #opinion #neutralité #idéologie #vivendi-canal #cnrs #tpmp #hanouna #identité #émeutes #éthique #conservateur #réactionnaire
Why Do Neo-Nazis Keep Getting Arrested For Child Sexual Abuse Material?
The Order of Nine Angles, or O9A, is one of the most infamous and disgusting far-right groups active today.
They are a decentralized, satanic neo-Nazi organization that encourages members to consume material considered vile by society. The group had been around for decades, but with the help of the internet (and federal informants) their doctrine has become influential in the new wave of militant neo-Nazi accelerationist terrorist groups. While the group has undoubtedly had a large impact on the current far right, it’s intentionally sensationalistic and obtuse in a way that makes reporting on it incredibly difficult. In an explainer about the group, the Institute for Strategic Dialogue writes “several O9A texts promote rape and pedophilia as a way to transgress against civilized norms.”
Full article -> https://www.vice.com/en/article/3akvbw/why-do-neo-nazis-keep-getting-arrested-for-child-porn
#nazi #neo-nazi #CSA #O9A #childsexualabuse
"James Webb"-Teleskop zeigt erste Bilder des frühen Universums | DW | 12.07.2022
Die erste Aufnahme des "James Webb"-Teleskops ist das bislang tiefste und schärfste Bild, das vom fernen Universum existiert.#JamesWebb #Universum #NASA #ESA #CSA #Weltraumteleskop
"James Webb"-Teleskop zeigt erste Bilder des frühen Universums | DW | 12.07.2022
Nadine Dorries accused of spreading 'fake news' after sharing 'doctored' video of Sir Keir Starmer | Politics News | Sky News
Nadine Dorries shared a clip suggesting he had been reluctant to prosecute grooming gangs when director of public prosecutions.
Yet another Tory MP spreads lies about Labour leader Keir Starmer.
#UK #politics #Tories #Conservatives #BorisJohnson #NadineDorries #KeirStarmer #CSA
Encryption: UK data watchdog criticises government campaign | BBC News
A Home Office-backed campaign against the rollout of ultra-secure messaging apps by social media firms has been criticised by the UK data watchdog.
#technology #tech #security #privacy #hacking #malware #CSA #ChildAbuse #Government
Weltraumteleskop "James Webb" läutet neue Ära ein | DW | 25.12.2021
Das bislang leistungsfähigste und teuerste Teleskop der Raumfahrtgeschichte ist auf dem Weg ins All. Auf einer Sonne-Umlaufbahn soll "James Webb" unter anderem die Frühzeit des Universums erforschen.#JamesWebb #Weltraumteleskop #Raumfahrt #Astronomie #Weltraumforschung #NASA #ESA #CSA #Max-Planck-InstitutfürAstronomie
Weltraumteleskop "James Webb" läutet neue Ära ein | DW | 25.12.2021
//PRESSE// Alexandre Langlois demande au Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel CSA de clarifier les règles du jeu de la campagne #présidentielle : "« Les sondages donnent au second tour Eric Zemmour face à Emmanuel Macron qui, à l’heure actuelle, ne sont même pas candidats », expose le candidat qui regrette qu’il n’y ait pas de règles pour les sondages alors que depuis la dernière campagne présidentielle, en 2017, les temps de parole des candidats sont en partie calculés sur l’importance que leur accordent les instituts." par Ouest France #AlexandreLanglois #Refondation2022 #LibertéetResponsabilité #CSA
#politique #France #CSA #acrimed #médias #sondages #justice #égalité #équité
Eben erst im Laden der SoLawi und dann im Stückgut in Hamburg eingekauft.
#unverpackt #zerowaste #solawi #csa
Support Om Sleiman farm CSA in Palestine
We at Om Sleiman Farm have been running a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farm in the West Bank in Palestine for the past 5 years. Our work has been an important connection that ties us to our land, and a dreaming space that aspires to showcase our vision of a sustainable and independent future in Palestine.
Om Sleiman Farm was born in 2016 as an effort to re-imagine resistance as a community effort rooted in the intersection of the social, economic, and environmental. We have operated since our inception as a CSA, mobilizing community resources to support farmers on the ground. We sought a popular education model to provide a space for teaching and learning about sustainable practices in farming and building. The farm is based in Bil’in and carries the village’s long tradition of popular resistance, and seeks to continuously embody that tradition in what it does.
ولدت مزرعة أم سليمان في مطلع عام 2016 في قرية بلعين في الضفة الغربية كجهد جماعي يعمل على إعادة تخيل العمل الشعبي المقاوم كعمل قادر على التعامل مع التحديات المجتمعية والإقتصادية والبيئية في آن واحد. أنتج هذا العمل مزرعة تعمل بنظام المزرعة المدعومة مجتمعيا استمرت في العمل رغم كل التحديات على مدار الخمس أعوام الماضية. كان عملنا في المزرعة - وما زال - بمثابة تحدي مستمر لخلق مساحة للحلم الجماعي بمستقبل أفضل في بلادنا، والتجرؤ على المحاولة لتحقيقه على الأرض.
تسلحنا منذ بداية عملنا بأدوات فعالة، حيث نعمل كمزرعة مدعومة مجتمعيا على تحريك الموارد المجتمعية والمالية لدعم المزارعين على الأرض. العمل المجتمعي لم يكتمل بدون توفير مساحة للتعلم الشعبي المتكامل مع العمل والقائم على رؤيتنا الهادفة لاستعادة التوازن والاستدامة خاصة في الأعمال الزراعية والبناء. كون قرية بلعين الحاضنة المحلية لعملنا جعل هذا العمل امتداد طبيعي للمقاومة الشعبية وامتداد لثقافة عريقة امتدت عبر الأجيال.
Detailed information: https://www.gofundme.com/f/omsleimanfarm-5years
#food #food-growing #OmSleimanFarm #community-supported-agriculture #CSA #homesteading #skills #natural-building #Palestine #YaraDowani #MuhabAlami #MohammedAbujayyab