

Cute... #TrumpVirus delirium / #denial / grift / tantrum / #psychopathology / #projection of the day

Social Media Mocks Trump For Messy Conditions Of Mar-A-Lago Documents

"That carpet alone should get him arrested," one person joked.

" A series of new photos related to the Mar-a-Lago classified documents scandal is giving people on social media fresh opportunities to mock Donald Trump. Special counsel Jack Smith released the photos Monday in response to a motion filed by Trump lawyers to toss out the indictment against the former president."


"All The News That's Fit to Print"®

First newspaper (in paper) I've bought in years, but snapped this up for posterity.

NOW will some of the #GQP #cult at least consider the #truth - the actual reality kind, not the #disinformation spews from #media bubbles of pro-#TrumpVirus #nihilism, division, scapegoating, projecting & (especially) hate-mongering. And avoiding #accountability.

This is reality. As #MAGAMike the supposedly righteous, attacks #justice rather than sin & lawlessness.

Hope some prayers go towards ending the spell of evil & false-god worship, #nihilism, & #denial of basic reality in the service of evil.

So smart


Cognitive dissonance and the history of people lying to themselves about impending (or present) disaster

Lying to Ourselves at The End of The World

Why the denial keeps getting worse.

Thanks to @Cass M for pointing this in my direction.

FTA: ... All this research tells us that as things get worse, so will the ferocity of the denial, both personal and institutional.

The article is insightful and informative. And it's not all gloom and doom. Toward the end, the author offers suggestions for coping and maybe even making a difference.

#GlobalWarming #Catastrophe #Denial #WeAreVerilyFucked #Coping



Speaking of historically accurate #fascism and how to bring it about... Welcome to the new Trump® RNC #cult of believers:

Top NAACP Boss Warns of “Nazism Part Two” if Trump Is Elected


“It’s not about candidate A versus candidate B. It’s not about this political party versus that political party. It’s about whether or not we have a #democracy or we have #fascism. Period. Full stop”

#GQP #RNC #GOP #TrumpVirus #cult of #disinformation, #denial, #distortion, & #evil


TIME AND AGAIN I am surprised how people who adorn themselves with being OH SO VERY #SPIRITUAL, with #BUDDHISM and #MINDFULNESS … people who praise #COMPASSION in speech or writing … how they FAIL TO REALIZE that their consumption and use of animal products (meat, dairy, leather …) depends on the #suffering of #Nonhuman_Persons, on #captivity, #exploitation, #forced_labour, #torture, and finally, #murder.


THEN I REMEMBER how I did the same, how I was in that same state of #denial, for most of my life, even when I was vegetarian: I still ate cheese, curd, eggs, and I wore leather shoes and belts, thus showing the other animals that I am powerful enough to clothe me in their skins, a permanent menace to them!

(long video, the link goes to 51:20, “edible food”)

(thx for the link, @Sighris Zargon!)



'A frightened little boy, deep down': Defendant Trump struggling with new status: Mary Trump

For anyone interested in the Stable Genius' thinking, and/or #psychology / #psychopathology
Here's someone who knows him better than nearly anyone, a clinical psychologist, and Trump's niece.

She's often spoken about his family crimes to his own family, and his generally living in a delusional world.... and his use of #media

Snippets: "That used to be strategy... temper tantrums-... it's not strategy any more,.." And into his "fear of humiliation", so strong "he cannot course correct". And the axiom I know to be true: With our 'defenses' against conscious awareness of unwanted thought - Freud said - we blot out reality & project, deny, etc. Therapists/analysts know very well: It is easier to feel anger than pain. Explains a lot.

#TrumpVIrus #psychopathology #abnormal #Freud #Egodefenses #mind #psychopathy #projection #denial


If you can't question it, or take opposition to it, it's not science, it's dogma or propaganda.

If you can't inquire into the veracity of it, or deny it, it's not history, it's dogma or propaganda.

A proposition that's true will withstand critical scrutiny; a proposition that's false, but presented as true, requires protection.

Control of information is control of understanding is control of perceptions is control of choices is control of societies.

#questioneverything #question #usa #opposition #science #propaganda #dogma #inquiry #freeinquiry #truth #veracity #denial #history #scrutiny #criticalscrutiny #criticalthinking #uk #falsehood #historicalnarrative #lies #informationcontrol #perception #society #socialengineering #elites #academia #massmedia #infowar